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Hey everyone! I hope you all have had a good weekend. Let's jump into today's update!

Writing Progress:
Dragon's Archon is going well. I'm enjoying writing first person. While I'm not quite as fast as everyone made it out to be, it does feel like it's easier to concentrate on the story and make more progress. All in all a good thing.

I've got JClea working on a character sheet for Dragon's Archon so all of his information can be tracked easily. I'll share that more once we've got it finish. The bonus pinups and upcoming pinups from Evul will start coming out in October. 

Rebecca is still recording and editing Supplying Supers. I'll keep you all updated on how that progresses. 

Future Planning:
As I discussed in my last weekly update, I'm doing a lot of reviewing and retroactive analyzing of my previous work to try and find what went right and what went wrong with my latest releases. The changes I'm making with Dragon's Archon are a reflection of that. However, there is one more thing that I am planning. 

The series that has had the strongest back to back release across books was Aspect book 1 and Aspect book 2. My assumption is because book 2 came out shortly, ~3-4 months, after book 1. Those did well, and something I want to see continue to happen. Because I write slower, I think it makes sense for me to try and keep folks engaged on a series by releasing the sequels shortly after the launch of a new one. Even if the book 1 doesn't sell all that well, my assumption is that it's better for the entire series if I release the subsequent novels back to back. We're starting to see book 2 and 3s  rank better than book 1s.  (it's rare but it happens). So, this is the deciding factor of a change I'm going to make going forward.

Once I conclude Dragon's Archon, I'm going to keep that in reserve on Patreon. Then I'm going to finish on closing out all my existing series starting with Warhawk book 3 and 4.  Once I finish those, I'm going to finish Strength Unleashed book 2. That will close out those two series. Supplying Supers... I'm still unsure about. I made a lot of creative choices in that series that  I don't think would work well in books 2 and 3. Right now I'm leaning towards waiting until the KU contract expires which should be in a few months and then just giving it away for free, back on Royal Road. It will act as my loss leader and just stay up there forever. If I want to come back to it, I can later. But for now I'd just mark it as completed and be done with it. I'm still not settled on that, but that's my thought for now.  Doing so will allow me to move on, make the changes I'm planning with Dragon's Archon and then release it shortly after. 

From that point forward, my plan is to keep my focus on one series until it's done. I think this will help me retain readership as the series progresses. 

That's kind of what I'm thinking about now. You'll see those changes reflected in the docket below. Let me know how you all feel about that down in the comments. I hope you all have a good week ahead!

Current docket:
Dragon's Archon (book 1) - 26%
Warhawk's Sacrifice (book 3) - In progress - 50%
Warhawk's Odyssey (book 4)
Strength Unleashed Book 2
Dragon's Archon Book 2


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