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Ellen Hunter was a certified genius. She had studied all the required subjects of engineering, computer science, biology at Harvard, passing each with flying colors. She had trained diligently to complete the grueling long-term physical exam. She had maintained a strict regiment to keep her body healthy. Now, finally, she had been selected to lead her first mission into outer space as a real astronaut. Yet, with all these distinguishing accomplishments, one thing would define Ellen's journey into the final frontier: diapers.

Blonka Galactic, the private spaceflight company that hired her, called them Maximum Absorbency Garments, but Ellen wasn't daft; they were diapers. For pissing and shitting in. A woman of Ellen's intellect couldn't bear the thought of wearing the infantile accessory. After all her hard work and dedication, it wasn't enough to be a dealbreaker, of course. Ellen just felt silly slipping it on for the mission and hurried to cover it with her spacesuit each time.

"They're rarely used," her pilot Sophia Bloom reassured. "They're just a precaution - for long spacewalks or launches."

Nonetheless, this was all small potatoes to Ellen at the time. She had to focus on the task at hand. She was the commander of this mission and it was no ordinary mission.

Twelve years ago, Blonka Galactic launched a crew aboard the Phoenix lead by Commander Greta Giamatti and Pilot Marvin McCarthy to explore a new space tourism route. A month following the launch, the Phoenix went offline without a trace. No communications and no updated location. Lost in space. Ellen's crew aboard the Phoenix II wouldn't be looking for a tourism route or collecting space rocks or setting a rover up on Mars. They would be looking for evidence on the whereabouts of the Phoenix.

With Sophia's help, Ellen was able to ensure the launch of the Phoenix II was a rousing success. Flying off into the great unknown with the rare sight of the Earth behind her, Ellen felt a swelling of confidence as she soared among the stars. She was certain that their mission would be a success and that they would find the Phoenix somewhere out there. Who knows? Maybe she would find the crew of the Phoenix alive and well. It was a long shot; the Phoenix only had enough rations for two years. But nothing was impossible especially in outer space, Ellen figured.

A month passed and the Phoenix II reached the last known location of the original Phoenix. It had been an arduous month of travel with Ellen and her crew focused on training, exercise, research, and communications while Sophia focused on navigating to the singular point in the grand scheme of all space. But now, Ellen was ready to shift her focus to finding clues that would lead them to the Phoenix; it was clear that the spacecraft was not nearby.

"Search for any signs of life," Ellen commanded. "Meanwhile, let's set a parameter and begin a snaking formation."

"Copy, commander," Sophia responded, beginning to do just as Ellen instructed.

Suddenly, a bright beam of light appeared out of nowhere, illuminating the main control room of the ship. Without warning, the spaceship began to drift towards the source of the light. Ellen look to Sophia with concern.

"Status report!" Ellen demanded.

"This isn't me!" Sophia responded fearfully. "I'm not controlling this! We're being pulled in by an outside source!"

Ellen racked her knowledgeable brain for a solution, but came up short. So many years training and preparing to deal with every possible situation, except this one. She had no way to save the ship from this mysterious tractor beam. As the light from it enveloped the main control room, Ellen passed out and everything went dark.

When Ellen woke up, she was no longer in the main control room at the head of the spaceship; hell, she wasn't on the spaceship, at all! Though, it was hard to tell exactly where she was since the room was spinning. She shook her head, trying to get her brain to cooperate and her vision to focus. Still, she could only make out several shades of blue all around her.

She reached her arms down to try and grasp anything of any familiarity, but no matter where she reached was something different. She felt the floor where she was sat with her hands and felt a soft, squishy, padded surface, similar to the zero gravity rooms where she had trained. She went to feel her spacesuit next, which she immediately realized was missing. She blushed as she realized her hand momentarily lay on her own naked breast. Pushing her hands down the rest of her body, she continued to feel skin until she reached her hips where the crinkle of her diaper became audible.

As Ellen's double vision began to disappear, she was able to clearly view the diaper. It wasn't the same as the Maximum Absorbency Garment that she had been wearing. This was thick enough to push her legs apart by a great distance and it had four tapes to secure it around her waist as opposed to the pull-up design of the previous garment. This was unmistakable as anything other than a baby diaper blown up five sizes. And it was the only piece of clothing she had on.

Ellen turned her attention to the blue shades she had been trying to make out earlier and gasped at what she saw. The sight immediately made her forget that she was sat in nothing but a diaper. The room she was in was surrounded on all sides by glass and behind the glass were these... creatures. They were fairly humanoid with heads featuring two eyes and a mouth and two arms on either side, but that's where the similarities ended. They were enormous - perhaps twelve feet tall by Ellen's estimation! There eyes were also very large and their pupils took up much of the eyespace. Their eyelids made a vertical line when they blinked as opposed to a horizontal one like humans. They were giant, blue aliens! And they had been watching her wake up and feel her own naked, diapered body.

Ellen started to scream. Even she struggled to comprehend this otherworldly and unexplainable situation she was in. Normally, the genius would calculate how best to act in an unexpected scenario. But, this... this was too much! Her brain broke from the overwhelming, dreamlike hellscape she woke up in.

Her screams were interrupted by a human hand, which landed on her mouth. Ellen jumped and turned to the source of the hand. It was Sophia, sat next to her, also naked and diapered like an infant. It was absurd to see her competent pilot in the degrading position, but not even in the top ten of absurd things she had seen in the past minute. Ellen looked Sophia directly in the eyes. Sophia returned the look with a stern fear in her eyes as she shook her head as if to say "keep quiet."

Ellen silently obliged as hard as it seemed and Sophia removed her hand from Ellen's mouth. Ellen began to frantically look around. There were baby blocks scattered in front of them, except directly in front of Sophia where some were stood in a small tower. In front of them, there was the back of the couch with the couch facing a small retro TV with knobs which gave the feeling of an old 1970s living room. Ellen could see the back of two human heads of people occupying the couch, but she didn't recognize them; it wasn't anyone in her crew. 

The two humans stood off the couch and turned to approach Ellen and Sophia. Ellen gasped as she saw their faces. She had seen them in photographs hundreds of times before launching off in search of the Phoenix.

"Commander Greta Giamatti?" Ellen whispered in shock. "Marvin McCarthy?"

It was the pair she had been searching for. The missing leaders of the failed Phoenix expedition. She supposed her mission was a success, but this is not how she pictured bring home the missing Phoenix crew in even her wildest dreams. The two no longer had their spacesuits, but they weren't naked either. Greta was dressed in a traditional housewife dress and Marvin in a typical blue collar outfit with a button down, tie, and belt. The two crouched down towards Ellen.

"Are you ok, commander?" Marvin asked.

Ellen choked back tears. This was not a dream and, therefore, she had to keep it together. Marvin reminded her of her responsibilities by simply addressing her as commander. She had to lead her crew and the crew of the Phoenix through this nightmare mission. She just had to think. She was sure there was a way out of here.

All she could manage in response, however, was "What's happening?"

"I know it's a lot to take in, commander, but we'll have to explain later," Greta informed. "The first tour group of the day is coming in and you need to have your diaper changed."

Greta had really undercut Ellen's internal monologue about being a strong leader with that comment about diaper changes. But, Ellen looked down to confirm that Greta was horribly, regrettably corrected. Her diaper began to swell and turn a dark shade of yellow as Ellen realized she had let her bladder go amongst all the surprises. So much for leading her crew through the mission, Ellen cried internally. Were they going to follow her as she waddled in her soaked diaper.

Ellen tried not to watch as Great untaped her wet diaper and slid it out from under her, leaving her naked on the floor. Unfortunately, while trying to look away, she was forced to look up at the aliens through the glass. Some took pictures, some pointed, and others made comments in a gibberish language of clicks and beeps that were assumedly about her strange, foreign anatomy. Ellen wiped tears away again as she watched one of the aliens walk up with a microphone and speak into it. The gibberish played through speakers in the room, which was followed by an English translation.

"Folks, you are very lucky to see the very first diaper change of our new residents here in the human exhibit," the alien guide exclaimed. "From our research, these baby humans are approximately thirty Earth years old, or seven years old here on <untranslatable>. I'm sure you're asking yourself, isn't that a long time for a species to remain infants? And, it is! Much longer than any other alien species we've discovered. But, it's clear by their long term use of diapers, that humans don't potty train until forty to forty-five Earth years - almost half of their lifespans!"

Ellen's head began to spin again, each word spoken over the speaker echoing inside her head like a curse. It was their space diapers! It had these aliens convinced that they were babies who weren't even toilet trained, which Ellen had just confirmed by weeing herself in fear. They were stuck in some kind of alien enclosure where they'd be treated like babies as an audience of gawking aliens watched enraptured as they filled their diapers!

"See how the mother human wipes the baby human?" the alien guide narrated as Greta did just that to Ellen's shaved pussy. "This is to remove any remnants of the human's soiling so that the human will be clean when placed into their next diaper."

An alien visitor raised its hand and asked a question, which the speaker did not pick up nor translate, but the question was apparent from the guide's answer. "It is both a sexual organ and part of the urinary system. Though these young humans have no potty training, they have reached an age of sexual maturity, so you can see them wet their diapers with sexual fluids. That show will be taking place later in the day if anyone is able to join."

Ellen looked to Greta as she slipped a fresh, clean diaper under the astronaut's butt. "Commander, please, you can't put me in another one of these! We have to get out of here! We have to escape!"

"There's no escaping," Greta gloomily said. "Believe me. They won't allow it. Now, please, sit still like a... just sit still while I tape the diaper on."

"No, please!" Ellen begged, but it was no use as she heard the rip of the diapers before Greta enclosed her in yet another diaper.

"Now, before we wrap up the human section of our tour, we can watch the baby humans feed," the alien guide narrated before looking directly at Greta as if to cue her.

Greta sighed before relenting and removing to the straps to her housewife dress, letting it fall to her lap as her large bosoms exposed themselves, dripping with milk. Ellen and Sophia looked at Greta's breasts and then at each other, eyes wide.

"Female humans, like many mammals, are equipped with two breasts filled with milk to feed two baby humans at once," the guide narrated.

Greta looked Ellen in the eyes and muttered, "I'm sorry, Commander."

She pulled Ellen towards her right tit with her right arm and Sophia towards her left tit with her left arm. Ellen and Sophia tried to fight Greta's push, but Ellen felt herself being pulled closer and closer to the milky breast.

Ellen had undergone all of her training and all of her studies to become a genius on Earth. But on this foreign planet, she was an undeveloped dunce who couldn't use the toilet and crawled around entertaining herself with blocks. All because she wore a diaper under her spacesuit.

Ellen couldn't see a way out. She couldn't be the leader her crew needed while wetting her diapers. For now, she was forced to suckle at the teat of her fellow astronaut. To these creatures, none of her genius mattered. She was an animal in a zoo. A helpless, diaper-wetting, baby animal, at that.


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