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Hey folks! I hope you all had a great weekend. If you've listened to the Supplying Supers audiobook, I would appreciate if you could take a few mins and rate/review it! Those early reviews definitely help push the algorithms to get the book in more hands.

Writing Update:
Writing has been slow but continues. This is mainly due to some health issues that I'm going through. I've got another appointment on Friday, but hopefully that is the last one for a while. Based on my estimations, I have 6-7 chapters left. So I think I should have all the alpha chapters done next week sometime. I'll then need to wait until Lauren edits all of it. So we're looking like an early January release. While that's not ideal just from a scheduling standpoint, January is always a better month to release than December.

Once I finish that, I plan on working through the Dragon's Archon edits and wrapping up the beta version of that. I am going to plan for a short preorder for Dragon's Archon in late February once I'm through the majority of Warhawk 4. We most likely won't be able to pair the audio with the ebook release, but it will be fairly close.

Jclea is finishing up the final render for the explorer outfit. I'll have the WIP to show in a bit. That should be all the artwork for book 1. I'll also start building out the character sheet for the various changes in the book. Meister Staze is working on a cover for Dragon's Archon. I was testing the various artists to see who could do what and their prices. I'm going to present those as a final at the end and we'll do a vote on your favorites.

Speaking with Rebecca, she's planning on doing Warhawk 3 in January and Dragon's Archon in February. So, once I get those scripts done, I'll send them her way. Surprisingly, Supplying Supers audio didn't take the full 10 days for QA which was awesome. That's the fastest I've ever had an audiobook go live, so hopefully that means quicker releases in the future too.

Current Release Schedule:
Warhawk 3: Jan
Dragon's Archon 1: Late Feb
Warhawk 4: March
Dragon's Archon 2: May
Dragon's Archon 3: July
(If DA does well, there will be more)
Strength Unleashed 2: Once DA is done

That's it for me this week. I should have some bonus art coming in the next week or so before Christmas so be on the lookout for that. I'll also have an end of year into 2024 post that will be mainly reflections and discuss my plans going forward. It's probably going to be a long one since this is the year I gave myself to try being an author full time. 


Mation Amalga

Already did my review...and possibly listening to it a second time. >.> No lie, one of my new guilty pleasures is hearing Rebecca sing. She's a great narrator as is, and listening to stories where she sings is a little cherry on top at times.

Aria Asbaghi-Calvillo

Thank you Ajax for all the work you’re doing! I hope you’re doing well with your health and all and just remember to pace yourself one day at a time. Overexertion can be serious the mind and body. I know we’re all grateful for all the work you’re doing. And Rebecca with her incredible voice with your work.