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Adam Lunter

I just love these guys

B@z Ypsilon

Sweet hug 🥰

Craig West

Maybe I'm just projecting, but I really do enjoy it when it looks like Daddy is taking what's his.


Love this angle! Side chest and abs looking stellar


I just can’t with these two. ♥️


As he felt his gargantuan husband wrap his powerful arms around him, felt the washboard-grating of his abdominal muscles in the small of his back, Wei thought to their first meeting 9 years ago. He’d been 25 and Ulric had been 47. His heart jumped into his throat the first time he’d lain eyes on the supersoldier, the sheer breathtaking size and power of him. They had taken some getting used to each other, being opposites in some ways, but he’d never felt more safe and more loved before than when they embraced. Papa Ulric gave the most extraordinary hugs. Wei had seen the lethality of his soldier’s close combat before, the limbs he’d broken, the vertebrae he’d displaced. He’d seen him lift a tank out of a pothole in the desert ground before. These huge sculpted arms could kill, but they were so gentle and so strong now as he was held. And, there was just the subtlest hint of possessiveness to the embrace. Wei knew his hole and his heart belonged to this behemoth. It was a long time now with this huge beast of a husband. So much love and pleasure and devotion it made him sigh in complete happiness and contentment.


I think it’d be so cute if there was an image depicting Daddy meeting his in-laws, Wei’s parents. He would dwarf everyone. Maybe it’s a family meeting, daddy’s and boi’s two sons and daughter come too.


Life with Ulric wasn’t without challenges, however. Being a state-of-the-art supersoldier meant he was far, FAR more massive than he looked. Literal tons of nigh-bulletproof muscle had been crammed into him, making him a danger to floors, furniture, and grocery budgets everywhere. If he was careless with his body, his sheer hardness and density could break almost anything, even steel and stone. Let’s not even talk about swimming. He couldn’t. But none of that mattered. Older he may he, but an extended life was part of the compensation for his troubles, and biologically speaking he was, if anything, even younger than Wei. He had a full pension, and the tacit encouragement to sow his genetically perfect wild oats as far afield as he could. And he did, too. Or had, at least for now. Nowadays, though...he only had eyes for Wei.


@Dariael, how wonderful! I’ve thought the same things exactly, that Dad is probably too heavy to swim and that he eats like a rhinoceros, more than half the household’s income goes to feeding all that muscle. I’ve also had the same idea that although Dad is older, he’s as virile and powerful as a young man because of the supersoldier augmentation. I’ve always imagined that Dad was bisexual with a preference for men, and that he’s had babies with other ladies before. I’m sure it’d be hard to bear a child by him tho, his children would likely grow to be more strong and powerful than normal and they’d be voracious eaters too. Hyper-intense muscle-building and strength is in that daddy cream.


Who doesn’t love supersoldier fantasies?! Especially when it isn’t grimdark; “yeah, I did my contract, serviced some evil targets, an’ now I’m on a pension in the reserves, and doin’ a part time cop gig, with 50 extra years ‘ta live. Makes all the pain...sorta worth it, y’know?” I’m a mil-vet myself. Most men I’ve found are some degree of bi, even if it’s usually only a tiny bit, just enough you can make instant friends and form “hunting parties” and all that. I found that was a lot stronger in the military, especially in the high-end soldiers. Gayest group of straight-arrows you’ll ever meet, hah! Me, I imagine Ulric is actually SUPER attracted to women, even now, but never really had it in for boys until he met Wei. He’s fucked and dated many, many women...but he’s only ever loved Wei. (/fanfic)


@Dariael, It sounds like there may have been a little “spartan” bonding in the barracks at times. 😏 how lovely. I don’t see the story as grimdark either; I imagine it to be carnal and sensual and also about them building a family and a life together. I do imagine Wei to have been a medic or a doctor in my personal headcanon. nowadays maybe he’s a very young and very handsome family doctor! He’s good with kids. Dad I imagine gets bored being retired; besides pulling freight trains each morning (like mr. incredible lol), maybe he shows up at construction sites or the like as a day worker, doing the heavy lifting. Lifting tons with ease. 😳 I think all the construction workers or lumberjacks or whatever, they’re all a little intimidated and a little ENTICED by Dad. How could they not be? I imagine Wei and Ulric live somewhere wooded so that they can chop wood together outside...shirtless. And eventually, after a day of chopping wood, savoring wood. From each other. 😜 I’m sure Dad has a taste for the ladies too. That Playboy image that Jow made back in March was probably not too off the mark. but as soon as the Boi came into his life there was no one else that compared.

eduardo alexander

Login and holding on to what is most dear to him always... So admirable and desired..💕😘😊🌈