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Cartha nodded to the crates. “Are those what I think they are?”

“Yeah,” I said. “All full. We’ll need to get someone to give us a full total of their contents.”

“We can have a priest of Ikkala help us once we arrive back in Nubia,” Ophelia said.

“Is that where we’re going?” a random voice in the back asked.

Ophelia turned around and smiled warmly. “Yes, we’ll be heading to Nubia on His Holiness’s orders.”

“And we’ll be freed?” Another asked from the crowd.

Ophelia turned to look at me, reserving the answer for me.

I stepped forward and did my best to ease them with a reassuring grin. “I do not dare attempt to understand everything you all have been through. You have my sympathy and sorrow. As I’m sure my subordinates have shown, you will be offered all the comforts of the Sect of Rebirth’s hospitality.”

I looked back and extended a hand to Ophelia. “Lady Yarrow speaks the truth. We will depart here for Nubia soon. Once we arrive, I’d ask you all to stay, temporarily, so that we may ensure you are properly prepared for your journey. However, we will not keep you here. If you wish to leave, no one will keep you from doing so. Until then, you will be given food and water, and access to our baths and rooms. Does anyone have any questions?”

None of the women said anything. In fact, they barely looked at me. Outside of a few glances, most kept their heads down, their hands clasped together. A learned behavior that saddened me.

“Ophelia, would you mind taking them up to their rooms?”

“Of course, Your Holiness,” the pointed eared sorceress said. “Come ladies, please follow me.”

After they all disappeared through the portal, I let out a heavy breath. “They all seemed to have it rough.”

“Can you blame them?” Cartha asked. “They've been forced into slavery for who knows how long. And that’s not all of them. There’s three times as many upstairs.”

“You’re kidding.” When she shook her head, I reached out and hugged her.

“What are you—”

“Thanks for being the voice of empathy,” I said before glancing at Nyla. “Both of you. I’m glad we were able to do something good for them.”

When I let go, Cartha’s purple face was beat red. She cleared her throat and gave an awkward smile. “Uh… yeah, sure.”

“You’re welcome, but what about my men?” Nyla asked.

“Let’s wait for Ophelia to return,” I said. “There’s a lot to discuss.”

Once the sorceress returned, I updated everyone on what had happened. I explained the Butcher’s transformation, Venom’s lair and his escape, and the ultimate destruction of the city.

All the color vanished from Nyla’s face as she lowered her head. “I… I knew it. I didn’t want to believe it. But somehow I knew it. I’m… sorry for forcing you to go.”

“I would have done the same thing,” I said, rubbing her shoulder. “Don’t worry about it.” When she looked up, she grinned through her sorrow and nodded.

“Master?” Malice said.


“You wanted me to remind you about the statues.”

“That’s right,” I said, snapping my fingers before kneeling next to Yda. “Do you know why Venom would have a shrine to Anstartus and Rendira?”

“To both?” The button nosed girl asked. She gripped her chin as she thought for a moment. “Hmm… both sects would consider this an anathema against the other. The gods themselves would likely be displeased. They all are rather selfish, especially those in the Underpantheon. He could be confused. Perhaps he’s been a follower of one and is being coerced into another. But why he would worship both is beyond me. They are mortal enemies.”

“Hmm… that just adds more questions than answers.”

“Is his escape something we should be concerned about?”

“I’d imagine so. He’s clever, and his alchemy is far more advanced than I’d imagined. What concerns me even more is that I believe he has a benefactor. Someone powerful. The amount of advanced equipment, resources, and technology I saw down there was more than I would have expected from a simple drug lord.”

“Drug lord?” Cartha snorted. “You make him sound like royalty.”

“In my past life, there were some who could be considered royalty,” I said. “They used political puppets to control entire continents while they directed everything from the shadows. They were so powerful, millions feared them.”

“Although I only interacted with him briefly, I don’t think that drove him,” Nyla said. “He was always rather quiet and calculating. He spoke only when he needed to. Any kind of social interaction I attempted. He pushed off like it wasn’t worth his time. Any decisions he left to Lady Florence?”

“Whatever his motivations, we’ll need to be careful. Speaking of Lady Florence, I didn’t see a body. What happened to her?”

Cartha poured herself a drink and set her feet on a table. “Oh, she’s downstairs in the dungeon.”

“You captured her?”

“She surrendered as soon as we burst into the room. She knew there was no option for escape.”

“Knowing my mother, she’ll take the offering well,” Nyla said.

“Then we’ll hand her over to your court, your Royal Highness. We don’t have a need for her.”

“With everything done here, what’s next?” Cartha asked.

I looked up at the hot red lips of the sorceress. “Are you going to be okay to jump us back tonight?”

“Most certainly, Your Holiness,” Ophelia said with a brief bow. “The portals only took concentration, not a lot of magic.”

“Your Holiness?” Nyla said. “Why do you keep calling him that?” Her hair stood up. “Wait. Are you an Archon?”

“Yes,” I chuckled.

“Why haven’t I heard of you?”

“I’m the Archon for the Sect of Rebirth. We follow Heluna. Yda is my head priestess.”

“The blasphemer? The spawn of Abetha and Ninazu?”

“Rude. But yes.”

“My apologies,” Nyla said, bowing with her snakes. “I didn’t mean any offense. It was a slip of the commoner's tongue.”

“No harm taken,” I said, waving my hand. “That seems to be what most believe.”

“So that’s why you took the job? You were hoping for a reward to help you build your sect.”

“You can’t build a kingdom from nothing.”

“A kingdom?”

I glanced at my companions before nodding. “Yes. I plan to claim land where we can build our foundation. I took this job because I intend to ask your mother to not only back it from a political stance but also invest in it. I also want her approval to build a land in Nubia. Why do you ask?”

Nyla’s shoulders rounded forward. A wave of sadness crashed over her face briefly before pressing her lips tightly together and shrugging. “I was just curious about your motivations. Thank you for being honest.”

“You’re welcome.”

“So are we going to get out of here or what?” Cartha asked.

“Before we depart, I’d like to know our plans with the women upstairs,” Ophelia asked, pointing a finger up. “Your words to them… it sounded like you had more intentions of just freeing them?”

“I promise nothing nefarious,” I said, swiping my hands in the air. “I just hoped that we could help each other.”


“Well, if Queen Sekhet approves our temple in Nubia, I assume we’re going to need priestesses to staff it, yes?”

“That’s true, Your Holiness,” Yda said.

“Then what I’d like to do is give them a choice. When we arrive in Nubia and everyone is rested, I’d like Yda and Cartha to take some coin and purchase bags, clothes, hygienic supplies, pretty much everything a person would need for a fresh start. Buy one for everyone staying with us. Additionally, they will be given a hundred gold or the equivalent in coins.”

Nyla blinked rapidly. “A hundred gold? You’re serious?”

“Yes. They deserve a fresh start after what they’ve been through. All that we’ll ask in return is to spread our story. That it was the Sect of Rebirth who came to their aid and saved them.”

When I finished speaking, I heard Malice groan in my mind. It was a clear sign of how she felt about how I was spending my newly acquired coin. But she was kind enough not to say anything.

“I thought we’re trying to keep our heads down?” Cartha asked with a cocked brow.

“It will take time for word to spread from Nubia, but our time for secrecy is over. Our enemies failed to strike us down at our weakest. Our deeds today have given us the opportunity to grow. It’s time we make ourselves known to the world.”

“But what choice do the women have to make?” Ophelia asked.

“They either stay and train under Yda’s tutelage and commit themselves to Heluna, or they’re free to go. Either way, they get to keep the equipment and gold.”

“I knew Heluna put us on the path to help these women,” Yda said, clasping her hands together. “It’s through your action and her glory that these women are given a second chance.”

“I think that’s a completely acceptable offer,” Ophelia said. “One that I think they’ll all appreciate.”

“You’ll want to remind them all not to speak of the amount they carry,” Nyla said. “A hundred gold is almost seven months' salary for a tradesman. While Nubia is rather safe, I’d hate to hear what would happen should word get out that these women are carrying such sums.”

“That’s a good point. Yda, can you make sure to cover that with them once you make the announcements?”

“Of course, Your Holiness. But don’t you want to hand out the gifts so they know it’s coming from you?”

“I want you to take care of it. Once we get back to Nubia, I’m going to take Nyla and Lady Florence to the queen. Once I conclude with all of that, I think I’m going to be too preoccupied building our temple to focus on anything else.”

“Of course, Your Holiness.”

As a silence befell the room, I glanced up at the sorceress. “Ophelia? Would you mind taking us back?”

“Absolutely,” she said before sliding her hand down the Head Priestess’s back. “Yda, would you be a dear and inform the ladies upstairs what’s about to happen? I don’t want to frighten them any more than they already are.”

“I’d love to.”

“Your Royal Highness, you might want to take a seat,” Ophelia said as she raised the metal rod in the center of the room. After giving Yda a few minutes to ready our guests, the sorceress began the ritual.

Just like before, as the sorceress waved her arms in the air and spouted an incantation, small sparks of electricity popped from the metal sphere on top of the rod. With each passing second, the electricity faded in and out of existence until it became constant.

Ophelia directed a bolt to each of the crystals that hovered on the walls, causing them to spin. A pulse of circular electricity ascended from each of the points into the endless void above. The state repeated until the ceiling was a constant cylinder of light.

The entire building vibrated and hummed as the power built within its structure. I pressed my weight on the table to help prevent it from moving.

A loud boom preceded the large release of energy. I felt a shockwave roll through the floor when the tower resettled. A high-pitched ring whined down as the spell completed.

Ophelia stood in the center, sweaty and panting. I poured her something to drink and offered it to her. She gulped the beverage down before handing me the empty cup.

“Thank you,” she said, gripping onto my arm for support.

“Are you all right?” I asked, leaning down.

“Yes. It’s just been a while since I've had two jumps so close together like that. After we meet with the queen, I’ll take some time to rest.”

“You don’t have to go to the palace with me.”

Ophelia leaned in and whispered. “I do. It’s important for appearances. The queen would find it odd for me not to be there with you.”

“As long as you’re okay.”

She groaned and stepped closer, smiling through her exhaustion. “I will be as long as you’re there to give me an arm to rest on.” I extended my arm to her and she wrapped herself around it. “Come. Let’s grab Lady Florence and head to the palace.”

I followed Ophelia through one of the side portals. The dungeon was exactly as I expected. It was a simple room with nothing but cells. A stone bed and stone chair with a hole to use for the restroom were all they contained.

Upon our approach, Lady Florence stood from the bed and shuffled towards the bars. Her hair was disheveled and her dress torn. She looked up with a furrowed brow when she saw me.

“Sir Blackthorn?” she said.

“Not what you expected?”

“No, not at all. You’re… human.”

“As human as I could be, I guess.”

She shook her head as if removing a spell cast on her. “What happened to my companions? Venom and Brick?”

“I think you have much more to worry about than your companions, Lady Florence.”

The elderly woman clutched her chest; her eyes watered. “Are you here to kill me?”

“No. Although it’s what you deserve, seeing what you did to those poor women.”

She pointed her nose up. “If I hadn’t done it, someone else would have. I treated them as well as I could.”

“Don’t try to justify your actions to me,” I spat. “I could give two shits about what you did and what you didn’t do. It doesn’t matter. You made the mistake of trying to blackmail Queen Sekhet and now you’re going to pay.”

“It was that stupid brat’s idea!” Lady Florence cried, gripping the bars. “She put us up to it. It should be the one punished!”

“Open cage,” I growled.

When the bars opened, Lady Florence scrambled to the other end of the cell. “No please! I’ll do anything!”

I marched forward and grabbed her arm. She screamed and begged as I dragged her out. I felt like an adult pulling their screaming toddler, who was told they couldn’t get the toy from the store they wanted. By the time we retrieved Nyla and left, she’d accepted her fate and straightened.

The cool desert air hit me in the face when the doors opened. Even in the late hour, dozens of passersby stood waiting outside the door. Many smiled, gasped, and waved when they saw the princess. Several guards rushed over soon after, and Nyla was quick to instruct them to take Lady Florence in custody while we strolled to the palace.

A runner was sent ahead to inform us of our approach. By the time we reached the palace’s walls, the queen was waiting at the entrance. She wore a white-and-gold night gown and her massive headdress was missing.

Her body towered over her guards as she used her thick scaled lower half to prop herself up for a better view. When she saw us coming, Queen Sekhet darted through her men, knocking several over. She lifted Nyla into her arms and squeezed her tight.

“My baby,” the queen sobbed. “My beautiful baby.” After nearly a minute of kissing and squeezing, she finally lowered her to the ground. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

“I’m fine, mother,” Nyla groaned.

“Let me have a look at you. You’re looking skinnier. Did they starve you?”

“Yes and no… Mother, please. There’s a lot to discuss.”

“I’m certain there is. Come inside. Let’s get you bathed, fed, and in some new clothes.”

“Your Majesty,” a guard called out. “The princess has brought a captive. What should we do with her?”

“Your Majesty, if I may,” Lady Florence said, holding up a finger.

“Silence!” a guard shouted, elbowing her in the gut.

Queen Sekhet slithered in front of the woman as she gasped for air. She gripped her by the throat and loomed over her. “How dare you think that you can speak to me, you pathetic measly rodent! I know not why you’re still alive, but I promise you, you will be dead come sunrise.” The queen swiped her hand across the woman’s face. Small beads of blood dripped from the wounds. She pointed to her guard and commanded, “Take her to city dungeons. In the morning, hang her from the city walls and post notice that anyone who dares cross Nubia will suffer the same fate.”

“My queen, please have mercy!” Lady Florence cried. “We did not kidnap your daughter. It was—”

Several punches by the guards silenced the foxkin’s words. She dropped limp to the ground, only to be pummeled further. When they tired of beating her bloody and blue, four of them carried her by each appendage as they disappeared around a perpendicular street.

“Your Holiness?” Ophelia said, lightly pulling on my arm.

When I turned around, the queen and Nyla were already climbing the hill towards the palace. I nodded my thanks and began my ascent. As the massive stone doors closed behind me, I felt conflicted.

For some reason I couldn’t explain, I felt sorry for Lady Florence. That pity turned to anger, as I couldn’t understand why. I knew what she’d done to the women of the tower. It was abhorrent. She was a leader of a criminal organization that had prayed on the weak. Yet, seeing her helpless, beaten into a pulp by the guards… left me feeling more upset with them than her.

In my past life, if that had happened, it would be all over the news. By morning there would be riots. Yet, here no one paid any mind, leaving me to wonder if, instead of being aghast, the public would cheer. Or even treat it as a spectacle like the hangings of the old west.

All of this reminded me I was in an entirely new world. Those who held the power were the ones who issued justice. If I was going to run things how I saw fit, I needed to solidify my own.

I couldn’t let the old me define the new me. Yda and Ophelia had reminded me multiple times already that I wasn’t acting like a ruler would. Perhaps that could be an advantage to me, but it also could be a weakness. Either way, I knew what I wanted, and I would let nothing get in my way. Even if that meant becoming someone the old me wouldn’t recognize.

I’d been on autopilot since entering the grounds. When I reached the throne room, I found two of the queen’s servants waiting for us.

I furrowed my brow and looked around. “Where are the queen and the princess?”

“The queen has asked you to wait for her in her lounge,” the servant said. “We’ll take you there.”

“I’m assuming Nyla and her have a lot to discuss,” Ophelia whispered.

“Yeah… I wonder how the queen’s going to react?” I muttered back.

“We’ll find out soon enough.”

“Please, lead the way,” I said, extending my hand.

We followed the two mousekin deeper into the palace until we reached two large wooden doors. They both tugged at the circular handles, grunting to pull it open. The lounge reminded me of an open sunroom.

Long vines covered the three open doorways. Colorful semi-transparent glass filled the dome ceiling above. A circular seating area was recessed in the floor. Blankets and lush pillows covered the seats. A firepit sat in the center which the servants promptly lit, filling the area with warmth.

I helped ease Ophelia down before sitting next to her. She promptly covered herself in a blanket. The servants offered us steaming beverages that tasted like hot cider, heavy in cinnamon. After taking a sip, Ophelia shivered.

“Cold?” I asked, wrapping my arm around her.

“Not anymore,” Ophelia said, looking up and smiling. She nuzzled into my chest as we waited for the queen. “Now that you’ve rescued the princess, what are you going to ask for? Money?”

“That was my thought. Plus, allowing the queen for us to build a temple here, but she seemed onboard with that from the start as long as we paid for the license, so that seemed like a small ask. Is there anything you can think of that would help us establish our kingdom that perhaps only the queen could provide?”

“Hmm…” Ophelia said before taking a few seconds to answer. “Well… to build a kingdom, we need a few things. First, we need a location.”

“The Bulwark.”

“Yes. With plans to expand east. We need resources and subjects. At the start, our coin will help with the resources. More coin will provide us with more time until we build up a steady income from trade routes and subjects. On the latter point, it will be important that we build up loyalty of our subjects either through love or fear. And finally, once we’re established, we need recognition.”

“Recognition?” I asked, leaning back. “What do you mean by that?”

“This territory we’re claiming, we’re doing so through conquest. It’s technically controlled by Eimalon. Conquest is a suitable means for claim, but will always be in contention unless we can get the snow elves to relent or acknowledge our ownership, which is going to make them look weak in the process.”

“Their people wouldn’t respect them if they see us take their territory and then they just give it over.”

“Exactly. It would be political suicide if word got out about that. Which could give us a political advantage if we strategize how we want to assume control. But what we need is recognition by other powerful figures on Talis. That includes other kingdoms, archons, the Chalice, and other powerful figures. Now you already have some being an Archon. However, you do not have history, and history is important.”


“History sets precedent. It gives authority, and it gives power. By getting recognition from the people I just mentioned, we’ll have a much stronger claim to our territory. Others will be much more likely to follow suit.”

“So how do I get that? Do I just ask Queen Sekhet to recognize our claim?”

“That’s one possibility…”

I cocked my brow as I looked down at the beautiful blonde head of hair. “Is there another?”

Ophelia twisted her lips before tilting her head up. “Marriage.”

“Marriage?” I said, almost on the verge of laughter. “How would that help?”

“Marrying into a powerful bloodline would solve a lot of problems. We’d have history, a firm foundation to stand on, and support from the family.”

I scooted back. “Wait. You’re actually serious?”

“Of course. As your closest advisor, it only makes sense. Do you know how Emperor Archon Dupont came into power?”


“The western hills where his kingdom inhabits were largely composed of dozens of small fiefdoms. The area was full of constant infighting and war. Dupont was one of such nobles, but held the largest military out of them all. He prayed to Anstartus and asked for the power to bring order to his land, and promised that when he succeeded, he would make it the only religion allowed in his territory. And so Anstartus granted him the power. Dupont then conquered each of the fiefdoms, one-by-one. And when he did, after killing the kings, he wed and bed all of their queens. He knew it was important to have that history there. People do not look fondly on a conqueror, but if they respect their customs and improve the lives of the people, it can be successful.”

“Are you saying that I should ask for the queen to marry me?” I asked. “I hardly know her.”

“You could, but I was thinking of someone else.”



“The princess?” I said, wide-eyed. “Why her?”

“Queen Sekhet is old.”

“She sure doesn’t look it.”

“Sorry,” Ophelia laughed. “Not physically. I meant more in soul and conviction. She’s an imposing personality. She’s been a queen of Nubia for decades and would come with strong feelings about how to rule a kingdom which may conflict with your own. This is her kingdom. You would just be inheriting it, but have no proper authority.”

“I’m not looking to become some show piece.”

“That’s what I figured. It would be a quick way to assume control over a kingdom, but it would be performative. You’d have no actual control over major decisions. You would want for nothing. The queen is an excellent lover. But she is controlling and jealous, limiting any aspirations for a harem, if that’s what you’d desire.”

“Well, there goes that idea.”

“As I’d figured based on your interactions with your women. Fret not, though. It’s rare for nobility to be as monogamous as Queen Sekhet and her husband were.”

“And I have a feeling that she’s not quite over the loss of her husband. She’d probably compare me to him like she has already done so.”

“Which is why becoming betrothed to Nyla would be a better option. She’s young, inexperienced, and would be a better partner for your aspirations.”

“How so?”

“You could mold her into the queen you want and need. She comes from a strong and respected bloodline, which is a boon. The princess wishes to see more of the world and get away from her mother’s clutches. We plan on founding a kingdom in a part of the world that she’s never been to. You’d be offering her a way out. Plus, Nyla is the queen's only daughter. She would inherit Nubia upon her mother’s eventual death.”

“I’m not going to force her into a relationship with me. I’m not interested in an arranged marriage. Hell… I don’t even know if I like her well enough to want to marry her.”

“You could take it slow. There’s no need to rush this. Ask the queen for her permission to court her daughter. We’re likely going to be in Nubia for weeks as you and Yda build the temple and the foundation of the sect. You can use that time to get to know each other better, and when it’s time to leave, if that spark is there, ask her to come with us.”

As I stared into the flames contemplating the option, the door creaked open behind us. Queen Sekhet slithered in and around the fire before settling a foot from me. She’d changed into a plush robe.

After accepting a filled goblet from one of her servants, the queen took a sip and leaned on her fist as she stared at me with a devilish smile. “It seems I am in your debt, Your Holiness. You brought my daughter back home to me just like I’d asked.”

“It wasn’t just me,” I said before nodding to my companion. “Ophelia and the other members of my team all played a part in it.”

“Yes, but it is you they follow. Isn’t that correct, Ophelia?”

“Yes, your Majesty,” the sorceress said, placing her hand on my chest. “His Holiness planned and executed the rescue flawlessly.”

“And I was told Liberty Bay burns, just like I’d asked,” Queen Sekhet said.

I nodded firmly. “It’s nothing but a pile of charred wood and ash, your Majesty.”

The queen took another sip of her drink, her vertical eyes widening as she looked at me over the top of her glass. “I like a man who can get things done. Especially one who keeps his word.”

“It’s my pleasure to see you happy, your Majesty,” I said with a brief bow.

The queen slid forward. She leaned her arm over the top of mine, caressing my forearm with her long nails. Her hair snakes twisted among each other, slowly hissing as she whispered. “Such dedication should be rewarded. When we previously spoke, you said the reward would be great. Pray tell Archon of Rebirth, what desires can I fulfill for you?”

The queen’s implication was anything but subtle. It was clear if I’d asked for it, I could have her right there, with no concern of Ophelia watching. Her seductive whisper and forwardness made me hard. But this was a negotiation, and the queen had played her hand early.

“I’m asking for three things,” I said with a slight smile as I gazed into her eyes.

The queen scooted closer and smirked. “Careful Archon. Avarice leads many down a path of corruption. But go on, I’m interested to know what it is you want.”

“The first is I’m requesting a location in Nubia to build our temple. We want Nubia to be the home for our first location. We’d like your permission to preach Heluna’s tenets here.”

“As I’d expected,” Queen Sekhet whispered, her snakes’ tongues tickling my ear. “I’ve already prepared the perfect space for you. It will be located just a few blocks from the palace. You will be expected to follow the same guidelines that all the other sects follow. But as long as you do, you have my blessing.”

“Thank you, your Majesty.”

Her hand slid up my shoulder and around my neck. Her hand slowly massaged as she spoke. “And what other desire could I grant you?”

“What I’m about to tell you, I’d like to keep confidential.”

“Oh… a secret. I love secrets.” As I smugly glared at her, she rolled her eyes and smiled. “You have my word.”

“Once we establish the temple in Nubia, I plan to head north and claim land for myself.”

Queen Sekhet furrowed her brow and tilted her head slightly, but she still held her smile. “You mean you’re going to seize land?”

“Yes,” I said bluntly. “I plan to establish my own kingdom, and I’m going to need funding. I want you to be a financial sponsor for the plan.”

The queen leaned back and covered her mouth as she laughed. “Oh, Your Holiness. I did not know you were such a jester.”

I shook my head. “I’m not kidding, your Majesty. I plan on seizing the Bulwark, and I want your help.”

The smile on the queen’s face faded. “That’s a bold and dangerous declaration. What of Eimalon?”

“Our information states that the area is infested with bandits. So Eimalon does not seem to be protecting their own territory or does not consider it to be part of theirs. Once we clear the thugs from the area, I’m going to repair the walls and seize control. Hopefully, we can deal with things peacefully, given Ossein Island will be invading the continent soon.”

“Smart to use a moment of their vulnerability for your advantage. But what you’re discussing could be seen as an act of war. If anyone found out that I loaned you the money, it would bring ire to my kingdom. And while Eimalon is not the largest of my trading partners. Many of their nobility love to visit our lands when they tire of the snow.”

“Understandable. If you would not like to get involved, I will take one lump sum for rescuing your daughter.”

That I can do,” Queen Sekhet said, her seductive smile returning. “How does… twenty-five thousand platinum sound?”

It took me a second to do the mental gymnastics. It seemed like a lot, but I didn’t know how much that would buy us in the world. I glanced back at Ophelia, who nodded in agreement.

“That sounds more than acceptable. Thank you.”

“I will speak with the Temple of Ikkala in the morning and get the amount delivered to your tower.”

“That would be most appreciated, your Majesty. Thank you.”

The queen leaned back forward, draping her hand down my chest as she whispered. “I must say, Your Holiness. Hearing you speaking so casually of your nefarious intent has me… excited. I will be watching you with great interest. Speaking of… I can’t wait to hear what else you have in store for me.”

I hesitated. The queen had already shown herself to be very protective. The fact that her daughter wasn’t here was a big enough sign. However, since I wasn’t getting the queen as a financial partner, having her daughter in my corner would give me the royal support I desperately needed. The idea of a political marriage wasn’t appealing, but the benefits were great.

“My final request is about Nyla,” I said.

Queen Sekhet jerked back. All the teasing and seduction left her face. She stared at me with deadly intent. “What about her?”

“Our time together in Liberty Bay was brief. However, I’ve grown fond of her. With your permission—”

“Stop right there,” Queen Sekhet said, holding up her finger. “Before you finish that statement, let me be clear. Nyla is my little girl. She means more to me than anything else in this world. If you’re about to ask me… what I think you’re about to ask me, let me tell you something. Anyone who makes her sad or breaks her heart, no matter who they are, I would make them disappear. And the southern sands have a lot of places to hide a body. Do you understand me, Your Holiness?”

“I do,” I said without hesitation.

The queen leaned back and flicked her hand at me. “Then go on.”

“I’d like to court your daughter.”

“And what makes you think I would agree to that after what you just told me?”

“Because I know she resents you. She resents being locked away in this castle. She’ll do anything to escape here. It’s only a matter of time before she does. I don’t believe that’s something that you want. You and I know I can protect her. I’ve already proven myself capable already. There’s a reason you see your husband in me. That can’t be a coincidence. I will treat the princess with kindness and respect. And if she doesn't feel the same, then I’ll end things immediately.”

Queen Sekhet stared into the fire with her arms crossed for what felt like a full minute before turning back. She looked me up and down once more and sighed. “Very well. I will allow you to court my daughter.” She leaned forward with furrowed brows and stuck her finger in my face. “However, remember my promise.”

“I will, your Majesty.”

The queen leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek before whispering in my ear with a seductive smile. “Don’t disappoint me or her.”

“You have my word,” I said, failing to hold back my grin.

“Then we are done here,” she said, slithering over the chair and toward the door. “You both are more than welcome to stay in one of the palace guest rooms.”

“Thank you, your Majesty,” we both said in unison.

As the doors shut, Ophelia slapped my thigh. “That went extremely well, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Yeah,” I said, chuckling. “We didn’t get the sponsor, but we got a nice lump sum. Do you think it would be enough?”

“If not, it’s the best start we could hope for. With it and the chests we pulled from Lady Florence, then we should have a nice treasury. We should consider hiring a treasurer before we leave Nubia. This is probably the best place to find one among the followers of Ikkala.”

“We’ll need to build a group of advisors, won’t we?”

“Yes, but there is no need to worry about that now. That will come in time. For now, we can spend the moment enjoying our small victory.”

“It’s been so go, go, go, that we haven’t really had a moment to do so, have we?”

“No, we haven’t, and we should. It’s small moments like this, cuddling by a warm fire, enjoying a warm drink, that make everything worth doing.” Ophelia snuggled further into me.

“Do you wish to head to one of the rooms?”

Ophelia let out an enormous yawn. “Can we stay? I’d like to linger here just a little longer.”

I wrapped her up tight. “Of course.”


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