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Anyway this is a continuation of my last announcement. The plan with Asmodeus is scrapped, or better put on hold. Perhaps for later use. For now this story will be the one I will write as a side project.
The first 3 or so chapters will be available for all patreon but the after that it will only be available to legend, overlord and suprême tier(of course at different amounts depending on the tier.)
It will be a seinen type mixed with Shonen and gore and smut.
Enjoy the draft some editing will be done later
I always loved the rain. 


All my life, only when standing under the rain while the wind picked up and lightning flashed could I really feel the restlessness in my heart fill up. 


The soothing feeling of the water coursing on my skin. The rumble of thunder resonating in my ear. 

All those always appeased me in an inexplicable way. 

Even now- *Crunch* *Crunch*

As I sat there, my back against the wall, and the sound of biting and eating sounded in my ear, I was extraordinarily calm. 

Even though, I was slowly losing my blood. 

Even though I was powerlessly watching someone being devoured, I couldn't find in myself to scream in fear. 

Well, I guess that fact that my throat got crushed also helped. 

'Ah, Togari is going to be angry.'

I could already imagine her screaming at me for breaking the bokken sword she had bought for me. Who could have thought that it would be so fragile in face of this monster?

It was then, 

"You Heretic are truly disgusting."

A sweet but biting voice sounded in my ears. 

I recognized that voice. 

I recognized the person it belongs to. 


I wanted to scream. 

'Do not stay here.'

I wanted to shout. 

But my voice couldn't come out. I couldn't understand what someone like her was doing in a place like this, but I couldn't let her continue. 

The girl, seemingly uncaring about my current stats nor the monster standing in front of her, walked calmly, slowly, gracefully, a Crimson sword tightly held in her hand and her long golden hair flowing in the wind. 


On those barely audible words, 

My vision was immediately shrouded by a wave of flame and my ears drowned by the pained scream of the beast that seemed so powerful a few seconds ago. 


I couldn't help but marvel at the crimson jewel that was blazing in front of me. 

Feeling my eyes getting heavier, my last thought as I finally closed my eyes was rather simple. 

'Just how did all that happen?'



"Kai~To! Rise !and Shine! It's time to wake up!!!" 

"Ugh, just five more minutes.'

The young man, black-haired man grunted and turned around in his bed. 

"Arara?! Who was the one who begged me to help him wake up sooner so that he could reach school earlier?" 

The boy simply groaned before throwing his pillow at the impish girl, pillow that she avoided in a rather graceful way before sticking her tongue at him. 

"Bleh! Your accuracy is really pitiful. Hard to think you were once a member of the archery club. Anyway," she placed her hands on her hips and she continued, "Last time you said that you would wake five minutes later, only woke up one hour later! Now, wake up or I won't prepare any breakfast for you for the rest of the week!"

"I am awake! Madam Togari!" In this house where no one could cook aside her, such a threat was equal to a divine punishment. 

"Hmph! Well done caporal Kaito!" 

They grinned to each other before exploding in laughter. This lasted for a little while before they slowly stopped. 

"Still- *Yawn* The second year uniform really suits you." He slowly rose from his bed as he swept his shoulder-length spiky black hair. His golden eyes, still blurry because of fatigue. 

"Hehe! You think?!" Togari smiled bashfully as she twirled in her red blazer, her short black skirt, unknowingly flashing her equally red panties. 

Tagori was a petite silver-haired girl with a generous bosom and sparkling golden eyes. She was particularly beautiful in her uniform and her surprisingly bold underwear gave a rather interesting gap. 

"Of course!" Kaito gave a thumbs-up as he continued without any shame, "Though, I never thought you liked T back."

"T?" Tagori tilted her head in wonder before finally understanding what he was speaking about. "Geez! Since when did you become such a perv!?" 

Her face was completely scarlet as she rushed out of his bedrooms while Kaito let out a snicker. 

It was then, "Oh! before I forget. I already heated your bath!!" he could hear her screaming from across the floor. 

Letting it out a light laugh, he screamed back, "Thanks!!!" 


After a relaxing bath and a change of clothes, Kaito was now descending the stairs and walked toward the dining room. 

Once there, he was greeted with the sights of Togari washing the dish. The tables only having his share. 

"Where are the others?" He asked as he took place and began to dig in. 

"Ichiki-nee is already at school for the professor reunion and Tagitsu-nee went to the student council in order to prepare her speech for the new year."

"Heh~" He drawled while continuing to eat. He always liked Togari cooking. It didn't help that she was the best cook out of all of them. 

"What about mother?" 

"Auntie said that she needed to meet some relatives today. We don't have to wait for her tonight."

"Relative?" A sneer of derision formed on his face, "I see."

A weird silence settled in the kitchen. Tagori knew that Kaito didn't like speaking about his relatives. She knew why, and would usually not mention them, but she didn't really have a choice in this situation. 

"Anyway, let me help you with the dish. We wouldn't want to miss Tagitsu's speech as the representative."

Kaito said as he put his plate in the sink and began to help her. There wasn't really anyone set up for the different tasks around the house, but thanks to her enthusiasm, Tagori was practically the de facto caretaker of everyone living here. 

"Mou~! She is always the representative, missing her speech for once wouldn't hurt." pouted Tagori as she playfully hips checked him before focusing on her task. 

Kaito sighed before nodding. Tagori's big sister, Tagitsu, was an extremely popular and smart girl who was both the representative of her year since middle school and the student council president. 

At this level, it was practically a tradition to hear her speech each year. 

It didn't take long for them to finish washing the dish and rushing towards school. 

As he looked at the blue sky devoid of clouds, he couldn't help but wonder if they would have a spring rain. 

'I really hope it will rain.'


Kaito Kusanagi. 17 years old. 3rd-year student at the Kurogane academy. 

That day, as if it were obvious, Kaito Kusanagi was living his normal life.

Kaito Kusanagi was a delinquent. The most infamous one in his school. Even though he was never violent against normal students and didn't bully nor racket them.

His family was middle class. He lived with his mother Kagome, who took pride in her calm demeanor, in a house twenty minutes’ walk from school.

During recess, as always he was seating in an abandoned classroom that had become the headquarters of his little bands of friends. 

"Hey, Kaito. Did you hear about the ghost that appears every night in the school?" 

Kaito, who was munching on a bread he bought a few minutes ago looked at his friend with a bored expression. 

Kirishima. Out of all of them, he was the less delinquent like. Short. Skinny. Slick black hair. A large pair of round and thick glasses. An Otaku who was a fan of the occult. 

He was the textbook example of a punching bag. 

"Please, Kirishima. Last time we went and camped in the mountain because of those so-called rumors." Another boy answer with a bored expression as he held a gravure idol magazine while having his foot on the table. "Man, Aori Asahi is as beautiful as always."

The boy's look was more in line with what could be expected of a delinquent. His disheveled hair clearly dyed red. Two Earings on his left and right, and a bla

The cover of the magazine he was holding was depicting a young beautiful girl who seemed to be their ages, posing in different styles of clothes, all more fashionable than the precedent. 

Kusanagi never really understood the interest in gravure idols. It was far easier to simply chase after girls. At least they were real. 

"Lol, lol, Sanji-senpai! you know very well how hung oh Ki-Kun is about his hobby! Though, Ki-Kun, I swear that if you try to send us to a cemetery at night for some weird ritual once again, I am going to kick your nuts."

Kirishima winced at the naked threat coming from the sole girl in their little group before complaining. At first view, she looked like what people would call a gyaru. 

Bright long dyed hair that reached her collarbone. Which was forbidden. Extremely short skirt, which once again was forbidden. Makeup covering her face, which though particularly well done, was forbidden. 

The only reason she could even enter the school was that she was the daughter of the headmaster. 

"Chiyo. How many times did I tell you? Don't threaten the nuts. It's bad taste."

"Aye! aye! Kaito-senpai. But Kirishima is asking for it. Last time we nearly spent the night in jail because the cops thought we were trespassers. It was like, so frustrating. I wanted to punch him in the-"

Kaito sent her a glare. 

"-I mean I just wanted to punch him."

Sanji guffawed without restraint, while Kaito simply shook his head and went back to gazing at the clouds. 

It was a day like anyone. Simple and normal. 

It was a boring day, but it was the kind of day he liked. 

"Senpai! Senpai! Ne ne, did you know? It seems like the Kuwabara group challenged us this time. What do we do?"

He was once again brought back from his musing, but this time took a little more time to think about it. 

"The usual rules. We sign a disclaimer and the loser pays for the medical expenses."


Kaito Kusanagi was a delinquent. But he wasn't a troublemaker. 

He wasn't particularly violent, he dressed well, had good marks, and was respectful to the teacher. He didn't smoke, didn't drink, nor did he touch drugs. 

The sole bad point anyone could point was that,

Kaito Kusanagi was a battle maniac. 

Since he was young, he had always loved fighting more than anyone. At first, he tried different martial arts, karate, judo, taekwondo, and other martial art commonly taught. He also did some kendo.

In all those sports, he excelled without much effort and gave up as fast. 

It was for a simple reason. 

It wasn't thrilling enough. Too many rules. Too many constraints. He could never manage to go all out. He could never manage to feel his heartbeat. 

But one day when he was in middle school, he was meet with a mugging. 

Three delinquents who were paid to beat him up so that he became unable to participate in a tournament that should have happened the next morning. 

The result? Kaito was indeed disqualified, but not for being wounded, but rather for excessive use of violence. 

Each of the three delinquents who assaulted him were sent to the hospital. Tens fractures, punctured lungs, excessive bleeding. 

If he didn't fight in self-defense and the delinquent who acted weren't armed, he would have been to a juvenile center. 


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