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Hey folks! I hope you all are having a great weekend. I'm popping in for a minute to give an update on things, so let's dive right in. 

Writing Update:
Dragon's Archon's initial draft is finished. I'm currently waiting to get the line edits back from Lauren, which I should have on Friday. Once I get those back, I'll be making the appropriate changes to the story based on my alpha reader's feedback and then incorporating those into a beta  version for Patreon. The book will stay on Patreon until Warhawk 3 and 4 are concluded and released. Dragon's Archon will then release soon after book 4. 

For my audio fans, the good news is that because this book is pretty much already finished and won't release for a few months, I'll be able to coordinate the audiobook recording ahead of time, potentially allowing me to release the ebook and audiobook together. I've never done this, so it will be interesting to see how it goes. I won't be able to do this with the subsequent books. This is just how things fell since I wrote this first before finishing W3 and W4. Just want to preface that :)

Jclea is wrapping up the final renders for Devon's armor. I'll then work behind the scenes on incorporating the character sheet in with the final edition of DA. As a heads up, based on the results of the cover vote, I'm having Macarious take a shot at the DA cover. I will then present that to everyone to see how you all like it. Whoever gets more votes between those two, I'll have them finish the other covers.

Rebecca Woods is currently a third of the way through recording Supplying Supers. Hoping to have it done by the end of the month with a release in December. After that she'll be recording Dragon's Archon, Warhawk 3, and Warhawk 4. And continue on as things go on :)

Current Schedule:
Dragon's Archon 1: Done/Editing
Warhawk 3: 50%
Warhawk 4
Dragon's Archon 2
Dragon's Archon 3 (If DA does well, there will be more)
Strength Unleashed 2.

That's it for me this week. I hope you all have a great week ahead.



Glad to hear you have been making good progress on multiple fronts