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After helping Ablee out of the Dream Theater, Seb paced around the room. He couldn’t escape the overwhelming dread that hung over his head, crushing the breath from his body.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Seb slowly shouted.

“What’s your problem?” Eni asked.

“Do you realize what we’ve done? Just look at what happened to the calist. Don’t you see the parallels?”

Eni snorted and waved her hand. “Ah, you’re worrying for nothing. So what that the Songless arrived after they turned on the warp gates? We’ve been running ours for years. If the Songless knew where we were, they would have been here by now.”

“But maybe it's as Ablee said. Maybe they are attracted to nakai technology.”

“There have been nakai vaults discovered before us.”

“Here or there, but we just activated every vault across the galaxy. You’re talking about grenade while I’m talking about galaxy wide bomb. I can’t shake that we just rang the dinner bell.”

The Headmistress stood, her eyes wide. “You what?”

Seb hung his head before looking up. “We broadcasted the signal that you detected from this station across the galaxy. Its purpose was to find and activate all the nakai vaults that exist. Our nakai were here for generations. There are hundreds of them. If what you said is true and the Songless or Swarm or whatever you want to call them are attracted to nakai technology, then we just lit them a welcome home sign.”

Ablee’s eyes darted from side to side before straightening with a stern brow. “There’s no denying the similarities shared in this galaxy to our own. If the Swarm is headed this way, then we must act now.”

“What are we supposed to do?”

“I… don’t know. But what I know is that I need to get this information back to Lord High Admiral Mayvel and the rest of the leaders of our Orders. This machine confirms our history, it confirms our mission. ”

Eni popped out a data shard from her deck before handing it to the headmistress. “You’ll need this. This has a recording of your time in the Dream Theater.”

After slipping it into a side pouch, Ablee nodded with a smile. “Thank you. If possible, I’d love to speak with you about duplicating similar systems on our ships.”

“That shouldn’t be a problem. You can buy these headsets from any tech shop across the galaxy. My modifications are simple enough that any techie should be able to do it with the right instructions, which I’m happy to supply for a small fee.”

“Any cost is worth it. Just name your price.”

Eni tapped her cheek as she thought for a moment. “How does a thousand credits sound?”

“Done. Send me your account id and I will send it to you immediately.” After Eni flicked her the data from her WICI, Ablee smiled and initiated the transfer. “Money should be on its way.”

“Pleasure doing business with ya. If your techs have any questions, I’m happy to answer them.”

“I can’t thank you all enough. You may have just cured our entire species. A debt that will be repaid in full.”

“We’re happy to help,” Seb said. “Just let us know if you have any ideas on how you plan to handle this. You’ve fought these things firsthand. So you’ve got the expertise.”

“If the Swarm is on its way, we are woefully unprepared. However, I plan to summon an emergency meeting with the fleets and other leaders once I return to my ship. This is our home now, just as much as it is yours. We will do whatever we can to protect it. Once we have a consensus on our next plan of action, I will contact you immediately.”

“Thanks Ablee.”

After a brief bow, the headmistress departed with her men. As she continued down the hall, Nalla, Sister Mischa, and Iris exited the superweapon’s room. After Ablee paid her respects to Iris and entered the elevator, the trio sauntered into the common area with weary eyes.

“How did everything go?” Nalla asked.

“It depends on how you look at it,” Seb said, almost laughing in disbelief. “Either really well or really bad.”

“What happened?”

Panic filled Seb’s voice as he explained. “Well, we were able to use the Dream Theater to recover Ablee’s memories. But in doing so we learned that Songless, that they call the Swarm, also destroyed their home galaxy. They used warp drives and their own warp gates to jump to our galaxy. Apparently, they got the coordinates off of some nakai crashed ships.”

Seb raised his finger and pointed out to his side. “Meaning those things are out there. Somewhere in the void. But that’s not the worst of it. Ablee said their people assumed that the Songless are attracted to nakai technology, and the blast we sent earlier activated every vault in our galaxy!”

“What?” Iris shouted. “W-we have to do something!”

“I think you both need to calm down,” Eni said, holding up her hand.

“This is serious, Eni,” Seb said with a firm tone. “We may have just doomed the entire galaxy!”

“We don’t know that. Sure, there are similarities… but we can’t just jump to conclusions.”

“Eni, you can’t be serious,” Vi said. “You saw the imaging. It’s too alike to be coincidence.”

“Fine,” Seb said, throwing up his hands before leaning his head back. “Syn, can you hear us?”

“Of course I can, captain.”

“Can you calculate the odds of an impending Songless invasion?”

“Unfortunately, I can’t, captain. There are too many unknown variables.”

“See,” Eni said before being interrupted by Syn.

“However, if I were to cross-reference the parallels between the nakai data I’ve recovered and the visual historical record provided by Ablee’s memories… If the Songless have a method to detect nakai technology across the universe and have obtained the coordinates for the various jumps they made from their original galaxy, then I would calculate the probability of an impending invasion to be roughly ninety-three point three repeating.”

Seb slumped into a nearby chair and grasped his head. “Fuck me…”

Iris rushed to Seb’s legs and squatted in front of him. “Seb, we have to do something. We just can’t sit her idle if the Songless are coming.”

Seb slumped his head back and grabbed onto her hands. “I know. I just… I need time to think.”

“It still doesn’t confirm—”

“Stop it, Eni!” Vi hissed.

The shortstack jerked out all the cables and threw all of her equipment into her bags. “You all can sit here worrying about fantasy scenarios. I’m going to get out of this armor and go to bed.”

As Eni stomped down the hall and her door shut, Nalla muttered, “It’s not a bad idea. We’ve all been up for longer than we should. We should all try to get some rest.”

“This is no time to rest!” Iris yelled before jumping to her feet. “The galaxy is in danger!”

Seb reached out and slid his hands along Iris’s shoulders. “I know you’re concerned. We all are. But we can’t take action without direction. If the Songless are on their way, this is going to be above all of us.”

“But I’m the Divine Equalizer—”

“I know,” Seb said with a warm smile. “But you alone cannot face a galactic invasion. We need allies. We need armies.”

Iris clenched her jaw before looking up and nodding.

“Speaking of sleep, how are we supposed to get any knowing some half machine half bug people could be on their way to wipe out all existence?” Roja asked.

“I know it seems impossible, but you should all do your best to try,” Nalla said. “If you would like medical assistance, I’ve brought a few things with me that will help you relax.”

“Appreciate the thought, doc,” Roja said before standing up and stretching. “But I’ve had enough chemical cocktails to last me a lifetime. I’m itching to get a shower.”

“Nalla’s right,” Seb said. “There’s nothing for us to do now. We need to see what the calist are planning. We’re also waiting for Syn to continue to absorb as much data as possible. In the meantime, I need to come up with a plan. That goes for all of you. If you have any ideas, let’s all discuss it in the morning.”

“I will pray to Nimora for guidance,” Sister Mischa said.

“Thank you. We could use all the help we can get.”

As the crew split their own ways, Seb headed toward the kitchen. He scoured the cabinets before finding a bottle of orlindrian wine. After pouring himself a drink, he downed the contents and poured another.

His stomach gurgled, warning him of the lack of food he’d eaten that day. He pulled out several of the magnetic drawers and found a meal replacement bar. After unwrapping it, he took a bite and dropped it in his glass before heading to his room.

Warmth spread across his body as he sipped his drink. After entering his room, he undressed and entered the shower, glass in hand. He stood drinking and eating as the hot water turned his skin pink.

It was a welcome distraction. He needed anything to cloud his mind of what could have been the greatest mistake of his life. A choice that could potentially cost millions of lives.

Was there a way we could have avoided this? Seb wondered. Perhaps if we’d arrived and only focused on information gathering rather than activating the vaults… No… I can’t think that way. Everything has built to this point. The meeting with the oracle. Discovering Iris. Perhaps this was meant to be. Who knows? Maybe the Songless would have found us eventually, anyway. Maybe this is for the best. We know there’s a high chance they could be coming. If we can get prepared fast enough, maybe we have a shot at protecting ourselves.

Seb wasn’t sure if it was the booze, food, or the heat that eased his worries. Either way, he appreciated it and ended his shower with an empty cup and a smile. After finishing his routine, Seb climbed into his bed.

The firm mattress reminded him how much he wished he were back on his own ship. The chaos of the day left him hoping there would be no more surprises. But then a knock came at his door.

Seb let out a heavy sigh before yelling, “Come in!”

When the door opened, Nalla entered. She was wearing a sweater she’d stolen from Seb and her fluffy sleep pants. Her pink hair was still wet from her recent shower.

When he noticed her tugging on the ends of her hair, he leaned up on his elbows and asked, “Is everything okay?”

“I know I told everyone to get some sleep,” Nalla began, “but I wanted to know if it was okay if we talked.”

Seb threw the covers open and scooted to the side. “Of course, climb in.”

Nalla shuffled to the edge of the bed before climbing in. She pulled the blanket over and nuzzled close enough to where they were at eye level. When she pushed on the mattress, she frowned and said, “These beds are horrible.”

“I was just thinking the same thing,” Seb said, chuckling. “How’s Iris doing, by the way?”

“She’s distraught and rightly so. I know how she feels. Being a half-breed is almost as alien as she is. Even though we try to surround her with our love and make her feel included, there will always be those dark moments where she doesn’t feel that she belongs.”

“Is there anything we can do?”

Nalla shook her head. “No. We just need to give her time and continue to be there for her. Even though Sister Mischa has this rugged exterior and gives a bit of tough love, she does care for her. I’m doing my best to try to be a more comforting mentor. Like a big sister, in a sense.”

“I’m sure she appreciates it. Even if she may not convey it now.”

When Nalla smiled, it warmed his heart. He felt her tail wrap up around one of his legs. But as the seconds passed by, her eyes darted from her gaze and bit on her lip.

Seb pulled her chin up and asked. “What’s wrong?”

“I just have a lot on my mind. But I don’t want to burden you more.”

“You won’t.”

Nalla smirked. “Don’t lie. I see the worry in your eyes. You’re more empathetic than you let on. After what you told us about the Songless… I’m sure your mind is buzzing.”

Seb sighed and nodded. “You’re not wrong. I’m doing my best not to think about it too much.” He reached up and rubbed her cheek with his thumb. “But you’re my girl. No matter your cares or worries, they’ll never be a burden I can’t handle. I love you.”

Nalla tilted her hand and kissed Seb’s lips before nuzzling into his palm. “I love you too.”

When she didn’t follow up immediately, Seb tilted his head and widened his eyes. “So… are you going to tell me what’s bothering you?”

“I want to. Sorry, it’s just not an easy conversation. To be honest, I’m kind of scared of how you’ll respond.”

“Well, now you’ve got me worried.”

“It’s not something you should be worried about. If anything, it might make you happy. It’s just… I don’t know. Maybe I’m making this a bigger deal than it needs to be.”

Seb tilted his head. “And now I’m confused.”

Nalla let out a brief laugh as she continued. “Just know that whatever you decide, I won’t be mad. Given everything that’s going on… it would make sense if you decide one way or another.”

“I have to decide on something? Now I’m really confused.”

Nalla sat up and brought her tail up to her chest. “Ugh… I’m ruining this. I’m just flustered. I don’t know how to say it.”

“Just say it.”

Nalla closed her eyes and shouted, “I want to have a baby!”

Seb’s jaw dropped. He blinked rapidly, not believing what he’d just heard. “Y-you want to have a baby?”

“Yes,” Nalla sheepishly groaned.

“With me?”

“Of course with you, you goof.”

“That was not what I thought this was going to be about. What brought this on?”

Nalla tightened her grip around her tail. “It’s been a combination of things. It all started when Eni had her pregnancy scare. When she came to me, I had a hard time not screaming at her. I chided her for not being more careful. It’s obvious how you and she behave, but that has never bothered me. You two have a different relationship than I feel we share.”

Seb blew out a buff of air. “Yeah, much different.”

“But my anger and resentment weren’t because of your actions. It was because I realized I was jealous. Until that point I knew I would want to have kids possibly some day, but it wasn’t until I faced the possibility of you two having a child before us that I really gave it any thought. And as I thought about it, the mere inclination of you and her doing so before you and I… I’m ashamed to say I resented her for it.”

“You’re not really the jealous type,” Seb said, pulling her down and into his arms.

“I know… I felt awful. I did my best to keep things as professional as I could. But it was so hard. And then the last few weeks of Iris being with us have only reinforced it.”


“Because she’s the youngest out of us. I feel this sort of maternal instinct around her, which is kind of weird to say given she’s not a kid. But she’s lost, and I feel the need to protect her and guide her in this crazy galaxy.”

“I mean, you’ve always kind of been the crew mom.”

“I know, and I really love it. It makes me happy keeping everyone fed and healthy. I enjoy reminding everyone of their chores and getting everyone together. I like being the person that everyone comes to when they need advice or guidance. Well… any time they’re not coming to you.”

Seb slid his hand through Nalla’s hair and stroked it gently. “And you do a fantastic job. Everyone loves you and needs you. Especially me. You’re our rock, unmoving and unrelenting. In the chaos, we all need that stability.”

Nalla looked up at him with glistening eyes. “It’s the chaos that has me worried. We’ve been jumping from one fire to the next. Every mission we jump to, every battle… someone always ends up wounded. And then we have what could be another galaxy-wide threat? An enemy that’s already claimed two civilizations?”

Seb rubbed Nalla’s cheek. “You know I’d never let anything happen to you, right?”

“I know. It’s just all this has made me think about what I really want. I made my decision to come with you. To live life exploring the galaxy. I love that part about our adventures. But I can't shake the feeling that there may be one time where you all leave and don’t come back.”

Seb put on his best reassuring smile. “Hey. I’m better than that. I’ve got through everything else we’ve been through. I’m not going anywhere.”

“I know, and I know what I’m asking for is selfish of me. But I never ask for anything. Having a little piece of you inside of me would be the greatest gift you could give me. So, I’m asking… would you make me the happiest momma?”

Seb’s heart pounded, and a primal urge took hold. He rolled on top of Nalla and lunged for her lips. The lips entwined as they breathed deeply and passionately. He held her delicate neck, riding the high of the embrace as they tasted their flavors. Her long tongue filled more of his mouth than he could of hers, choosing to suck on it like a piece of candy.

They pulled apart only for a moment as they rushed to undress the pink-eyed vixen. While she pulled off her top, revealing her thick breasts and slim waist, Seb slipped off her bottoms, following her tail like the track of an endless roller coaster. Her cute giggle caused him to laugh as he struggled to find the end.

With a final tug, he threw them across the room. With the battle won, he dove back to her grinning lips, only to have her whisper in between each embrace. “I love the way you kiss me.”

The pair wrapped their arms around each other, squeezing and tightening. Nalla’s tail joined the fray, acting like another appendage, pulling them closer. Their heavy breaths quickly filled the air, brushing against each other’s cheeks like the heat from a freshly heated oven.

Seb’s desire for more fueled his actions. He moved from her lips to her neck, suckling lightly before kissing her neck. Nalla’s gasps caused him to suck even harder, teasing her neck with his tongue.

Nalla’s grip around him tightened. She draped her fingers through his hair, squeezing with the same intensity of his lips.

With a powerful kiss, Nalla gasped once more. “If you suck any harder, you’re going to leave a mark.”

“Is that such a bad thing?” Seb teased with a wicked smile. “It would make the others jealous.”

Nalla groaned as he dove back in. Not to leave her neck too purple, he playfully pecked his way down. Seb traces his lips across her collarbone, eliciting hundreds of goose pimples across her body as she shuttered. With soft handfuls, Seb kneaded her breasts as he sucked on her peaks.

“Mmm… Seb…,” Nalla moaned, pushing his head deeper.

The captain continued to explore her mounds with the tip of his tongue, desiring to claim every inch of her. He rolled his face in between her breasts, wanting nothing more to stay in between both of them forever. But his primal urge compelled him to move lower and seek his ultimate price.

Nalla giggled in anticipation as he kissed his way down her soft, pink stomach. Her body was burning, like kissing through a heated blanket. When his head slipped under the sheet, he felt the rush of her scent fill his nose. His cock throbbed and his mouth watered, ready to taste her succulent fruit.

By the time he reached it, she was already wet with lust. Seb spread her legs further, lightly kissed the surface of her peach. Nalla’s gasps rang through the air once he dove in. His tongue massaged every inch of her flower, paying special attention to her bud. He made several passes, exploring her folds before returning to the peak and sucking her clit.

He tilted his head slightly and fluttered it as he worked his fingers inside. In tandem, he hit her special spot, turning whispers into wailing cries. Seb couldn’t help but smile as he tongued her pussy. He loved everything about his pink lover.

Her cute cries, her mouth-watering taste, and the way her tail shook with the same intensity of his tongue. After a few rounds of her quaking legs, Nalla’s tail wrapped around his waist and pulled up. She met him with a sweat covered forehead.

“No more,” Nalla panted.

“You want me to stop?” Seb asked with a shit-eating grin.

“I want your dick.”

“So demanding… but I guess I can oblige.”

The captain leaned back and grabbed the base of his hard shaft. He braced his cock against her soaking wet slit. With soft motions, he slid it between her lips. He teased her with his tip, watching as she bit on her finger and whimpered in anticipation.

“You’re so mean.”

“I’m not mean.”

“Yes you are. You won’t give me what I asked for.”

“You didn’t ask. You demanded.”

“She looked up at him with seductive eyes as she asked, “Please give me that beautiful cock.”

At that moment, Seb slid himself in. He followed Nalla’s gasp as he slowly entered inside of her. The feeling was euphoric, spreading warmth throughout his core. But as his body adjusted to the novel sensation, he craved for more.

Seb rocked his hips slowly, allowing for him to exit her almost to completion before sliding himself back inside. Her tight grip and small ribbed notches on the inside of her inhuman pussy tickled along his shaft with each thrust.

His mind cracked, and he lost himself in the feeling. After stealing another kiss from his pink-haired lover, he reached for her hands and gripped them tight.

“I love you,” Seb said, pressing himself deep inside of her.

“I love you too,” Nalla whimpered.

Joyous tears filled his lover’s eyes as the two shared a beautiful smile. Their eyes locked and their bodies one, Seb rocked his hips with increased speed. He was ready to give her what he’d promised her. An ultimate gift that would change their lives forever. As he stared into those deep pink-and-black eyes, he was ready to take the next leap.

As he increased his speed, the warmth and wetness spread across his groin. Each thrust grew stronger and faster as he fell into his lust. Nalla’s wails of delight only intensified the primal desire to reach his ultimate goal.

Seb leaned forward and grabbed Nalla’s neck. He pulled her in for another kiss. As he stole her breath, he cupped her shoulders and slammed her with increased fervor. He held onto for as long as he could until she pulled away for a frantic breath.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, you’re going to make me cum again,” Nalla cried.

Like gasoline on an open flame, Nalla’s words flamed his desire, inching him closer to his climax. Their bodies slid with the sweat of their intensity. The collisions echoed throughout the room like the slap of a snare drum. But even though Seb wanted the feeling to last forever, the feeling of his lover’s body inch him closer to his limit.

“Fuck, I’m getting close too,” Seb groaned.

Nalla’s legs wrapped around Seb’s hip and her tail wrapped around them both, trapping him inside of her. “Then cum for me. Cum and make me a mommy.”

Nalla’s words put him close to his edge. He wrapped her tightly and fucked her as hard and as fast as he could. He watched as Nalla’s eyes rolled into the back of her head. Her mouth hung agape with slurred words of pleasure as she enjoyed the ride.

With a cataclysmic explosion, Seb reached his precipice with final deep thrusts. He collapsed on top of Nalla. The pair laughed and smiled, feeling the aftershocks of their love. Seb leaned up and brushed away the sweat from Nalla’s face. There was a glow about her he’d never seen before.

“You’re so fucking beautiful,” Seb said. “I love you so fucking much.”

“I love you too, Sebastian,” Nalla said. “I’m so thankful that you fell into my life.”

The two shared a passionate kiss before Seb went to move. However, Nalla tightened her legs and tail even tighter, keeping him deep inside of her.

“No, don’t move,” Nalla said. “I want you to stay right here.”

The thought of doing so sent another wave of pleasure throughout Seb’s body. His cock throbbed once more, and the two shared a laugh at the sudden sensation. The pair lazily stroked each other’s hair, just savoring the moment of being with each other.

But when Nalla drawled her pussy along Seb’s still hard shaft, she leaned up and whispered in Seb’s ear. “How much more do you have in you?”

“You want to go another round?” Seb asked.

“As many of you’re up for. I took a fertility injection to counter my birth control. It only lasts twelve hours.”

“It looks like we’re not getting any rest, then?”

When Nalla beamed and shook her head, Seb chuckled and got to work.


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