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Tiffany couldn't help but smile and shed some happy tears as her bridesmaids entered the church to meet her husband-to-be at the altar. The ceremony was turning out so beautifully, exactly as she had always imagined - well, not exactly. She had never planned to have a flower girl proceed before her. Tiffany and her groom Santi never cared much for kids, so when the time came to plan their wedding day, they had decided against inviting anyone under 18 years old. Yet, Tiffany had made the decision just last night to have a flower girl after all.

As the only other person left in the procession, the flower girl stood directly in front of Tiffany, facing the large church doors. The flower girl was crying too - not from happiness, however; from shame. Tiffany could sense the girl's nerves from the way her legs quivered as she clutched onto her basket of flower petals. Tiffany could only grin at her anxiety. The newly-appointed flower girl was about to get what was coming to her.

This whole drama started two nights ago as Tiffany and her bridesmaids finished celebrating her bachelorette party, which involved an evening of debauchery sipping fruity cocktails through penis-shaped straws. Little did Tiffany know, as she and her bridesmaids returned to their quarters to get good night's sleep before tomorrow's wedding rehearsal, one of her bridesmaids May snuck off the groom's suite.

If Santi hadn't been such a loyal and honest fiancé, Tiffany would be walking down the aisle unawares of May's treachery. Santi opened the door to May, only to be jumped by a flurry of kisses and whispers of May's secret longings for Santi and how she couldn't let him get married Tiffany. Santi had the good sense to kick May out of his room and alert Tiffany the next morning. Had he not done that and Tiffany found out through other means, Santi might have found himself in May's current unfortunate situation.

Tiffany and her other bridesmaids spent the next day conspiring against May and ultimately decided to demote her from bridesmaid to flower girl. Doesn't sound like all that bad of a punishment - she was lucky to still be in the bridal party for God's sake! However, the 29-year-old tomboy was much too old to be the traditional flower girl. The ladies decided she would need a costume change to fulfill the role.

So this morning, May was ambushed. She was stripped of her dress, leaving her thrashing and sobbing on the floor naked as Tiffany's crew of bridesmaids pinned her arms and legs to the floor. May begged and pleaded for mercy and she saw the garment that Tiffany was unfolding in her hands. Tiffany showed no clemency as she ordered her bridesmaids to lift May's legs in the air so she could slide the diaper underneath her butt.

The ladies cackled as they powdered the woman's cooch and taped the diaper up on top like it was a baby shower game. Each took a turn patting the front of the fresh diaper, giggling as powder shot out of it with each tap. Then, the white tights were pulled up and over the diaper. Finally, a short yellow polka-dot petticoat was pulled over May's unimpressive chest with the word "Baby" on it in big bold letters as if her new role wasn't obvious enough.

Tiffany was happy in retrospect that her and Santi had decided to throw a destination wedding on a remote island off the coast of Europe. May had nowhere to run even if she tried so she did nothing but cry as the bridesmaids released her limbs and took her bridesmaids dress, along with all her other luggage to be tossed into the sea.

Now, May quaked in her Mary Janes as "Here Comes the Bride" was heard playing through the church organs, signaling her cue to waddle down the aisle and introduce the bride. May stood, frozen in place.

"Move it, you little slut," Tiffany demanded through gritted teeth.

"Tiff, please!" May begged. "I can't!"

Tiffany rolled her eyes. She wasn't about to let this whore ruin her wedding. She grabbed the woman by the pigtails and started pushing her towards the church doors. "No, no, no!" May cried out, but could do nothing to stop it. May was thrown through the church doors, crashing to the ground and making a sound that echoed throughout the entire parish. The entire wedding turned their attention to her and her padded rump which stuck noticeably in the air.

A wave of laughter overtook the church, overpowering even the organ pipes. May sobbed as she collected the flower petals that had spilled out all in a pile and returned them one by one to the wicker basket. Tiffany walked by a kicked the girl on the diapered tush causing her to squeal embarrassingly. "Get up," Tiffany leaned down and whispered. May tried to do as she was told but took a minute to stand up in her thick diaper.

She hesitantly made her way down the neverending aisle, throwing petals with each step. She tried to ignore the uproarious laughter and the diminishing comments:

"Oh my god, she looks so much cuter like this!" one of Tiffany's friends announced.

"Dude, imagine fucking a chick with diaper rash!" joked some of Santi's college friends.

Pointing straight at May, Tiffany's cousin turned to her boyfriend and threatened, "That's what I'm going to do to you if you ever cheat on me."

After what felt like an eternity, May ran out of flower petals and reached the altar where her crush, the groom, covered his mouth to avoid howling with laughter as the two exchanged eye contact. May stared directly at the ground. If Santi hadn't seen her as a sexual prospect before, it certainly would never be the case after today. Tiffany had made sure of it. 

May trembled as she stood next to the bridesmaids, many of whom shot her disapproving looks. The priest opened the ceremony the usual way, asking if anyone objected to Tiffany and Santi's wedding: "Speak now or forever hold your peace." May didn't want Santi to marry Tiffany but she wasn't about to draw that attention to herself now. She could only imagine the coos if she did: "How adorable! The flower girl has a widdle crush on the groom."

However, this didn't stop Tiffany from making yet another joke of May by walking over to her and stuffing a matching yellow pacifier in her mouth. "That should take care of that," Tiffany jested, facing out to the congregation in order to etch her quip into her wedding video for all time. May fumed as her face turned red behind the yellow pacifier. 

The wedding continued as normal and May was happy that the attention was off of her momentarily while the couple exchanged vows. She struggled to pay attention due to the thoughts that wracked her brain: What will I do at the reception? I can't show up in a diaper! No one will ever take me seriously again.

As Tiffany and Santi shared their first kiss as a married couple, May's thoughts were interrupted as she felt her diaper grow beneath her tights. Her eyes widened. Oh no! She had been pissing her pants during the exchange of rings. As the bride and groom made their way back down the aisle to thunderous cheers, May's accident began to expand outside her diaper and make dark, noticeable stains down her tights.

A group of bridesmaids pushed May down towards the aisle as she was meant to be the next person in the recessional right behind the couple. As May stumbled to her feet, she heard the flash of the wedding photographer's camera, capturing the moment in high-quality as her tears smeared her makeup and pee ran down her leg, gushing from her full diaper. Plenty of people broke the no-cameras rule to pull out their phone and take a picture of the wet flower girl rather than the newlyweds. Tiffany looked over her shoulder and gave one last smirk before walking onto married life.

Her ceremony was truly one to remember. She was hoping to see May at the reception; she had a highchair waiting for her and a sippy cup of apple juice to toast with while the rest of the adults drank champagne. If Tiffany was feeling kind at the end of the night, then MAYBE she'd offer a diaper change to May. Maybe. Love and revenge go hand-in-hand, Tiffany had thought.

May had always been a bridesmaid, never a bride. But once Tiffany posted her wedding pictures to the Internet for everyone to see, May would be hard pressed to ever be a bridesmaid again after being exposed as a two-timer. She did make for a cute flower girl, though. Maybe there'd be more diapered weddings in May's future...


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