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Monday June 19th, 2025 Mazuma City, Mazuma Amerika

Gunner Webb

OSDB Hero Rank: N/A - Civilian

OSDB Threat Rating: N/A - Civilian

Daniel closed the door and flipped the switch on the wall. The glass shifted from transparent to opaque. He stood at attention as everyone else took their seats.

As Gunner looked around the room, each of the team members twisted in their chairs, lost in thought. Eldritch gunk and splattered blood covered their clothes and faces. Heavy bags hung under their bloodshot eyes.

Covered trays of breakfast food filled the air with steam. The Charon Cube sat in the center of the table. Everyone’s eyes stared unblinking at it, waiting for their debrief.

Blast Wave was the first to move since they’d all gathered. He slowly flipped open the closest lid, revealing fluffy scrambled eggs. After grabbing a fresh plate, he went down the line scooping the contents.

“Really?” Hailstorm asked.

“What?” Blast Wave said.

“You’re actually hungry after all of that?”

“You don’t get to be a guy my size without eating. I’m always hungry.”

“I don’t think I could ever look at spaghetti the same way again.”

Blast Wave snorted. “Believe it or not, I’ve got a killing for coney dogs.”

Hailstorm leaned back with a pulled upper lip. “Okay, that’s just gross.”

The subtle smiles and laughter helped ease the tension of the room. Gunner grabbed himself a plate and said, “We’ve all had a long night. Everyone should eat if you can to keep your energy up.”

“I’m much more interested in a cold shower and a comfy bed,” Hailstorm groaned.

“Cold?” MartyrDOM asked.

Hailstorm waved her hands at her body. “As you can see, I’m not a fan of the heat.”

“Fair enough. I hope this hotel of yours has jacuzzi tubs, Mr. Webb, because this girl needs a soak.”

Gunner sat down with a full plate of food, smiled, and said, “They most certainly do, and all of that is waiting for you all once we conclude here. If someone from Yokai’s team would like to get started, we can conclude this debrief and dismiss everyone.”

The sorceress spun in her chair and said, “After entering the warehouse, we pushed inside to a freezer where we found ritual circles etched in blood. Above it was an anchor, like I reported to you. However, when I began the trace, it attracted entities which pushed through the anchor.”

“And that’s how Whisper became injured?” Gunner asked.

“Yes. The… creatures that poured into the room became unmanageable. The team did their best to subdue the threats, but there were just too many of them.”

“If it wasn’t for my thick skin, I would have ended up like he did,” Blast Wave said.

“What did they look like?” MartyrDOM asked.

“Like a leech the size of a dachshund with bat wings.”

MartyrDOM shuddered. “No thanks.”

“After that though, was the voidsaber, I think is what it’s called.”

“Yes,” Yokai nodded.

“That thing was the size of a bus with six legs, giant claws, and big ass fangs.”

“Sounds like you guys got it rough,” MartyrDOM said.

“Once that was dealt with, Hailstorm flew him to the nearest hospital,” Yokai said.

Gunner paused before taking a bite. “You didn’t teleport him?”

“Did you forget how that spell of mine works?” Yokai asked with a cocked brow. “I need to have been there beforehand.”

“You’re right, my apologies.”

Gunner could tell from her furrowed brow and longing stare she was disappointed. He figured there was going to be a lot of that over the next few hours. Things had moved so fast they didn’t have time to catch up. After the forms were signed, he moved into issuing orders. Even just pulling her to the side for five minutes would have been sufficient. But he prioritized the threat. The list of forgiveness was one ask higher.

“How’s he doing, by the way?” Gunner asked.

“They rushed him into emergency surgery,” Hailstorm said. “The doctor said he’d lost thirty-seven percent of his blood. They were worried about infection, so they spent most of the time cleaning the wounds and putting him on antibiotics. The doctor also said the bites were so deep they were looking into doing skin grafts.”

“It was that bad?” Velocity asked.

“Yeah, it looked like someone had taken an ice cream scooper and scooped out the areas they bit.”

As disgusted groans filled the room, MartyrDOM asked, “Did they not have any supers on staff?”

“It didn’t sound like it.”

The rocker girl slowly nodded before pushing herself up and leaning over the table. “Then why don’t I head to the hospital and fix him up? You know everything that happened on our side.”

“Are you sure?” Gunner asked.

“It’s why you all brought me here, right? Seems I’m the only person with healing powers. Besides, I… uh… wouldn’t feel right leaving him to suffer while I’m enjoying a spa bath. It won’t bother me to wait a bit.

“I’ve still got the keys,” Blast Wave said, pulling them out of his pocket. “I could drive us there.”

“It will be faster if I take you,” Yokai said, standing.

Gunner held up his hand. “Before you two go, was there anything else to convey on your side?”

“No. Blast Wave and I ensured the anchor was stable and there would be no more breaches. After that, we drove and met up with Hailstorm at the hospital. We all waited until you called to regroup here.”

“Very well. If this investigation continues much longer, I’ll look to see if we can contract another super who can provide basic healing to ensure both teams are adequately protected. Thank you for the update.” As the sorceress turned toward the door, she froze when Gunner’s voice entered her mind. “I’d ask that you hurry back if you can. I want to speak with you, privately.” Yokai turned back around, bowed slightly, and left the room with MartyrDOM.

When Daniel closed the door, Hailstorm asked, “How did your end go?”

“Productive,” Gunner said, straightening in his chair. “We were able to trace the final anchor location back to the north side of the city. There, we found a compound that was masked as a construction site. They’d been there for months from the looks of the development. We managed to retrieve several assets, including a Justice, a laptop, and that box you see there.”

“So they really managed to kidnap Justice?”

“And Tetro unfortunately. His shriveled body showed similar signs of the murders.”

“Did you find out who did this?”

“The head was one of the targets that I mentioned during our initial briefing. The supervillain named Flay. We have found no identifiers outside of robes I recognized, familiar uniforms, and a potential collaborator of Murdoch Industries.”

“I’ve heard that name before,” Blast Wave said.

“I’m sure we all have at some point or another. They’re a private conglomerate that makes everything from breakfast cereals to toothpaste.”

“What would they be doing involved in something like this?”

“I’m not sure, but all the equipment on site was purchased through them.”

“Couldn’t they just do a huge order or something?”

“I said the same thing,” Velocity added.

“No. We’re talking about state-of-the-art equipment for capturing supers. There was a visor that kept Justice in some kind of trance. Manacles that could contain her power. I know every single defense contractor in the US and dozens across the world. No one is selling that kind of technology. Even the binders used at Level 9 wouldn’t hold someone like Justice. I honestly don’t know what the government would do if they had to contain someone like her.”

“Speaking of… is she all right?” Hailstorm asked.

Gunner let out a heavy sigh and shook his head. “To be honest, not really. She’s alive, but completely fragile.”

“Why didn’t MartyrDOM heal her?”

“The damage isn’t physical in the same sense of a gunshot. Her life force was drained from her. She’s frail, like a woman who’s lived past her prime.”

“What!” Hailstorm shouted, jumping to her feet. “So, there’s nothing that can be done?”

Gunner thought for a moment before responding with somber eyes, “I honestly don’t know. Reversing what’s happened to her has never been tried, to my knowledge. I’d need to converse with Yokai about any options she’s aware of.”

“What did they do to her?”

Gunner nodded to the box on the table. “They used that.”

“A metal cube?”

“It’s an ancient artifact with the ability to absorb a target’s life force and power.”

“And we’re sitting in a room with it?” Blast Wave asked, scooting back.

“It’s perfectly safe where it is. Someone trained to use it must activate it.”

“And that’s what Flay did to her?” Hailstorm asked.

“Yes. I’m confident all of the murders involved this cube in some form.”

“What’s the point of it? What’s its purpose?”

Gunner stood and motioned behind his chair. “I’d rather not get into specifics.”

“Are you serious?” Hailstorm yelled, crossing her arms. “You’re going to do that to us now? After everything we’ve been through?”

Gunner hung his head and sighed. “It’s not my intention to upset you, but yes. This is for your protection and mine.”

Hailstorm paced in place and threw up her hands. “This is so fucked!”

“Hey,” Blast Wave said warmly. “I’m sure everything is going to be fine. It sounds like we got the bad guys and she’s alive. Whisper got injured, but he’ll be feeling better once MartyrDOM helps him out. We’ve got to count our wins where we can take them.”

Hailstorm swiped her hand in the air. “No! You just don’t get it. Justice is the perfect superhero. She’s kind, empathetic, and completely selfless. She sets the standard for all of us. She’s what we all aspire to be. Billions of civilians look toward her as the beacon of hope and light. If the public finds out something crippled her, despair and chaos are going to spread like wildfires.”

“Which is why we’re not going to say anything,” Gunner glared.

“Wait, what?” Blast Wave asked, leaning over the table. “You just want us to keep quiet about all of this?”

“That’s exactly what you’re going to do. Do not forget that you all signed agreements. Anything involving the investigations and jobs are to remain classified. That includes Justice’s involvement.”

Blast Wave shook his head. “I don’t know, man. This… seems wrong.”

“Hailstorm is right. If word gets out about Justice, everything will start to unravel. I can’t stress enough how Mazuma City must maintain its balance. The criminals do not rise above their station because of the threat that Paragon Alliance poses. If they hear about Justice and Tetro, some will strike at the opportunity. Not just here, but also around the world. The Alliance holds that much weight. Every time an entrenched supers group changes their roster, there’s an uptick in crime.”

“Where is she?” Hailstorm asked.

“She’s safe.”

The blue-skinned super scoffed. “So, you’re not going to tell us that either?”

Gunner brought his thumb to his chin and thought for a moment. Initially, he hadn’t planned on it. However, he had already strained their trust by not divulging all the information about the Charon Cube. He weighed the options in his mind and finally relented.

“She’s here,” Gunner said.

“At the hotel?” Hailstorm asked, pointing to the ground.

“Yes. As I spoke to you all at the briefing, we have an onsite physician. Vitality is a D - Class super and licensed physician. His nurse, Ms. Woodrow, has over twenty years of experience. Our basement has better facilities than most hospitals. Justice is comfortable and in good hands.”

“They really are,” Flux added. “All our employees share in the benefit of having Vitality and Ms. Woodrow on site. I’ve never once heard a complaint. They truly are wonderful people.”

Hailstorm twisted her lips before nodding. A knock came to the door, pulling everyone’s attention. When Daniel opened the door, Gunner saw Blast Wave’s face light up.

Once Whisper entered the room, the group cheered him like a kicker who just scored the winning goal. He was wearing replacement sweats and a white shirt, but still had his black hat and facemask pulled up. Blast Wave clasped his arm and pulled him into his chest. Hailstorm patted him on the back.

MartyrDOM entered the room next and received an equally warm welcome. Yokai followed behind, returning to her seat near Gunner’s side. The two shared a brief smile before she sat.

“Welcome back, Whisper,” Gunner said, smiling. “We’re all glad you’re safe.”

The super pulled his travel bag and pulled out his etch-a-sketch. He scribbled on it and turned it around. It read Great! I owe everything to this lovely woman. He kissed his fingertips and blew them toward MartyrDOM.

“Oh fuck off,” MartyrDOM waved and laughed. “I was just doing my job.”

“Did we miss anything of relevance?” Yokai asked.

“We discussed that Justice is stationed here for her care,” Gunner said. “My staff will be monitoring things. It’s one of things that I wanted to speak with you about. Her essence was pulled into the Charon Cube.”

“If she’s alive, then not all of it.”

“Correct. We’d need to discuss if there is a way to return her back to her normal self.”

Yokai lowered her head as she thought for a moment. “I’d need to search my archives. There may be an opportunity to improve her situation, but returning her back to the way she was… I’m not sure.”

“But you’ll try to help her?” Hailstorm asked.

“Of course,” Yokai said. “Justice plays a pivotal role in the security of our world. It would be prudent to do so.”

Hailstorm looked to the side and grabbed her arm before she said, “Thank you.”

“No thanks needed, but you are welcome.”

“Other than that, I can stay and repeat everything that you all missed,” Gunner said.

“I’d rather get that shower and sleep unless it’s important,” MartyrDOM said with a big yawn and stretch.

Whisper nodded and signed what Gunner assumed was “Me too.”

“I’d actually like to go see Justice if that’s possible,” Hailstorm said.

“Oh, yeah same,” Blast Wave said.

“That’s perfectly fine,” Gunner nodded. “The medical ward is on floor B1. Your cards should get you down there. If everyone is ready to call it for the day, we can dismiss.”

Gunner raised his finger as everyone moved. “However! I want to remind you of your agreements. The information observed or learned is strictly confidential. Do not tell anyone.”

“It’s not like anyone would believe us, anyway,” Blast Wave snorted. “A giant cat monster with poison claws ripping its way through some wall of fabric that was steel moments ago? The guys back home would tell me to lay off the j’s.”

Gunner chuckled. “Be that as it may, it merits worth repeating.”

“What about the mission?” MartyrDOM asked. “Are we finished?”

“Not quite. I’d ask that you all stay for a few more days as I conclude my end of the investigation. With the immediate threats taken care of, it gives us a little breathing room. However, I’d like us to go back to the compound tomorrow and search for any additional intelligence. Given we rushed getting out there for Justice’s benefit, outside of cleaning up the bodies we left, there could be additional evidence we can gather as it pertains to any open threads.”

The rocker girl sighed. “Fair enough.”

“Any other questions?”

When everyone shook their heads, Gunner concluded by saying, “Thank you for your contributions today. I know it has not been easy, but please know, whether you believe me, I thank you. Even though they do not know it, the city thanks you as well. You’re unsung heroes today and did good work. Please, have a good evening and enjoy the facilities offered by the Lighthouse.”

As the team funneled out of the room, Hailstorm reassured she’d catch everyone up on everything else they missed. Velocity was the first to stand out of Gunner’s core group. She twisted her torso around before placing her hands on her hips and nodding at Gunner.

“Do you need me for anything?” the blond-haired assassin asked.

“No, feel free to leave as well,” Gunner said. “I’ve got a few things to wrap up.”

“Okay, just call if you need anything.”

“Will do.”

After Velocity left the room, Flux stood from her seat and moved to Gunner’s side. She sat on the table and eyed Yokai with deadly intent. The sorceress responded with a cold smile of her own.

“You can leave now,” Flux said sternly. “Go on and head back to your room. If Mr. Webb has a need for you, he’ll call.”

Yokai clicked her tongue in quick succession. “It seems like you haven’t changed at all, Flux. You’re still the same hostile ball of snot as I remember.”

“And you’re still the same manipulative and conniving bi—”

“Enough!” Gunner shouted, holding out his hands. “What is this, preschool? Where we cast petty insults at each other?”

Flux leaned forward and failed to whisper. “She shouldn’t be here. Even now, she’s manipulating you. She’s going to cast a spell on you and—”

Gunner rolled his eyes. “Flux, no she is not. I know that neither of you have ever gotten along, but please try to be nice. That goes for the both of you.”

“How can I?” Flux shouted wide-eyed. “She’s hated me from the get go! She wanted to kill me when we first met, and for years she tried to convince you to do so. Saying that I’m a threat and a reckless abnormality. Every time she’s around, she always puts me down and acts like I’m some bomb ready to burst!”

Yokai covered her mouth as she giggled. “I’m actually surprised at your improvement of speech. You’re able to articulate full sentences now. You used to be a bubbling mess of grunts and growls. It only took you several hundred years.”

“See! She’s doing it right now!”

“All right, that’s enough,” Gunner groaned. “We’ve all had a long night. I think it’s best for everyone to rest and come back fresh. Flux, if you wouldn’t mind, please take the Charon Cube up to the safe room for storage.”

“Or you could bring it up with me?”

Daniel shuffled across the room and picked up the box. “I’m more than happy to take it up.”

Flux nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, have Daniel take it.”

Gunner pinched the bridge of his nose. “No… Daniel doesn’t have access to the safe room.”

“If you grant me access, I’d be more than happy to,” Daniel said.

“No, Daniel, that's all right.”

“It wouldn’t be a big deal at all. I’m more than happy—”

“Daniel, I said no,” Gunner said sternly.

Daniel bowed slightly. “I’m sorry, Mr. Webb.”

Gunner turned to Flux and pointed at the cube. “Please take it up to the safe room for storage. Yokai and I have not seen each other in a long time. There is much that needs to be discussed.”

Flux clenched her jaw and said, “Fine. But never forget that I warned you. Come on Daniel. You can come with me and I can show you where to take it.”

When the door clicked, leaving Gunner and Yokai alone, the pair stood, looking into each other’s eyes. Their statements and responses came in the subtlest movements of their eyes and brows. Their supernatural connection flooded each other with waves of guilt, regret, and sadness.

Everything that Gunner felt for her came flooding back like a torrential pour. Her beautiful dark brown eyes and raven black hair. The feeling of mutual respect and appreciation gained through combat. The centuries of history studying the Gale and growing together. She was everything he was searching for.

A warmth befell him, reminding him of the flame of passion they both shared for one another. It was a lit match in a thick forest. But with both of them together, their spark was strong enough to light the whole thing ablaze.

The pair shared a smile that seemed to announce they were okay, at least to discuss things further. They both knew that things would never be as they were. Even if they could repair their relationship. However, they both believed in the chance that forgiveness brought.

Yokai reached for Gunner’s hand and led him out of the room. They took the elevator down to the twenty-first floor. Once the pair exited the car, they stepped onto the blue-patterned rug. They walked past the solid black pillars etched in gold, the mounted LED lights illuminated the gold-and-black crown molding on the ceiling.

Yokai stopped in front of her assigned door. Her fingernail grew sharp as she drew a circle in the air, creating a small pocket dimension of absolute darkness. She reached inside and retrieved her keycard. After wiping it away with a wave of her hand, she inserted the card and opened the door.

When Gunner stepped in, she stepped to the side and closed the door behind him.


hawkshe .

I really hope the next scene isn't a sex scene between him and Yokia. Intellectually I understand that the pair used to care about each other, but I haven't been able to actually see that in the way they've acted with each other so far.

mathieu brassard

i just discovered your story today, binged it and subscribed. i love it, yet i hope a man with centuries of experience has enough self awareness not to bang another woman while his most loyal friend (Flux) is coming to grip with newly found emotions and alone with a possible mole.