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Hi everyone! I come with a not-so-fun update. Recently Patreon has been gunning more and more on R18 authors and added many weirds and complicated clauses that cause much worries to us. Furthermore, it seems like Paypal want to force all services connected to them to not use R18 stuff and I think Patreon might really bring even more restrictions or outright ban us.

Recently many authors were banned and even more artists. I believe SHK broke no rules but just to be sure you will notice I erased some illustrations that might bring confusion or doubts.

Currently I have my hands full with SHK/GoC/SoS but in the future I have plans for non R18 stories. SoS already partially one such story since if I ever write any scenes they won't be many.

I could have simply created a new pen name and hide this from you guys but I believe it would be criminal to hide this from people who trust me and invested in my stories.

For now, I will just observe how things are going because let's be honest, It took me 4 years to build my patreon to what it is now and I definitely don't want to have to do everything from scratch.

Just to be clear though. Even in the off chance I do create a new Patreon for non R18 this will not affect the story here. SHK and SoS will still be here and many more R18 harem novels in the future will be here as long as I don't get banned.

I might create a mailing list in the future just in case to keep contact with you guys if I ever get booted out


Lwp ASggt

just uplowd illustrations at discord


Haha sadly it isn't just Illustration since some authors got banned but yeah switching the Illustration to Discord would definitely help

Matthew Bernardin

10 bucks this is the pre-we aren’t making enough money so let’s make everything advertiser friendly bullshit


Yeah they are slowly making things more and more complicated without doing too much on one go. Basically slowly boiling us like frog. Since I can already see the other shoes dropping. I decided i need to start some preparation