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*Cough* *Cough*

"Hahaha. To think that I, Asmodeus would die in such a pitiful way."

A young-looking man wearing a long golden robe stained with blood laid down on the ground. 

"Well, at least those bastards went down with me."


A short scream interrupted his inner monologue. 

Asmodeus didn't need to turn his head to know who was screaming his name. 

"Ambrosia. How many times did I tell you to call me lord *Cough* *Cough*" 

The young man wasn't even able to finish speaking before he began to vomit blood. His already pale face further whitening and his breath becoming extremely rough. 

The source of the screams rushed before kneeling in front of him. 

It was a woman, a beautiful woman. Asmodeus was basically unable to see now. But he still remembered how beautiful she was one nearly equal to the goddess he served. 

"Asmodeus it isn't the time to be joking. Let's go that Camelia or Sol should be able to heal you."

A grin formed on Asmodeus' face. 

"You know it's impossible. Those two would need to reach the level of my brothers and sisters at the very least before being able to go through my magic résistance and heal me."

Even though he couldn't see her face, he could already imagine her frowning heavily, her fists clenched in dismay. His heart softened a little, 

"You know this isn't the end for me. Just a new beginning." 

"But, but… you will never be able to come back if you go to the other side. We will never be able to see each other again."

*Drip* *Drip*

He could feel her tear dribbling on his face. 

'Heh. At the very least in my last moment, I have found someone willing to cry for me.'

Asmodeus wasn't a kind man. Technically he wasn't even a man. He was a beast. The divine snake representing the sin of lust created by the goddess Luxuria. 

He had done many wrong things in his life, toyed with many people. Destroyed the life of many people and… He didn't regret one bit of all he did. 

"Sigh. Seems like my time has come."

On those last words, Asmodeus closed his eyes, never to open them again in this world. 

Ambrosia silently wiped her tear before getting up and bowing to the mangled body in front of her. After all only, his upper body was still intact. 

"No matter what, you were the one who answered to me when I lost all hope all those centuries ago. I will always, always be thankful to you. I wish you a good journey."

His body begins to dissolve into Mot of light. Slowly but surely. 

The previously clear sky began to darken, and an oppressive atmosphere filled the world. 

No matter who they were, no matter where they were, all people received a message in their minds. 

A divine being died. The world is mourning. 


{Tell me, are you happy?}

Asmodeus opened his eyes, no surprise nor bewilderment in them. 

Only, he wasn't in the wasteland anymore, but in what looked like a forest. 

Facing him was another one sitting on a throne made out of gold. He knew her, how could he not? After all, she was his mistress, his friend, and his creator. 

"I, Asmodeus bow in front of the goddess."

"Oh please, you know that we shouldn't have such formality between us."

Asmodeus, still in his human form simply bowed with his head low, 

"This will most likely be the last time we see each other. Let me give you a final salute."

A sad smile formed on Luxuria's lips. 

"Do you truly wish to be reincarnated outside?" 


"You do know that I have no control over the process. Only mother has one."

"I understand."

"I see…" She stepped down from her throne and walked toward him before putting her hand on his head. 

Even though she looked younger than him, she was clearly the oldest one. An expression of love and longing filled her eyes. 

"Asmodeus, aside from my sisters and mother, you were my dearest friend. I will miss you. I hope you all the best."

Asmodeus lowered, even more, his head as if ashamed of the distress he was causing to the one he loved more than anything. 

He wasn't obligated to reincarnate. Divine beasts were mostly formed from energy. Even if though he died, as long as his soul wasn't destroyed and stayed asleep in the divine kingdom of luxuria he could still get back to life in a few thousand years. 

But… He was tired of this world. 

He wanted to experience new things. To see new sights. 

"... I am sorry."

"Do not be. I understand you. Then go. Go towards this new world. I wish you to live an interesting and colorful life."

"I will."


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