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Today was the day. The grand opening of the Temple of Rebirth. It was only a few weeks ago that Heluna had given me a second chance. A fresh start to truly become the man I wanted to be. I was powerful, respected, and had the money and women to go with it.

But I wasn’t done. Our grand opening was the first step of my conquest. A landmark from where Heluna’s word could spread all over Talis. I was determined to see our sect rival those of our peers. The kingdom was next. An inherent desire boiled in me to see it done. Nothing was going to stand in our way.

After our pre-celebration from the night prior, we all turned in to get an early start toward the day. I had Malice shift my clothes into something more ceremonial to fit the occasion. We arrived at the temple before sun up to meet with the caterers. While Yda and the acolytes cleaned the sanctuary, I manipulated the floors, removing all the stone pews and replacing them with tables for eating and drinking.

Even though I wasn’t hungry, the food smelled delicious. The caterers carted in large tubs of meat and vegetable stew, thousands of freshly baked rolls, and kegs of drink. It was enough to feed a small army or half the city. We stationed them in front of Heluna’s altar, wanting to give the impression that this was a gift from the goddess herself.

Once the sun crested over the horizon, I gathered all of my companions and the acolytes in the center of the room and rallied them with a speech. “This is it. This is the moment we’ve all worked so hard for over the many days and weeks that led us here. Heluna has brought us together for a reason. So that we may spread her word across all of Talis. This is the very first day it begins. This is our time. Many of you have sacrificed so much to get here. But through unity and determination, you have risen above the challenges so that we may share the good work for those that come to us in need. From the bottom of my heart, know that I am proud of every one of you. Now, before we welcome Nubia’s people into our new home and show them‌ the goddess’s grace, I ask for our Head Priestess to lead us in prayer.”

Yda took a step forward, lowered her head, and clasped her hands together. “Our goddess, whose existence permeates our world, who fills our hearts with purpose and love, bless us on this day as we strive to spread your word to those lost souls who come to us. Bless the meals that they receive as an offering of your graciousness and selflessness. Through the food they partake, allow them to be filled with your holy essence and find purpose through your guidance. Bless us, your vessels, so that we see your vision fulfilled. And thank you for bringing us His Holiness. For his protection, his kindness, and his empathy. It’s through his actions we stand here today in your glory.”

When the button-nosed sheepskin finished, she looked up at me with her red cheeks and longing gaze. I extended my hand to her and asked, “Shall we open together?”

Yda shuffled forward and held out her delicate hand. I gripped it fully, covering it in my own, and we walked to the entrance. When we reached the massive stone doors, I pulled on the moon-shaped handles. Once I’d fully opened them, Yda gasped in excitement.

A line of nubian citizens extended down the road and wrapped around the corner. I glanced down at the priestesses. Each of them had a smile as wide as the sun and a sparkle in their eyes I would never forget. They laughed and whispered among each other as they waited for my orders.

I cleared my throat before boasting to the crowd, “I, Devon Blackthorn, Archon of Rebirth, welcome you to our day of foundation. By Heluna’s grace, food and drink are offered on the far back wall. If you would like to partake, please keep in an orderly fashion and form a line. If you wish to learn more about our sect, our goddess, or our tenets, please speak to one of our wonderful priestesses, who you can see standing next to me. Other than that, come inside and enjoy yourselves.”

While most of the crowd rushed straight for the food, there were several elders and families that took their time exploring the sanctuary. Yda and the acolytes acted almost like tour guides, answering any question asked. They’d prepare more parchments with information about the sect, Heluna, and her tenets to hand out for those who showed interest.

I stood as a mix between greeter and bouncer as the crowd funneled in. Even as the hours passed by, the line seemed endless. It wasn’t until the sun reached its peak and the day became the hottest, that the crowd waned long enough for me to take a break.

After retrieving something to drink, I scanned the room. Ophelia was helping keep things organized for the caterer while Yda and the acolytes spoke to those who waited in line. When I saw Cartha leaning casually on one of the pillars, I grabbed a second drink for her and shuffled to her side.

“How are you doing?” I asked, extending her the beverage.

She glanced at the drink, blushed, and hesitantly took it. “Fine. Well, not fine. I’m bored out of my mind.”

“Do you want me to find you something to do?” I asked, half-joking. “I’m sure I could think of something.”

Cartha rolled her eyes and smirked. “Do you want me to toss this drink on you?”

“And get these fine robes dirty? No thanks.”

“You look ridiculous by the way. You know that, right?”

I pulled on my outfit. “You don’t like my holy look?”

“No, not at all.” Cartha chuckled. “It doesn’t suit you.”

“Oh yeah? What does?”

“Mmm… your explorer garb or armor does. You’re a fighter like me. Not a politician.”

“I could be both.”

“A general king, sure. But I have a feeling you feel more comfortable out on the battlefield than in here, mingling with the common folk.”

I sighed. “Well, you’re not wrong there. It does feel a bit awkward. Everyone comes up to me asking me about my powers and magic. They want me to show it to them. I feel like a… what’s an equivalent… a jester or something.”

“People are fascinated by that which is rare or unexplainable. You archons are the most rare things on Talis. You can do things that no one else can. Might as well be gods yourselves. They can’t help it.”

“You certainly don’t act that way.”

“I’ve spent enough time sucking up to royalty. Multiple lifetimes for many of the other races. I told myself I’d never go back to that life.”

I saw the hatred and pain in the voidelf’s eyes. Whatever it was, left a scar. I wanted to know more, but I didn’t want to sour the mood of the day.

I shoved my shoulder into hers. “Well, you don’t have to worry about that with me.”

Cartha smirked. “You’re all right, Devon.”

“You are too, Cartha.”

We both leaned back, sipping on our drinks as we watched the mob. After a few minutes, Cartha nodded to Yda. “She seems happy, doesn’t she?”

“Who, Yda?” I asked, confirming her nod with my own. “Yeah, she’s finally seeing her dream realized.”

“It’s a shame I won’t be around to see it come true.”

I turned and frowned. “What? Why?”

“Don’t tell her,” Cartha said, turning toward me, raising her finger. “Promise me.”

“I’m not going to promise that. Are you leaving?”

She sighed, crossed her arms, and leaned in to whisper. “Ophelia paid me what I was owed. I’m planning on leaving tomorrow.”

“Why? Are you unhappy here?”

“Kind of? It’s just… Now that she’s got you in the picture, there’s no reason for me to stick around.”

I leaned back. “Wait. Are you in love with her?”

Cartha’s eyes went wide. “What? No. She’s my friend. I’m not—not like that. I meant now that she’s got you to protect her.”

“Oh… got it.”

Cartha slapped my chest, and we both shared a laugh. “Asshole.”

“Sorry. It just came across that way. But seriously, why are you wanting to go? No one's forcing you to. Yda would be devastated if you go.”

“I know,” Cartha groaned. “It’s just she has all of this. She has you. The sect. When we left Amonduin, I had a purpose. To protect Yda. But now, I feel that I don’t really have that. I’ve seen your power. You could summon an army with the snap of your finger. She’ll be safe with you. I feel like I need to find my own path.”

I leaned forward and grabbed Cartha’s shoulder. “Trust me. I know that feeling. I’ve been lost before, stumbling my way through life trying to find my purpose. It wasn’t until Heluna brought me here that I truly found mine. The same way Yda found hers. I know it may not feel that way now, but I promise you, if you stick with me, you will find it. We’re about to build an entire kingdom. There will be positions that need to be filled with people who I trust. And I trust you, Cartha.”

“But you barely know me.”

“Then let me. Lower your guard a bit. And even if you don’t want to, I won’t hold it against you. The fact that Yda trusts you is good enough for me. But I promise, if you stick around, I'll help you find that purpose.”

Cartha lowered her head. Her eyes darted side to side as she considered my offer. When she made up her mind, she looked me in the eye and firmly nodded. “Okay. I’ll stay.”

I laughed and pulled her into my arms. “Hell yeah. I’m so glad to hear it.”

“Gods, you’re strong,” Cartha wheezed.

“Oh, sorry.”

When I let her go, the blue-eyed huntress rubbed her neck and briefly grinned. We stared into each other’s gaze longer than expected. Her glowing blue eyes dilated briefly before she quickly looked away. Cartha cleared her throat and pointed across the room. “I’ma… get some food.”

“I’ll be here.”

As I leaned against the column, the devil on my shoulder spoke into my mind. I’m glad you convinced her to stick around, Master.

Really? I said. I figured you’d be against it.

Why? Cartha’s one of the few that offers something of value to you. She’s cunning, brave, and an excellent fighter. She also is someone who will always be honest with you, no matter the consequence. You need people like her.

I’m glad you feel so. I thought the same. It’s a shame she feels lost. But I’m sure she will prove valuable once we find the right place for her.

Even if she does not have a position now, you could always bed her.

I nearly spit out my drink as I took a sip. Cartha? You’re serious.

Yes. You and her would foster strong warrior children. Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed the way she blushes when you give her things or when you touch her. She’s interested, but she’s holding back her desire. Be it her training or something deeper.

That may be true. But it’s best not to complicate matters with her. It’s clear she’s dealing with a lot as is. Until we get to the Bulwark, it’s best to keep things professional.

Yes, Master. I guess that leaves us more time to play.

As I felt the inside of my robe glide along my shaft, I snickered. Hey! Stop that. Now is not that time.

Awww, fine, Malice huffed. It’s been too long since our last time alone. I request your attention soon.

I couldn’t hold back my wide grin. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure there’s plenty of time for us both.

A blast of horns pulled my attention outside. The crowd rushed to the entrance and I jogged closely behind. A line of soldiers shouted and pushed the citizens back as a handful of mousekin servants marched down the street holding a shrouded seating platform on their shoulders. It was clear by the golden accents and vibrant semi-transparent cloth it was royalty.

When the men halted in front of the entrance, a lone soldier pulled back the veil to reveal Nyla. She was wearing the same ceremonial dress her mother wore: a gold plated top that extended from her neck to her breasts, an elaborate headdress stuck in between her snakes, paired with airy bottoms that exposed her hips.

She took the soldier’s hands and spun off the plush pillows. In her grip she held a purple velvet cloth. I pushed through the crowd and the guards moved to the side to allow me to enter.

“Your Royal Highness” I shouted and waved. “What a wonderful surprise.” I bowed once I approached and she responded the same.

“It’s been a while, Your Holiness, has it not?” Nyla lied. It was clear she was keeping up the facade that she’d been homebound since her return and not been sneaking out with me on the regular.

“It has and I’m delighted to see you,” I said while playing along. “I must say you’re looking quite ravishing.”

The princess lowered her head and grinned from ear to ear. “Thank you. One must keep up appearances. I see you’ve dressed for the occasion as well.”

I pulled on my robes and did a quick spin. “What do you think?”

Nyla looked me up and down, twisting her lips. “I think your armor suits you better.”

“You know you’re the second person to tell me that today. I think if I wore that instead I would have had people running for the hills.”

“That may be true.” she laughed.

I turned and extended my arm toward the entrance. “Would you like to come in and see the interior?”

Nyla looked both ways and stepped close as she whispered. “I’d love to but I can’t. I was only granted leave to come and drop off our gift.”

“Your mom?” I mumbled back. When Nyla nodded, I saw an opportunity. I leaned over her shoulder and close to her ear. “What if I could convince the queen to allow me to visit. No more sneaking. No more hiding.”

Nyla leaned back with furrowed brows. “How? After what I did… she’d never…”

“I have my ways,” I said with a sly grin.

“I don’t want you to get on her bad side. She can be… scornful.”

“I don’t think that will happen. At least let me try. The worst thing she could do is say no.”

Nyla stroked several of her snakes with her fingers as she stared off into the distance. Once she decided, the golden-eye girl looked up with an enamored smile. “Okay, you can try. But you have to promise me not to get on her bad side.”

“Pinky swear,” I said, holding up my finger. When she didn’t understand my implication, I raised her hand and curled hers around mine. “This is my promise.”

“Pinky swear,” she responded. As we held each other’s gaze, her snakes twisted as they swayed. She beamed with hopefulness which left me feeling slightly guilty that I knew I’d already worked this out with her mother. But that vanished when I reminded myself that this was as much of her benefit as mine.

“I uh… should get going,” Nyla said. “Mother’s going to worry if I stay out too long.”

“Should I take that off your hands?” I asked, nodding to the cloth.

“Oh yes,” she shouted wide-eyed before laughing. “I almost forgot. This is the banner of Nubia with the queen’s crest. These are given to friends of the royal house.”

“What a thoughtful gift. Now I’ll have to figure out where to hang it.”

“Most hang it somewhere it can be seen.”

“Yeah, I’m thinking I’ll hang it on one of the first columns in the sanctuary.”

“Then I shall leave you to it.” With the help of her guard, Nyla climbed back into the litter. Once she settled, the princess waved. “I look forward to our next meeting, Your Holiness.”

I bowed. “As do I, Your Royal Highness.”

We both waved as her servants turned around and marched back to the palace. When the guards left, some of the crowd followed, trying to get a look at the princess. Those that stayed back, returned to the orderly line to wait for their meal.

After I hung the banner, the rest of the evening went by quickly. I had a fun time playing a game with Yda where I’d count how many times I caught her looking at me from across the room. And when she wasn’t with someone, we’d make faces at each other and share a laugh. It was childish but fun.

We received a second rush of new visitors as the sun set. Most came by for supper. I noticed several repeats who’d visited earlier in the day. However, I relented. We were there to feed those in need. It was a small price to pay for the goodwill of the citizens.

Once the day turned to night, I thought it was time to wrap things up. Yda and the acolytes were doing their best to maintain their smiles and chipper attitudes as they spoke of Heluna’s word. But I could see the wariness in their eyes, their slumped backs, and heavy steps.

The caterer leaving helped slow things down. Many of the people who visited late turned immediately around once they saw there was no more food. When the last visitor had been half an hour ago, I closed the temple's doors.

While the acolytes retired to their rooms exhausted, I led everyone into the common room of the residential building and started a fire in the fireplace. We sat in chairs, eating the food that was left behind. The warmth from the heat and their full bellies put everyone in a relaxed stupor.

“You all did well today,” I said. “There weren’t any issues at all. I’m sure Heluna is proud.”

“We served almost three thousand meals today,” Ophelia said. “That’s an achievement in itself.”

“Make sure to give a bonus to the caterer. They definitely deserve it. I don’t think the line slowed once because of them.”

“They are the same locals who the queen uses for her festivals. They’re used to serving the whole city. So this was small for them. But I’m sure they won’t say no to more money.”

“I bet they won't,” I chuckled before glancing over to Yda. “How did you and the acolytes fare?”

The Head Priestess sat up in her chair. “Based on the final count that I received with the others, we had sixty four people take the oath to worship the goddess.”

“Already?” I shouted. “That’s fantastic!”

“Many of them were former followers of Abetha and Ninazu. With both of them gone, they only felt right to follow their child.”

“Makes sense. I wonder if this is something we can capitalize on? They both had two kingdoms, so there’s got to be thousands around Talis that would feel the same.”

“Ninazu’s followers would no doubt rally under your banner should you grant them revenge for what happened to their kingdom,” Malice said. “I’d imagine Abetha’s followers would do the same.”

“And when we take the Bulwark, they’ll have a new place they could call home,” Ophelia said.

“We’d just need to get the word out,” I said. “Hopefully, the founding of our temple and the deeds of our actions of Liberty Bay, helps spread the word of the rise of Heluna.”

“Word can spread quickly, especially if whispered in the right ears,” Cartha said, digging gunk out of her nails with her dagger.

I cocked my brow. “It sounds like you have some ideas?”

“Maybe. But it’s been a long time since I’ve spoken to those contacts. I’m not sure if they’re even still alive. But I do think that waiting until we have a permanent home would be ideal. People are willing to travel for what they presume is a promiseland.”

“We have quite a while until we reach that point. The acolytes have only just begun the training. I will not leave them here to flounder. The plan is still to stay until Yda is confident at least one of them is ready for priestesshood.”

“They are smart and determined, but yes, it will take them time,” Yda said. “At the earliest, a few months, at the latest six or more.”

“I guess we’ll have to get used to these hot days and cold nights,” Cartha said before yawning. She stood up from her chair and stretched. “This fire is going to put me to sleep if I don’t get up.”

“You’re welcome to stay in the guest beds so you don’t have to head back to the tower,” I said pointing up.

“Nah… I prefer to sleep in my own bed if I have the option. Are you all staying?”

“If you’re leaving I’ll walk with you,” Ophelia said after pushing herself up to her feet.

“I brought a bag with me,” Yda said. “I’m planning to stay at least for the first few nights to be with the acolytes. They’re still easing into things so I think it would be best to see a familiar face when they awake.”

“What about you, Your Holiness?” Ophelia asked.

Before I could answer, Yda interjected. “We’d welcome it if His Holiness stayed with us!” The curly haired priestess let out a nervous laugh and cleared her throat, no doubt realizing her overzealousness. “I mean, if you want to.”

“I’m more than happy to stay.” I said, trying to hold back my laugh. “It’s probably wise to do so, anyway given this is our first week.”

“Fair enough,” Cartha said, clicking her teeth. “I’ll be back in the morning, then.”

“As will I,” Ophelia added. “You two sleep well.”

“We will,” Yda and I said in unison. The spiral horned maiden giggled as she watched the rest of our party leave. When the doors shut behind them, she jumped from her seat and hopped into my lap, lunging for my mouth.

“I couldn’t. Wait,” she said, speaking in between each frantic kiss. “All. I’ve been able to think about. All day. Are your beautiful lips.”

Initially I was taken aback by Yda’s forwardness, but that faded as fast as each embrace came.  Our lips parted just long enough for me to say, “Then let me show you them.”

She whimpered as I pulled her in tighter. Our tongues twisted with the movement of our bodies. Her taste electrified my tongue. Each fold of her lips fanned my growing lust for the woman in my arms.

All the glances. The rushed smooches when we thought no one else was looking. All of it had slowly built to this final moment when everything we’d worked so hard for was finally realized, leaving us alone with only each other to focus on.

I worked my way down from her lips, to her chin, and down to the inside of her neck. I sucked softly and deeply. Each of her gasps incentivized me to continue. My hands found their way inside her dress, squeezing on her plump bottom before inching her way to the inside of her thigh.

“Wait!” Yda shouted, pushing me back.

I stopped and leaned back. “Is something wrong? I didn’t push you too fast, did I?”

“No…,” she said before tugging on my robe. “I want this. Just not like this. I’m disgusting.”

I snorted, trying my best not to laugh at her absurd declaration. “What?”

“We’ve been working all day. I’m sweaty, and I stink.”

“Yda, I love your smell.”

“Really?” she asked with a scrunched nose and toothy smile.

“Of course. You could have been rolling around in the mud and I’ll still desire you. You’re absolutely gorgeous and I want every inch of you.”

Yda smothered me with her mouth as we embraced once more. When she pulled away she said, “Thank you for saying so. But… I want this to be perfect.”

“What’s… this?” I asked with a smug grin.

The shortstack hopped off of my lap and pointed down the hall. “Just give me a few minutes to freshen up, and then meet in my room, okay?”

“Which one?”

“The third on the left. It should give us plenty of privacy since all the acolytes are staying on the upper floors.”

“I’ll be there.”

Yda battered her eyelashes and she swayed her hips, her fluffy white tail wagging with excitement. She stared at me with an expression that I assumed was her attempt at seduction like someone who read what guys liked was attempting it for the first time. As she backpedaled, she stumbled into one of the chairs, breaking her concentration only for a moment as she continued her act. I found it adorably cute.

When she disappeared down the hall, I brushed off my robe and cupped my hand, smelling my breath. It wasn’t terrible but I’d wished I had a mint or something to freshen up myself.

“The sheepkin seems to be building up confidence,” Malice said, as if impressed.

“Yeah, I’m honestly surprised,” I said.

She let out a heavy sigh. “What I would give to have my body. I’d love to make her squirm.”

I chuckled. “You better keep your hands to yourself. I have no idea how she would feel with you involved. That’s something we’ll have to discuss at a much later time.”

“Don’t worry, Master. I wouldn’t dare ruin your evening.”

I’d never been a patient man. And the waiting was killing me. My knee tapped a million miles a minute as my mind wondered whether it’d been long enough. Each pop from the fireplace acted like the gun of a sprinter’s race, nearly sending me flying off the chair. When I couldn’t take it any longer, I sprang up and marched down the hall.


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