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To Seb’s surprise, the trio made it back to the Amnesty before the return of the rest of the crew. After saying goodbye to their chauffeurs, he followed Eni and Syn into the server room. Once inside, Eni set her small shotgun on the small table next to her desk.

“Syn, take a seat in the chair over there,” the hacker said, before turning down her rows of servers.

Seb plopped on the couch and tapped his helmet, retracting it from around his face. Eni returned a few seconds later, holding a thick cable. She pulled on a bar underneath the chair, causing Syn to lean almost flat. The purple-skinned pracovi plugged the cable in the back of Syn’s skull and twisted it, locking it in place.

“Now that’s done, we can make sure we’ve got plenty of storage to upload Syn’s consciousness to the drone, along with the codex and dictionary,” Eni said before hopping into her chair. After taking off her helmet, she frantically tapped on her keyboard as a dozen windows popped up on her screens. Her focus and drive while she worked always impressed Seb.

After a few minutes, Eni spun in her chair and looked over at the drone. “Okay Syn, I’ve packaged the data for you. I’m showing plenty of storage space. Whenever you’re ready, you can begin the transfer.”

“Affirmative, Eni,” the virtual intelligence said over the comm. “Beginning the transfer now.”

The data cable plugged into the drone’s skull glowed a vibrant green.

“So, what’s actually happening here?” Seb asked, pointing at the drone. “Are there going to be two different Syns? Is she copying herself?”

Eni turned around. “Yes and no. When Syn uploaded her personality matrix, it was a snapshot of it at a specific time. When she’s within range of our ship’s signal, the ship’s core version of Syn will maintain control over her physical body, as she has done previously. However, once she’s out of range of the signal, the drone core version will assume control and act independently.”

“Is it possible for there to be two Syns then if they stay separated long enough?”

Eni rubbed her chin as she thought for a moment. “I guess technically that could happen. However, once it were to come within range of the ship, a sync occurs where Syn would overwrite any differences in code to the drone to bring them back as one.”

“Makes sense. How long is this going to take?”

“With the Neurolink X350 data port that she’s got, it should only take a few minutes.”

Seb nodded and waited patiently for the transfer to complete. A chipper jingle echoed from the drone, causing Eni to check her monitors.

“Transfer has completed,” Syn said over the intercom.

“Any errors?” Eni asked, tabbing through her multiple screens.

“Negative. Processing is nominal. Storage is at seventy-six percent across the array.”

“Good. Ready the drone to disconnect.”

“This has been completed,” Syn said as the cable’s glow faded.

Eni typed a few more times before jumping out of her seat. After unplugging the cable, she tossed it to the side and grunted as she raised the chair up straight. “Okay, reboot the drone into safe mode and run full diagnostics. If everything comes back clean, reboot again and assume normal parameters.”

“Instructions accepted. Rebooting the drone now.”

Syn’s blue eyes turned off briefly before flickering back on. The body moved back into a default pose. Its arms and legs moved in a uniform tightness that reminded Seb she was a machine.

“Startup sequence completed successfully,” Syn said. “All diagnostic queries completed without faults or errors. All systems are nominal.”

A wicked grin formed on Eni’s face as she started unclasping her armor from her skinsleeve. “Good. Only thing left to do is to test out your… other functions.”

By the time the light in Syn’s eyes returned, Eni was down to her skinsleeve. With a tap of the neck and wrist clasps, the material inflated and dropped around her ankles. She stood naked, caressing her heliotrope colored body.

“Reboot sequence completed,” Syn said. She stood from the chair and followed Eni’s steps, removing her skinsleeve and revealing her perfect matte white skin. The pair sauntered across the room. Once they reached the couch, they each took a side next to him.

“If we’re going to ensure Syn’s body performs, we’re going to need to get you out of this armor,” Eni said.

Seb smiled with a cocked brow. “Should I stand?”

“Nah, you just sit there. We’ll take care of it. But it will be easier if you take your helmet off yourself.”

Seb nodded and closed his helmet before twisting it off. He placed it on the floor. Over the next few minutes, Eni and Syn unclasped Seb’s hard plates. The virtual intelligence neatly piled each piece next to the table. With a final press, Eni pulled the captain’s skinsleeve down from around his neck. He shimmied it off of him until kicking the final piece from his foot.

The cool air hit his skin, sending goosebumps across him.

“Cold?” Eni asked, draping a clawed finger down his chest.

“A little,” Seb said.

Eni pushed her body into Seb’s side, enveloping him in her warmth as she whispered in his ear. “Don’t worry. We’re going to warm you up real fast.” She licked his ear before letting out a nefarious giggle. When she pulled back, she pointed down at Seb’s groin. “Syn, activate submission behavior and mount the captain.”

“Yes, mistress,” the virtual intelligence said. Syn’s eyes flashed. Her hands pulled up, covering herself as if slightly embarrassed. Both cheeks shifted to a bright shade of pink. The virtual intelligence straddled him. Her thick thighs pushed his legs together. To his surprise, her weight didn’t feel too heavy. Her mechanized skin was warmer than he expected, covering him like a heated blanket.

“Turn your pleasure sensors up to eighty percent,” Eni commanded. “Activate all erogenous zones.”

“Yes, mistress,” Syn said in an almost docile voice.

“Now feel her, Seb,” Eni said. “Make sure she’s exactly what you remember.”

Seb trickled his fingertips along Syn’s thighs. Her skin was silky smooth. When he squeezed, Syn gasped. He looked up to see the virtual intelligence looking down at him with innocent eyes. As his hands got closer to her hips, she bit her lower lip and nodded.

Seb smiled as he leaned forward and grasped her firm cheeks, eliciting a small whimper from Syn. He slid his hands up her back. She was soft with an underlayer of firmness that hinted at muscle. Her body radiated heat. He wanted to feel it all over him.

As he sat up, he pulled Syn tight, maximizing his contact with her. He nuzzled himself up her chest before nestling in between her soft breasts. Twisting his head from side to side, Seb let out a satisfactory sigh. She was exactly like what he remembered. But there was still so much of her that he wanted to test.

With light pecks, Seb kissed his way up the side of her mound. When he reached her nipple, he lapped it with his tongue and sucked.

“Ohhhh, Seb,” Syn gasped. Her arm curled around his hand. With each sip, she pulled him tighter. She ran her hand through his hair, massaging the back of his head as he drank from her. To his surprise, it was the same fruity flavor that he remembered. With a satisfactory pop, Seb pulled away.

“How does she taste?” Eni asked.

“Just like I remembered,” Seb said with a satisfactory grin. “Do you want to try?”

“Yes, please,” Eni said.

Together, the pair dove in. Syn took in a quickened breath as her two lovers reached the apex of her breasts. They circled her mounds with their tongues, suckling her sweet gifts. In perfect harmony, Seb and Eni wrapped their arms around Syn’s back, holding each other’s hands. They pulled the virtual intelligence tighter, plunging deeper into Syn’s soft pillows.

“Ohhh fuck,” Syn moaned. “You both are sucking so much.”

Eni and Seb pulled away, laughing at their companion’s declaration, only to have the shortstack lunge for the captain’s mouth. Her wide tongue filled his mouth, working to secure his own tongue with her. They twisted and massaged each other deeply with each breath. Eni’s frantic breaths gave away her excitement and lust. The pracovi’s excess spit spilled from the lips and Seb squeezed her plump bottom.

“Mmmmm,” Eni said after pulling away from his lips. “I think I like the taste better on your tongue than from the source.”

“If that’s all you wanted, you could have just asked,” Seb teased.

Eni tapped Seb’s face as her eyes traveled slowly down before settling on his hard cock that was firmly pressed up against Syn’s sealed slit. A devilish grin appeared on her face as she looked back up at the captain. “That’s not all that I want. But we’re doing this for science.”

Eni turned to face Syn. Her hand slid down Syn’s stomach, over her pelvic bone, and in between her thighs. Not to be deterred, Seb followed suit and the pair slowly massaged Syn’s lower lips.

Seb reached up and pulled his companion’s head down to his lips. Her soft whimpers put a smile on his face as he and Eni grabbed, massaged, and teased. With quickened breaths, he felt Syn’s body tense and jerk. She pulled her lips away to moan as she panted with the building of her lust.

“Master, can you remove my seal?” Syn asked.

Seb looked her dead in the eyes. “I didn’t hear you say please.”

“Please, master.”

“The submissive setting is so fucking hot,” Eni said. “I love hearing her beg.”

Seb glanced over at his white-haired companion. “What do you think, Eni? Should we remove her seal?”

“I think we’ve teased her enough.” Eni said before scooting back and bending down. With a quick pull, she ripped the seal from Syn’s slit. The virtual intelligence let out a leg shaking moan as a flood of warm liquid dripped onto Seb’s thighs.

“I love these sensitivity settings,” Seb said.

“They’re the best, aren't they?” Eni said with a wide grin. She reached back and slapped Syn’s ass. The virtual intelligence yelped as the three shared a brief laugh.

Seb nodded before taking in a quick breath as Eni turned her focus on him. Using Syn’s lubricant, she sat in front of Syn and started stroking Seb’s cock. Her small hands worked to cover every inch of him, gliding along his shaft. After a few seconds, she spit, adding her own lube to help cover his girth.

Feeling both women on top of him, their focus on pleasing him, made all the worries around him fade away. He slung his head back and lived in the moment. His hands naturally gravitated to the white hair in front of him.

Eni looked behind her briefly as his hands caressed her chest. His hands froze momentarily as she lifted his shaft up, pressing his tip into Syn’s slit. They both took in a quick breath as the pracovi issued her next set of commands.

“Syn, I want you to please the captain using only your pussy. Go slow at first and ramp up to a good glide.”

“Yes, mistress,” the blue-eyed V.I. said.

Seb let out an audible moan as Syn guided him into her. Her insides squeezed him like a vice grip until he was all the way down. His whole body shook as her warmth and wetness captivated him.

As she got into her rhythm, Seb found it hard to concentrate on anything except the sensation. Just like before, her insides were ribbed ‌as if each inch had its own individual control. It squeezed and released as he slid in and out of her.

“How does she feel?” Eni asked.

“Wonderful,” Seb groaned.

“Better than me?” Eni teased.

Seb cocked his brow. “Are you trying to start a fight?” He grabbed the shortstack and squeezed her tight. Eni tried biting him, but let out a moan as he pulled her head back. They both stared at each other for a moment before they lunged for their lips.

As their lips folded, Eni rocked her plump bottom against Seb’s stomach. She was feeling the moment, just as he was. He slid his hands down her thin body before gliding over her already wet pussy.

She let out a frantic moan and tried to pull away, but Seb didn’t let her. With his grip firm on her hair, he kept her pressed to his lips while he massaged her pearl. He cupped her pussy in his palm and massaged the whole thing, top to bottom, before finishing little circles at the top.

It was a move he knew that drove Eni wild. The shortstack’s legs squeezed his palm.

When his fingers finally entered her, she pulled back and moaned, “Oh my gods, that feels so good.”

“You like that?”

Eni nodded as she gripped hold of Seb’s forearm. Seb curled his two fingers and fucked her to the same beat the Syn did to him. As he worked, he and Syn locked eyes. She looked scatterbrained while her body bounced up and down, her large breasts smacking into each other with each pull upward. She was beautiful.

Eni’s cries pulled his gaze back to her. “Fuck Seb, you’re going to make me cum.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Mhmmm,” Eni slowly nodded.

“Then let me hear you scream.”

A warmth filled Seb’s core. He wasn’t going to last much longer thanks to Syn’s rocking hips. In a moment of euphoric bliss, all three lovers shouted cries of pleasure. A bolt of lightning spread through Seb’s body as he released his load inside of his companion. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as his body filled with chemical ecstasy. Seb held Eni in his arms as the pair regained their breath.

The shortstack was the first to move. She rolled to her stomach and pushed on Syn’s pelvic bone before she shifted off of him. She took Seb in her mouth, lapping up his excess.

The captain bolted up with clenched teeth. “Eni! Hold on! Fuck!” His sensitivity was still too raw, but the little devil didn’t relent. He twitched in his chair, breathing through the pain.

Once she finished, Eni leaned up on her knee and gave a toothy smile as she continued to stroke his cock. “I hope you don’t think you’re done. You’ve still got one more of her holes to test.”

“I’m no quitter,” Seb said, almost slurring his words.

“Did you hear that, Syn? I think we need to stop taking it easy on the captain. Why don’t you turn around and perform a level eight technique?”

“Woah W—” The grunt of pleasure took Seb’s breath away. As Syn stood up, she spread Seb’s legs to the side and gripped his thighs with her hands. She took his entire length in her ass like a hotdog in a vacuum. There was no passion or buildup. The machine got to work.

With a powerful slap, Syn raised her bottom and slammed it down. She twisted her hips with each repetition as if in an intricate dance. While her ass didn’t have the same grip as her pussy, she made up with speed and form. After a few turns of that, she added a freehand, massaging his balls lightly with her fingers.

Seb wanted to scream. He hadn’t come off of the sensitivity of his last orgasm. Each thrust pushed him closer to his quickened edge.

“I think he likes it,” Eni said, straddling Seb, leaning into his chest.

“I’m not going to last long,” Seb groaned.

“Well, when you get close, tell me.”

As Syn’s body pummeled his groin a few more times, Seb shouted, “Okay, I’m close!”

“Syn off!” Eni commanded.

As the VI stood up, the small pracovi took her place. She stood over Seb’s throbbing dick, spit in her hand, and rubbed her slit. As she lowered herself onto his member, the pair let out a satisfactory moan.

With her hands pressed against Seb’s chest, Eni did her best to resume the same speed as their virtual companion. However, Seb was already way too close to his edge to allow her any control. In pure frustration, he flipped Eni onto the couch and took control.

He shoved himself into his lover’s pussy. With both hands on her hips, he thrusted as hard and as fast as he could. He let go over all reservations, instead focusing only on his own approaching climax.

“Yes, fuck me,” Eni called.

While his pleasure built, Seb concentrated on Eni’s grip around the head of his cock. While he couldn’t pull her down his entire length, Eni had Syn beat in tightness. He watched as the pracovi leaned back helplessly as her legs and body flopped around.

As he got closer, Seb lifted Eni up and bearhugged her. He pulled her hard and deep. With a volcanic eruption, he spilled his love inside of her. The pair stood holding on top of each other, shaking from their lust. Seb spun around and fell back on the couch in pure exhaustion. They shared laughs and aftershocks as the pair caught their breaths.

“That… was fun,” Eni said, panting.

“Yeah, it was,” Seb said. “Do you think the tests were sufficient?”

“I don’t know. We may have to schedule another sometime.”

“What do you think, Syn?”

“I’d like that very much, Captain,” the virtual intelligence said. The three shared a chuckle before Syn spoke again. “I don’t mean to be rude, but I should test my cleaning procedures to ensure there are no seal leaks.”

“That’s a good idea,” Eni said, waving her hand. “We’ll be here.”

“I’ll report any issues if there are any.”

As Syn exited the room, the pair relaxed. Seb rubbed Eni’s back and massaged her ears as she nuzzled into his chest.

“I like it when you play with my ears,” Eni said.

“Do you want me to do it more?” Seb asked.

“Just in moments like this. It makes me sleepy.”

“We should probably keep some covers in here for moments like this.”

“That’s a good idea. I’ll ask my mom to send me some from home. Pracovi blankets are the best. They’re so plush and cozy.”

“Have you talked to your family recently?”

“Yeah, they’re all good. Outside of the initial scare of the war, Dutza hasn’t really been affected besides increased production. It’s been good for everyone back home. Lots of jobs. Excellent pay. But the hours are crazy.”

“Well, hopefully once this is all over we’ll all get some time to rest.”

“That would be nice. Not a vacation, but maybe get to a point where we’re not worried about looking over our shoulders all the time.


After a few minutes of silence, Eni spoke back up. “Hey Seb, can I ask you something?”

“Of course you can.”

“Do you… love me?”

Seb tilted his head back to try to see Eni’s face. “What kind of question is that? Of course I love you.”

Eni sat her chin on Seb’s chest and beamed. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

“What brought that on?”

“It’s just I notice you say it a lot with Nalla. Yet I don’t think we’ve ever said it.”

“Well, to be honest, I didn’t know if you felt the same. You’ve never once said it to me. I thought you wanted to keep things casual and fun, so I didn’t want to drop a bomb on you by saying that.”

“Yeah, I know. It’s just with everything going… We’ve had too many close calls, so I don’t want to regret not saying it to you.” Eni crawled up and wrapped her arms around Seb’s neck as she whispered. “I love you, Sebastian Warhawk.”

Seb squeezed her tight. “I love you too, Enigma Black.”


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