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So this question is asked to the two highest patreon tier as always.
It's about Arachne Milaris.
Do you wish for her to be part of the harem or not? It wouldn't particularly change my planned plot either way but it could change the coming three or so chapters. So I need opinions.



I also think it would be weird after her hating him for so long for a such a petty reason then all of a sudden join his harem. But I think you could make it work if you absolutely wanted her to join. I don't see any upside or downside either way in how it would affect the story, so please do what you think would be for the best. Keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to the next chapter


Lol as you said, Arachne importance to the plot wouldn't particularly change whether she is a harem members or not. Still it was interesting seeing the different opinions


i think she for what i read she will try to be a mother