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In a deserted and nearly destroyed part of the city, a Cat and a man were facing each other. 

"Did anyone ever tell you that you are infuriating?" 

"Nah~They are too busy staring at my handsome face to care. Haha~!"

The urge to punch this man grew even more in its heart. 

But at the same, it couldn't help but feel that this man was very interesting. 

What's more, he reminded it of its best friend, Kisuke Urahara. 

'This man and Kisuke would either become the best friend or the worst enemy.'

"Why don't you chase those hollows?'

Scratching his head, Gojo answered awkwardly, "I don't know how to fly."

The rustle of the winds could be felt clearly. 

The sole reason it still bothered talking to that man was because of how curious it was and also the fact that all those hollows were still on its radar. 

Even though they were hard to spot on for most people. It was a specialist in tracking and killing. 

As for Gojo, the truth of this matter was that he was quite nonchalant by nature. 

Even though he wasn't cruel enough to look at innocent people getting pulled in this situation, he wasn't bursting with a spirit of justice either. 

Talking with that mysterious cat was way more interesting for now. 

The cat on the other hand was completely dumbfounded before nodding in understanding. 

It had been so surprised by the power this boy was showing that it had forgotten the boy was still a student. 

"Well, it isn't that hard."

Saying so, the cat began to walk toward Gojo, but, at its third step. 


Gojo exclaimed as he saw the cat step resting in the air. Then after a few steps, he was basically standing in the sky. 

At least that's what it looked like for normal people. But for Gojo, 

"So this is how it works."

In his eyes, he could see blueish spiritual particles floating in the air, gather under the feet of the cat. 

It was a little surprising to see a cat use spiritual power like this. But once again, this wasn't much for him. 

The plushy aside, he even knew a panda that could speak and use curse energy. So well. 

The cat on the other hand was astonished once again. 

This skill wasn't a hard skill by any means. But he hadn't even explained anything yet. 

'Is it those eyes?' 

She could feel that those eyes were in no way normal. 

In the first place, why was this guy so handsome? 

Shaking her head, she continued, "Flying necessitates the use of Reishi. Even though the only race that can really make use of Reishi are the Quincy, simply gathering it under our feet isn't hard. Though it's near impossible in the soul society or the Hueco Mundo." 

Even though he already knew all this, he couldn't help but muse. 

"Say, if someone could manipulate all the Reishi as they wished. Wouldn't he become the god of the soul society?" 

The cat simply looked at Gojo in silence before sighing. 

"Why do I only meet the crazy one?" 

It could only mourn its luck. 


On the other side of the town, Shuhei Hisagi was mourning his luck. 

Though for more life-threatening reasons. 

*Huff* *Huff* *Huff*

Currently, Hitsugaya and him were being surrounded by three hollows of the like never seen. 

They didn't know from where they appeared from, but it was clear that those three were initially fleeing from something else. 

'Now, how do we escape from this?' 

He thought bitterly as he tightened the grip on his sword. 

The situation was dire, and he did not know when help would come. 

What's more, even though he had managed to avoid the claws of one hollow to wound his head, a part of his chest was still pierced and he was bleeding profusely. 

Hitsugaya meanwhile wasn't faring that much better. 

Even though he was a genius, it was still his first true fight. 

Because of this at first, he had been too stiff and received many wounds that he could have avoided normally. 

Because of the stress and his bleeding wounds, Toshiro could already feel his mind becoming slower. 

"Ha haha. I am so lame."

Murmuring to himself, he bit his lips hard as blood began to leak. 

He had been all hung ho about going to find Gojo 

He had thought that with his current level, he wouldn't be a dead weight like the last time with Momo. 

But the reality was so disappointing that it was laughable. 

'I am sorry. Nii-san, Momo, it seems like this is the end for me.'

{Is this all you amount to?} 

Just as he was about to give up, a deep rumble sounded in his mind. 

'Who are you?' 

A cold wind went past him, and when Toshiro turned around, he wasn't in the city anymore, but rather in a tundra entirely covered in ice. 

Before he could even understand what was happening, he slowly raised his head and looked at the huge serpent-like dragon entirely made out of ice that was looking down at him. 

"I have seen you in my dreams. Who are you?"

"My name is*****" 


He didn't understand why, but he wasn't able to hear the full sentence. 

"Is it still too soon, is it really all you amount to? Are you going to give up like this? Without accomplishing anything?" 

"What do you understand!?" 

Toshiro grew incensed. He wasn't stupid and understood that this ice dragon was most likely the spirit of his zanpakuto. 

Still, he couldn't accept being berated like this when he had clearly given his all. 

The dragon scoffed,"If you have really given your all. If you really used everything at your disposal. Why then do you still fear me?" 

Toshiro fell silent. All his life, he had lived in loneliness. 

Momo and his grandmother being the few sources of warmth in this world. 

In the past, he didn't understand why, but after joining the academy, he understood that he was born with a rare kind of Reiatsu that was already attuned to an element. 


The reason he was always alone and why people feared him was simply because of a power he did not even know the origin of. 

This was so pitiful and laughable. 

"Let me ask you. Even if you survive now, do you think you will be of any help the next time?" 

Those words shook him. 

Why did he train? 

Because he wished to become stronger. 

Because he wished to protect those he loved. 

But more than anything, he wished to be accepted by the one he began to admire more than anyone else in the world. 

"Thank you. Tell me, how may I call you?" 

"My name is–"


Back in the real world, from Shuhei's perspective, it was as if Toshiro suddenly stopped moving for no reason. 


Of course, the hollows didn't miss this occasion, and two of them rushed towards Toshiro at full speed, ready to devour him. 


Shuhei screamed helplessly at this. 

He wanted to jump in, but the third hollow was stopping him. 

But, just as the inevitable was about to happen, Toshiro slowly opened his eyes. 

"Sit upon the frozen heaven–Hyorinmaru!" 

The world seemed to suddenly be encased in snow and ice. 

(AN: So the usual explanation. Reiatsu has differences in color and sometimes attributes. Though the attribute is rare. Like we only have Histugaya and Yamamoto who showed an attribute with their Reiatsu. Rukia also has an ice zanpakuto, while Momo has a fire one, but their Reiatsu didn't have such attributes. Perhaps it's a question of power? Or attunement to the zanpakuto? Well no matter. What matters is that he has it. Though if anyone has a reasonable explanation about it I am listening. Always interesting to see different theories.)


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