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I blinked rapidly. “You’re going to what?”

“I’m going to help bathe you.”

“I’m more than capable of doing that myself,” I said.

Ophelia hesitated, a slight smile still hovering over her thick, red lips. “Your Holiness, may I ask a personal question?”

“Of course.”

“Your time before your rebirth. You were not have a higher standing, were you?”

I crossed my arms and squinted. “What do you mean?”

“You were not of noble birth… a knight… or a family of some renown?”

Thinking about it depressed me. I was a nobody. My parents were liars and manipulators. The best thing I’d achieved was a college degree. And all that brought me was a job I hated and depression from years of no advancement.

I let out a heavy breath and shook my head. “No… I wasn’t.”

Ophelia strolled up to me, caressing her hand up my armored chest. “Let me remind you who you are. You are Devon Blackthorn. The Blackthorn and Archon of Rebirth. You are of the highest reputes, one that rivals that of queens and kings on Talis. Even a guest of a tavern can pay for a service that I’m offering to you. And someone of your position should expect it. Myself, Yda, and even Malice are here to serve you.”

“I agree, Master,” Malice whispered. “You are a conqueror. You should not fear being praised. You should welcome it.”

“I appreciate that,” I said. “I really do. I just don’t want any of you to feel like I’m taking advantage of you.”

“I have a good feeling that you wouldn’t,” Ophelia said with a wide smile. “We know you’re different. Very few kings would even think about apologizing with flowers.”



“But you must be exhausted. You’ve been up as long as I have. I don’t want you to feel obligated if you’re tired.”

Ophelia pulled on my armor, pressing herself tighter towards me. Her voice hinted with frustration. “Do not worry about me, Your Holiness. Unlike you, I will sleep after this. But I want to do this for you because I want to give you everything. Serving you is my destiny. I’ve dreamed of you for years. This act of selflessness will bring me joy. And I’m confident to speak for everyone under your tutelage, if we offer our labor please accept it. Not doing so could be construed that we did something wrong and would leave us feeling disheartened.”

“Well, I wouldn’t want to make you feel that way.”

“If it helps, you could think of it just like the flowers you so kindly brought us today.”

“All right,” I said with a firm nod. “I’ll do my best. But I may need some help to learn how to act like a king.”

Ophelia took a step back. “I’ll always be here to help you.”

“Me too, master,” Malice purred.

As I eyed the tub, I reached for my armor, only to remember it wasn’t a traditional suit. “Malice, can you retract to the smallest forms? The circlet and golden bracelets are fine.”

“Of course, master.”

The armor slithered off my body into the jewelry, leaving me completely nude.

Even with the mask covering her eyes, I could see what Ophelia was staring at. With her head tilted forward, she bit on the edge of her nail. A wide grin crested her face.

“Problem?” I asked with a smug smile.

“Just admiring the view, Your Holiness. It seems Heluna blessed you with more than one gift, didn’t she?”

“She was generous,” I said, climbing in the tub. I let out a few quickened breaths as I lowered myself in. The tub was a perfect fit, allowing me to completely submerge myself before the tips of my feet hit the edge.

After a few seconds, I pulled myself up. I pushed my bottom to the back and wiped the water from my face. Ophelia’s heels clicked behind me and I heard the grinding noise of a chair. Her hands trickled down my head to the top of my chest.

“Should I remove Malice?” Ophelia whispered.

As I hesitated, Malice shouted, “No, you shall not! Don’t you dare touch me!”

I leaned my head back and asked, “Why?”

“It would allow me to clean in those areas, and I figured we could use the privacy. But if you’re uncomfortable with it, I don’t mind if she stays.”

“I stay!” Malice yelled, on the verge of panic. “Master, please tell her I'm staying.”

“You know I’ll have trouble controlling my body,” I said, ignoring her.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of you.”

The mix of her seductive voice and warm breath on my ear sent goosebumps all over my body. As I went to pull the circlet off my head, it held firm.

“Malice,” I growled. “Let go.”

“No!” the elemental whined. “I won’t leave you alone with this witch!”

Ophelia gasped. “How dare you! You take that back!”

“Malice, stop this,” I said. “You can’t be with me all the time. You’re not going to be away from me for that long. Once we’re done, I’ll put you back on.”

“Fine!” she huffed. “But if you drown, I’m going to tell your corpse I told you so.”

I rolled my eyes as I pulled her off like a loose piece of duct tape. I felt my legs tingle before handing Malice to Ophelia. My arms swung at her, splashing once I pulled off one metal bracelet.

I’d returned to my helpless self. After my sorceress caretaker helped me pull the other off, she shook the water off both of them. She rounded the back of the tub and I waited patiently as she walked across the room.

“Where are you taking me?” Malice asked.

“I’m putting you in a chest,” Ophelia said bluntly.

“No! Put me on the table so I can see.”

“No, I’m putting you in the chest. Otherwise, you’ll not leave us alone.”

“If you put me in there, I swear on all the gods and goddesses above that I’ll—”

After a heavy thud, I heard a smack of the chest closing. Malice’s muted shouts thumped from inside. By the time Ophelia returned to the back of the tub, the elemental’s voice went silent.

“Now, with her out of the way, we can have a bit of privacy,” Ophelia said.

“Eh, she’s not so bad,” I teased. “Without her, I would be almost completely helpless. You should have seen my fight with the inquisitors. It was… something. I was more of a wild beast than a man.”

“A temporary setback that will be resolved in time. Once you claim enough followers and souls to where you can use the essence for yourself, I’m sure you’ll maintain a control over your body that won’t require Malice. I’m sure she knows that, which is why she was so adamant that she stay with you.”

“What, like she’s trying to manipulate me to keep her around?”

“I don’t think it’s so malicious, no pun intended. But I don’t know. She is a monster.”

The thought of her subtly manipulating me put a nasty taste into my mouth. She’s already done it once earlier in the day, but I kind of understood why. I needed it to kick me in gear. But I wondered… if she did it that once, she could be doing it more than I recognize.

Ophelia must have sensed my unease. She sat on the edge of the tub behind me, guiding my head back onto the smooth thickness of her thighs. With whispered seduction, she said, “Just sit back and relax, okay?”

“Yes mam,” I said, melting in the water.

After opening a bottle and pouring a thick liquid in her hands, Ophelia spread it through my thick hair. All the hair on my body stood up as she scraped her nails across my scalp. I moaned with each pass, my neck becoming jello in her hands.

“Does that feel good?” Ophelia whispered.

“Oh yeah,” I said. “I could get used to this.”

“That’s what we want. The more comfortable you grow in your new position, the faster it will come naturally.”

“Am I that bad at it?”

“No… not at all,” Ophelia chuckled. “It’s mostly just tweaks with me and the rest of your followers. In your dealings with others, you protrude a strong and confident demeanor. Your interaction with Queen Sekhet was flawless. And everything went well with the Chalice members.”

“That’s good to hear.”

“Like I said, just small things. And don’t feel like me discussing the flowers was a bad thing. We all appreciate your kindness. Especially Yda.”

“She seemed to like the flowers and opened up a bit more like when I first met her.”

“It was a sweet gesture for a sweet woman. I’m fond of her. You can tell she’s dedicated to the cause.”

“I’m glad I have someone like her.”

“I’m not surprised. She’ll make for a wonderful Head Priestess. A bit inexperienced, but I’m sure she’ll grow with you.”

“And you’re not so bad either,” I smirked.

“Not so bad, hmm?” Ophelia grabbed the water jug and dumped it on my head. She cleaned my hair, but I noticed the intent. We both shared a laugh after she finished. With a finger pointed to the other end of the tub, she said, “Lean forward.”

I did my best to move without jerking. It took seconds longer than it should have, but floating in the water helped a little. I hung my arms over the edge like anchors to keep me from moving too much.

After lathering up a cloth with a bar of soap, Ophelia got to work scrubbing. Her passes were physical. She put most of her weight into each swipe of the rag. Even with her intensity, I closed my eyes and reveled in the bliss.

I wasn’t sure if it was because of her damaged eyes, but it felt like one hand guided the other. She draped her fingers across my skin before the other hand scrubbed, ensuring no spot was missed. I couldn’t help but smile when she passed over the spots on my upper ribs where I was ticklish.

As my body relaxed, my mind rolled through all the work that still needed to be done. The discovery of the princess’s involvement in her plot flipped everything upside down. I needed to figure out that and plan for how to handle Liberty’s Trinity.

“I know I’m supposed to be resting, but we didn’t quite finish our discussion about the princess,” I said.

“I know.” Ophelia sighed. “I’ve been trying not to let it weigh on my mind.”

“I think maybe you were right earlier about trying to talk to her.”

Ophelia paused scrubbing my arm and leaned back. “Oh? What changed your mind?”

“I’m just thinking about being in her shoes. Whatever led her to be in this situation, deep down, I think she’s scared. But we need to understand what situation she is in so we can make a move. If we think she’s in trouble and we try to rescue her, only to have her scream bloody murder, it could turn the whole village against us. And while I’m confident in my abilities to handle it, if we go down that path, there’s no going back.”

“What is holding you back?”

I snorted and shook my head. “Surprisingly, Cartha. I still hear her shock when discussing laying waste to this place. If she hadn’t said anything, I wouldn’t have thought twice about innocents here. I mean, this is a city. We even know that Lady Florence’s employees could be slaves… I don’t know. There’s these two sides pulling at me. One that makes me feel like this reality is a dream and it’s all one big game. Then there’s the other that’s reminded that these are real people.”

“I can relate, somewhat.”

I furrowed my brow. “You can?”

“The visions I have. They can be so intense they feel real. Like I’m living two different lives. Even though they can predict what can happen. It doesn’t mean it will be what happens.”

“Yeah, that makes sense.”

Ophelia continued on watching as she spoke. “I agree with you, though. I think it makes sense to try to speak with her. But I also believe too direct an approach will cause suspicion. If we want to maintain a low profile for now, I think something less subtle would be ideal.”

“Got any ideas? You know her better than I do.”

“Perhaps a letter?”

“I mean, if I’m giving her a letter, I might as well just talk to her,” I said, chuckling. “We need a way for her to come to us.”

“I guess that’s true… Let me think about it for a minute.” After fishing the arm and swapping to the other side, Ophelia’s head perked up. “Oh! I’ve got it. Once we’re done, I’ll have to go get something from a chest I moved to the other rooms.”

“What is it?”

“It’s a ring gifted to me by Nyla. It’s personal. She’ll recognize it immediately. And if she sees it and she wants to talk, she will. If she doesn’t, then we must assume her intentions are nefarious and we may need to take a more aggressive approach.”

I wiggled my hands the best that I could. “Not sure a ring gifted to you would fit me.”

Ophelia let out a short laugh. “I’m sure Malice could furnish you a chain for your neck.”

“Then I guess all I would have to do is wear it with her present. I’ll need to figure out how to get in front of her.”

“That doesn’t sound too difficult for you, does it?” Ophelia smirked. “I figured everything else out. Now you have to figure out the hard part.”

“That’s fair,” I said, laughing.

Ophelia grabbed the jug and washed all the visible soap away. “Okay, your arms and shoulders are done. Now the front.” After setting the pitcher down, she cradled my head and helped me lean back.

I felt like an old man on his deathbed being taken care of by his trophy wife that’d married into the money. It was a test of trust. One that she was passing with flying colors.

After soaping the rag, Ophelia stretched across my arm and began rubbing my chest. She hovered inches from my face, her heavy breasts swinging with each press. The small veins crawling across the pale mounds hypnotized me.

A waft of her perfume filled my nose. It reminded me of a freshly baked cinnamon bun. I had to maintain restraint from wanting to shove my face in between her sweets and enjoying a late-night snack.

Ophelia played up the movements. Her breaths became more forceful as she scrubbed lower. Her grunts twisted into moans, only broken apart by a seductive bite of her lip. She knew what she was doing, and I was eating it up by the second.

“You know…” Ophelia whispered. “This would have been a lot easier if I were in here with you.”

“Hop in,” I muttered back, calling her bluff.

“I think that would get us into too much trouble.”

“With whom? You got a lover I don’t know about?”

Ophelia leaned back and let out a cute giggle. “Me? No… I don’t.”

“Why is that? You’re absolutely stunning. If we’d met in my previous life, I would have been slightly intimidated to come up and talk with you.”

“That’s sweet of you to say,” Ophelia said as she paused for a moment. “I’m sure there are multiple reasons. For starters, I’m obsessed with my duties. I set my mind on something and it completely consumes me until I feel as though I’ve accomplished it. My traveling leaves me constantly on the go, so I rarely have time to meet with people. Then there is the taint of being who I am.”

“And who’s that?”

“Ophelia the Red. The outcast of the Chalice of Thorns. The only member who reached the orchard only to be cast out. The harbinger of the Blackthorn who preaches the end of Talis.”

I smugly said, “Well… when you put it like that, I… think I should go.” After Ophelia splashed water on my face, we both shared a small laugh. “I’m just teasing.”

“Are you?” Ophelia asked with a cocked brow and a slight grin. “When we met with the Chalice members, I messed things up in a glorious fashion. I was so focused on my own personal validation I didn’t realize what kind of complications it could add to your plans, and that was only the first few hours.”

“That’s true, but I understood where you were coming from. You apologized, and I’d say you’ve been giving me your best. You got us here, gave me a thousand gold without hesitation, are providing excellent counsel, and are scrubbing me down. Back where I’m from, I don’t know of a single woman who would have that kind of selflessness.”

“Oh, are you saying I should stop?”

“Absolutely not,” I said, chuckling. “I’m just saying I appreciate it. So, thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

We both shared a moment as she continued with her routine. As she reached lower, my whole body tingled with anticipation to see what she would do. I did my best trying not to make it known, but my body betrayed me.

When she slid across my lower abdomen, my cock shot up like a bottle rocket on the fourth of July.

When she felt it slap the back of her hand, Ophelia jerked up, turned her head slightly to me, and built into a laughing fit.

“What?” I asked, unnecessarily. “You can’t blame me.”

“Oh, I’m not upset,” Ophelia said, failing to hold back her laughter. “If anything, I’d feel rather self-conscious if you didn’t have some reaction.”

I almost fell further into the water. Ophelia had always held a certain level of confidence in herself that it made me hard to believe. “What would you have anything to be self-conscious about?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” she said, adjusting her mask.

“That doesn’t bother me at all.”

The sorceress’s smile faded. “You don’t have to lie to make me feel better about it.”

I furrowed my brow and leaned up as best I could. “Hold on. First off, I wouldn’t lie to you. Second, I just said you’re gorgeous. That encompasses the complete package. I like the mask. It adds a bit of mystique to you.”

“It’s not about the mask. It’s about the scars behind them.”

“I mean scars can be cool.”

“Not these.”

I could feel the conversation was spoiling the mood, and decided not to press the issue. “Okay, I don’t mean to pry if it’s a sensitive subject.”

Ophelia’s head jerked up, and she let out a nervous laugh. “Oh… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for things to get so serious. I appreciate what you’re trying to say.”

“It's fine. Think nothing of it.”

Ophelia slowly nodded before lifting my leg over the edge of the tub to scrub it. My bulge bobbed to the top, eliciting a few snickers as the sorceress tried to focus on my cleaning. But as she continued down my inner thigh, her hand grazed across my shaft.

At first I took it as a simple accident, but when she spent more time closer to my groin, I knew she was being purposeful. Each swipe of the cloth came with a subtle touch of the back of her hand. Each stroke of the guiding hand caused a small finger to graze along my shaft.

Her teasing felt like pure torture.. My cock was floating like a log down the Mississippi; it was so hard. Staring at Ophelia’s massive breasts made it that much worse. I thought about how good her cleavage would feel with a mix of her spit.

The longer she took, the more I wanted her. Her smug grin made it clear she knew it too. However, the red-lipped vixen made no inclination that things would go further than that.

My desire burned with an intensity I’d never felt before. I knew that if I didn’t have some kind of release, I was in trouble. It was only reinforced when she continued with the bath, moving down to my feet.

“You’re not going to leave me like this, are you?” I asked.

“What do you mean this?” Ophelia asked, her lips twisting to hide her grin.

“You know exactly what I mean.”

“I said I would take care of you, didn’t I?”

“You did.”

“Then sit back, relax, and let me do so.”

Electric sparks crawled across my skin at her declaration. I wanted nothing more than to allow her to take care of me. Images of what she was going to do flashed in my mind. My desire for her grew.

“Now don’t get too worked up over this,” Ophelia said. “This is just to ensure you’re clean. Your… relief will come later.”

The sorceress lathered up the rag with the soap before scooting closer. She leaned over the tub, her breasts threatening to get wet. With a soft grip, she pulled my cock from the water and lifted it straight up.

With gentle strokes, she cleaned every inch. Her freehand guided my tip like a turnstile, ensuring no spot was left untouched. After several passes, she cleaned my member in the water. She glided her fingertips across it until there was no soap on me or her.

“Good. Now I’ve got you nice and clean,” Ophelia said. With a wave of her hand, the water retreated underneath me. I couldn’t see where it went, but I could feel the suction of the drain near my feet. Once the water was gone, she spent the next few minutes drying me off with a warm towel.

The lack of water made it difficult for me to move with precision. I had to concentrate with each inflection so as not to hurt her. Even still, she helped move me up and down so she could dry me to completion.

Ophelia tossed the towel down and wiped her damp brow. “There we go. All nice and dry. Now we just need to figure out how to get you out of there.”

“Do we need to grab Malice?” I asked.

“No. no. I will not have her spoil our moment. Now… let me see.” Ophelia set her fist under her chin as she looked about the room. “Ah! I think I have the idea. Just relax and don’t move.”

“Okay.” I said.

I watched the sorceress raise her hand and point it just above the bed. After shouting an incantation, a blue oval appeared. Before I could stop what was about to happen, Ophelia extended her free hand at me and shouted the same spell.

I cursed as I felt the floor give way. My stomach lurched into my chest before I bounced on the bed. When I looked up, I could see the ceiling above the tub through the portal before it disappeared.

“Are you okay?” Ophelia asked, running to my side.

I coughed before grinning. “Yeah. Just warn me next time before you do that, okay?”

“I will. I figured it would be easier than me trying to physically move you given your size.”

“It didn’t hurt. I just wasn’t ready for it.”

“I promise I’ll make it worth it,” Ophelia said. She propped my head up with a pillow before disappearing out of view. Seconds later, she climbed onto the bed, holding a bottle. I figured what it was going to be used for and my grin spread from ear to ear.

After popping the cork off the bottle, filling the room with the smell of lavender, she poured the contents into her hands. She vigorously lathered them together before shifting in between my thighs.

I let out a moan once she gripped her hands around my cock. So much teasing. So much tension. And I was finally going to get my release.

Ophelia’s hands were as soft as silk. Her delicate fingers gently covered me in the oil, ensuring every inch of me glistened like the stars. Once I was nice and smooth, she slid her hands.

She started off slowly, lifting along the full length. When she reached my tip, she steadily lowered them. Each repetition sent a wave of pleasure throughout my groin.

I wasn’t sure if it was magic or the oil, but her hands felt warmer than they should have naturally been. But I wasn’t about to complain. The added temperature difference from the air made each touch even more sensitive.

“How’s this, Your Holiness?” Ophelia said with a bitten lip.

“Really, good,” I groaned. Hearing my calls of pleasure put a smile on her face as she continued. After a few minutes of gentle tugging, she changed her movements. One hand twisted along my shaft while she concentrated on the top.

Ophelia draped her red painted fingers around the head of my rod, always sliding one finger along the groove on the underside. My cock throbbed with each sway of her hands. My lust for her grew like a raging inferno.

“It’s bouncing so much,” the sorceress said. “Do you like the way I tease your cock?”

“You better be careful,” I grunted. “You’ll make me bounce on you.”

Ophelia let out a giggle as she continued. She folded her legs under her bottom to brace for leverage. Her grip tightened, and she pumped her hands like she was churning butter, and this was the last of the year’s harvest.

My jaw clenched, and I gripped the sheets. The waves of pleasure compounded with each thrust. My sudden jerks only seemed to incentivize her fervor as she quickened by the second.

“You’re so hard,” Ophelia panted. “Are you getting close?” I couldn’t speak and could only nod. “Then cum for me.”

In a quick move, she shifted one hand to my sack and the other on the underside of my tip. She massaged them both in a sequence that put me over the edge. My breathing became ragged gasps as an explosion erupted from within me. I threw my head back and moaned in delight. My whole body tensed as the euphoria consumed me.

Ophelia let out a playful gasp as I came. My reward sprayed up into the air and onto her. Heluna’s gifts were on full display as I just kept coming and coming, to the point of almost cartoonish excess. By the end of it, the sorceress was no longer Ophelia the Red but Ophelia the White.

“So… much…” she muttered, as if in shock.

I couldn’t help but laugh as I came down from orgasm. “Sorry about that.”

“No… it’s just. I’ve never seen or heard of someone producing so much.”

“Blame Heluna.” I laughed.

“It seems like we may both need another shower. But I must say I am much too exhausted for that.” With the snap of her fingers, Ophelia cleaned herself pristinely. She did the same for me, leaving no remains of our fun deed.

“Wait,” I said. “You’re telling me you could have done that from the start?”

Ophelia licked her finger. “Maybe. But where’s the fun in that?”

I chuckled. “You’re not wrong.” Hearing Ophelia’s confession made me all that more enamored with her. She could have easily cleaned me with her magic, but the time she spent and the care she took ensuring I was clean was more than any woman I’d ever met. She was doing a great job of making up for her past mistake.

“I guess I should let Malice out of her box,” Ophelia said, pointing her thumb over her shoulder.

“You don’t have to go,” I said. “You could stay longer if you want.”

“No, I should go. Staying here longer could… complicate things.”

“Like what?”

“I—” Ophelia hesitated before she shook her head. “No, I should go. This was for you, Your Holiness. I hope you enjoyed yourself.”

“I did. Immensely.”

“Did I leave you satisfied?”

I wanted to tell her no, that I wanted so much more of her, but I also didn’t want to push things too far given we’d just met. “Absolutely. You made my night.”

Ophelia swayed with a smile before pushing off of me and off of the bed.

At the sound of the chest opening, Malice screamed. “You again! Get away from me! Where is the master?”

“He’s on the—Ow!” I heard something thump in the chest. “Do you want me to leave you in here?”

“You let me out right now!”

“Not if you’re going to burn me! I’ll shut this chest door and toss you into a pocket dimension.”

“No! Bring me to the master at once!”

“Are you going to burn me?”

“Not if you bring me to him.”

When Ophelia returned, she was holding the pieces of Malice in her hands.

“Master, are you okay?” the living object asked.

“I’m fine.”

“Are you sure? She could have cast a spell on you. Put me on so I can check.”

Ophelia rolled her eyes as she helped put the circlet and bracelets on. With Malice reconnected to me, my control was restored. I sat up on the bed and reached for the sorceress’s red painted fingers.

I kissed the top of her hand. “Thank you for a wonderful evening.”

“You’re welcome, Your Holiness,” Ophelia said.

As Malice ranted about being locked in the chest, the sorceress’s wide hips captivated me. Their sway acted like a pendulum, putting me under their spell of her thick peach. Before she stepped through the portal, she looked back. We shared one last smile and a wave before she departed.


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