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Now with CH 120, this arc and the 2/3 of Vol 5 are basically fucking finished.

I must admit that it had been hard on me. Soo many events to keep track of. The need to cut some others events(Sol's fight, Setsuna's fight, Witches' fight) to avoid dragging things too much. The need to write more than 2k for basically every chapter to accelerate the pace and avoid writing two times more chapters.

I will be honest this arc was the most stressful in all my short career as an amateur author. It was even more so since I am not really used to writing so many fight scenes.
Like in just those twenty chapters, I had more fights chapters than in all the novel previously. 😂

Sometimes I was wondering if I was writing bullshit. Sometimes I wondered if I was cringing or not making sense at all.

I did so many mistakes. Like the way I handled Gorfard and his son felt so short compared to all the time, I invested in making them feel like such a big deal.

CH 120 was half-written on Saturday night but for the love of God I drew a complete blank for the rest and it was only after many rewrite the final results came.

At the end of the day. This arc really tested my skills and my determination and I also realized many of my shortcomings. Such as
-lack of vocabulary to clearly convey the scene.
-Many grammars errors(I am sure even in the current text there are many such mistakes).
-Lack of control in the pacing of events.
-Bad use of some characters.

At the same time. I must admit that I really feel happy.

Initially, this story was just supposed to be 1 smut chapter with a lucky prince fucking Milf(as you can see in vol 1) but slowly things began to change. The plot became deeper and the characters more colorful. Smut became less of the main point and story development took place.

I don't know whether it's good or bad. But at least I am pretty satisfied with the results.

I don't know how many of you read until the end of my rant but anyway thanks to you all. I must admit that I wouldn't have been able to continue without your support.

Every time I felt burned out or was facing a block and wanted to give up, knowing that out of there, people enjoyed my story enough to pay for it always made me incredibly happy, and not disappointing you guys was one of the best drives.

Thanks, everyone and sorry for the rant. Have a great day.



Your story is much better than you give yourself credit for. At first I was drawn to it because of the smut. I love issekai and harem stories. But as the story got more in depth, as the characters became more fleshed out I became attached. Even without the smut I’m still instantly reading every new chapter within minutes of them being posted. I want to see where you’ll take this story. I want to see Sol gain strength and get a happy ending. Keep up the excellent work.


It’s been good so far. Keep it up 👍