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(AN: So this is the second chapter or Asmodeus story. Enjoy and give me your opinion. The third chapter will be decisive for the direction of the story. This chapter and the following one will be exclusive to legend, Overlord and Supreme tier until it reach CH 11 or 12. Also this chapter and BS CH 1 aren't edited. They are just draft and so subject to light or important changes. Since this just a side project for now I didn't plant all the foundations yet)

On the bridge of forgetfulness, millions of souls were slowly advancing step by step. 

"Come and take your soup. My soup is the best in the underworld. You will never forget the taste *Snicker*." 

Laughing at her own joke, an awfully old woman was stirring a pot while a young girl next to her was helping her share the soup to the souls.

"*Sigh* Grandma Meng. It has already been a thousand years since I began serving you. But you always use the same joke." 

The girl complained softly as she looked at the soup with longing. She was so bored of hearing this joke that she wished she could simply drink this soup and forget everything herself. 

Grandma Meng on the other hand simply ignored the complaints of her servant and friend as she continued to observe the different souls while joking around. She could feel that something unusual was going to happen. 

Meanwhile, the scene on the bridge was extremely lively or horrible, depending on which side you stood on. 

Walk faster!”

“You’ve already died and become a ghost. Faster!”

“You are a prince? You ruled over tens of millions of citizens and thirty thousand armored horsemen? In the Netherworld Kingdom, you human princes are nothing!”



A tall, powerful-looking demonic soldier, his face mean and vicious, snarled angrily as he lashed out with his whip repeatedly. The whip flashed like lightning, striking on the bodies of the souls of the dead. He struck the ghost who had been arrogantly proclaiming that he was a prince several dozen times, only stopping when the ghost’s soul had almost dissipated.

Countless men in white clothes formed into a line, like a long, sinuous dragon, as they slowly moved forwards. At the end of each line, more people in white would suddenly appear. Some of these white-dressed people would shake their heads and sigh. Some would weep. Some would brag and curse. Some would stare in astonishment.

“Please!! I am the son of Bill gates, I will give you as much money as you want!"

“Stop hitting me!”


The ghosts who had just reached the Netherworld Kingdom didn’t know they were dead. Many of them were roaring in anger as they were beaten, but quickly, they were beaten to the point of understanding… that they were dead. No matter how glorious they had been in the past, in death, they now had nothing.


"Hum… So this is the hell of this universe? Interesting system."

The moment that voice sounded, everything fell immediately silent. 

All the millions of souls that were complaining as well as the soldier and others. 


Because one humongous snake was slowly trying to enter the gate all the souls appeared from. 

*Rumble* *Rumble*

The gate was created to hold in mortal souls. For one as powerful as the snake it was simply impossible to pass through. 

The bridge trembled as if doomsday was upon them. But, at the last moment. 

"*Sigh* Esteemed guest. Why must you embarrass us so?" 

Ten large shadow suddenly eclipsed all lights as they surrounded the giant snake. Their features were hidden in their large cloak. 

"*Gasp* The ten Yama!"

"Just how long was it since the ten Yama appeared at the same place at the same moment?"

The snake on the other did not seem particularly impressed, though he chuckled as he said. 

"Sorry sorry. I am just a soul now. I don't mean any harm." 

The ten shadows looked at each other before finally one of them advanced. Giving a slight bow, it said plainly. 

"I am the Yama king, Qin'guang. I am in charge of the life and death of all humans. Follow me please."

On those words, the eleven of them vanished from the bridge. 


"Grandma Meng. Is it an outsider?" 

"Oh-oh! Indeed indeed. It has been so long since that last outsider who came through the gate of life and death. It seems like things will be interesting very soon."


In the City of the Nether World.

Within a quiet study, there was a bookshelf and a table next to it. A black-robed man in his middle years was flipping through a book.

Meanwhile, Asmodeus, after taking his human form, was now sitting opposite to him, while constantly looking around, curiosity written all over his face. 

It was while doing so that his gaze fell on one particular portrait. This was the painting of a charming mature woman. Her clothes, if they could be called so with how little they hide, made her look even more alluring, while her hot figure, could arouse even the most hardened monk. But what really attracted his attention was her slit eyes and the tail behind her.

'Oh? A snake?' 

Even though it was just a portrait, he could feel a power in no way inferior to Luxuria, his creator. What more he could even feel à similar aura coming from her. 

While losing himself in this portrait, an influx of information suddenly sounded in his ears. 

Nuwa, the mother goddess of all humans. Her divine authority was related to life and fertility and her true form was that of a snake. 

"I see that our goddess interests you."

Asmodeus tore his gaze from the painting and paid attention to the Yama king in front of him. 

"Let's not waste any more time. As an outsider, if you want to be accepted by our heavenly Dao, then you must reincarnate into the mortal world by passing through the river of soul. Once you do so you will be branded as a member and native of this universe. Any questions?"

"Indeed. Firstly, could I know the origin of this universe? Secondly, why did you accept me so easily? I was already ready for some sort of fight." 

"We call our universe the three realms. This universe was created by the mighty Pangu at the cost of his life by splitting heaven and earth." As he said that an expression of worship flashed on his face before he continued. 

"In our universe, as the name says, there are three great realms; the Heaven, the Netherworld, and the Mortal realm. In the Mortal Realm, there are over three thousand major worlds and trillions of minor worlds… the three thousand major worlds are all extremely vast, and have Immortals and Devils hidden within them.

"We are currently in the Netherworld, otherwise known as the underworld or hell. This world is under the rules of the Ten Yama king and have for duty to judge the deceased souls and regulate reincarnation. Finally the heaven realm is under the rule of the Jade emperor and the Queen mother of the west. 

"As for why we are not hostile to you, it's simply because you were already partially accepted by the Heavenly Dao."

The Yama king explained all of this in one go. He just wanted to finish this as fast as possible. Each second he wasted here means billions of souls weren't being judged. 

Asmodeus meanwhile was into deep thought, 

'Is the so-called heavenly Dao the supreme law of this universe? Hum so much to learn.'

"Well, enough discussion. Your sole presence is disturbing the cycle of reincarnation. So we must accelerate."

Finally deciding to end this waste of time, Yama urged Asmodeus, 

"Normally, before going through reincarnation, one must drink Grandma Meng soup and forget his previous life. This is obviously out of question for you. At the same time, a normal human body is simply unable to accommodate a soul as powerful as yours. We must also consider Karma."

This was seriously giving him a headache. This wasn't the first time he deal with an outsider soul coming from another universe because of some bored ancestral gods. But this so-called Asmodeus in front of him was clearly not any weaker than he was during his life. Why would such a mighty soul reincarnate in another universe? 

Discarding those useless thoughts, he began to rummage through different documents before finally finding the book he was searching for. It was an ordinary looking book with a black cover and titled as the <<Book of life and death.>>

Rapidly turning the page, he finally stopped at a certain level. 

"Here. This one should be perfect. He is about to die in a few minutes," A sad expression formed on his face "It should have been a stillbirth. He will be your new body. Do you want to know more about him?" 

Asmodeus debated a little before declining. He wasn't particularly curious and if worse comes to worse, he just had to kill himself and try again with another body. 

"Then, I wish you a happy reincarnation."

The Yama king seemed rather happy about finally getting rid of him, but Asmodeus didn't mind. He just wanted to have fun. 


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