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Hey folks. We're now into February. January went by faster than I realized. It's been a busy last few weeks for me so I figured I'd stop in and give you all an update.

Writing Update:
Warhawk is still coming along. I haven't been able to get to it as I'd liked to. This is a result of a few things. The first is the classes that I started are requiring more work than I'd originally planned for. The second is that I've taken on some contract work for a couple of games that are in production:

One is MMA Life Simulator: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2655080/MMA_Life_simulator/ This one is pretty rough. It's kind of janky. The lead has a very particular vision so I'm coming in to help them with their writing. I've already rewritten quite a bit of the game's dialogue for them but they are pushing for new content rather than fixing old stuff, so that's what I'm working on for them now. It's not really harem. More like a guy going around fucking a bunch of girls at this point (like most claimed harem games are). But figured it had the most overlap.

Another that might happen is: https://www.patreon.com/TheRestaurant_  They reached out asking if I'd work with them. I'm not the funniest guy and this game has a focus on humor so I offered to write them a sample to see if we'd mesh well.  They loved it, but unfortunately we couldn't come to terms on payment. There is a weird situation with the existing writer so I don't know if he's going to stay or what. But if he leaves, I'd imagine I take over writing for that game too. This game isn't harem. It's FMC + corruption + dubcon with very slapstick/situational style humor.

Then there is a third that is a royalty split situation that's early in development. That one is an FMC HTML game that's a mix of lewd VN with various characters and monsters. I'll be doing all the writing for that.

All of this stuff won't go on my Ajax pen name. I'll be doing a different one for that space. 

I've also been working on the script for the alien girlfriend audio piece I plan to make for you guys. I'm hoping to finish that this weekend. I'll share that with you all once it's done. 

Nothing pending for now.

Rebecca is just waiting on me to finish W3. Then she'll start working on that.

Additional note:
I just wanted to thank you all for sticking around and supporting me. Even though I've had to pause writing harem for a bit, the new projects and everything I'm working on is stretching my creative muscles in ways they haven't before. I think these works and classes are going to make me a stronger writer so I can continue delivering quality work for you all.

If you have any questions, let me know! Otherwise, I hope you all have a great weekend.



alien girlfriend audio piece ? oh damn that sounds really fun i cant wait


sounds nice too me haha