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Friday September 7, 1691 Salem, Massachusetts Amerika

James Everett - Now known as Gunner Webb

OSDB Hero Rank: N/A - Civilian

OSDB Threat Rating: N/A - Civilian

James felt like he had tasted perfection. Every meal Mellicent served tasted better than the next. He wasn’t sure how she did it, but she always outdid herself. She even served classic baked beans like his mother used to make, but there was something about them that elevated the taste beyond normal cooking.

“Mmm… mmm…” James moaned, taking another bite of his tuna steak. “You’ve certainly outdone yourself once again, my love.”

“Are you enjoying it?” Mellicent asked rhetorically.

“You know I am. I know we haven’t talked about this, but if you were to stay, I think you opening a bakery would be a swell idea.”

Mellicent put down her knife and smiled. “It pleases me to hear you’re so fond of my cooking. But I couldn’t open a bakery. My duties are here, to you.”

The gaze of her jade-green eyes and sly smile pulled hard at James’ heart. While her words always held weight to them, he always assumed she was just being kind. However, the many months of consistently finally broke through the wall he held up. He was in love.

“You bring up a good point, though,” Mellicent said, looking at their other companions. “We have not discussed our long-term plans.” She turned back to James, draping a finger across the top of her breast. “Would you want us to stay, Captain?”

“Oh please, can we, James?” Dorothy begged. “We’d get to spend every day and night together. Just think about all the fun we’d have.”

James hadn’t really thought about it. He’d been so content with having them there that he’d just been going day by day for so long. But he couldn’t really find any negatives with having them stay. They gave him everything that he needed. And if they were willing, marriage brought legitimacy to them living with him. No more could he be shunned in the eyes of the zealots. He knew his answer.

“Yes,” James smiled.

Dorothy screamed and jumped into his arms, knocking him back from the table. The onslaught of kisses seemed endless until he felt the weight of her lift off of him. She kicked and screamed as Annabelle lifted Dorothy in her arms.

Mellicent reached her hand down and helped James up. As Annabelle scolded Dorothy, Mellicent wrapped her arms around him and pulled him in tight. Her hair smelled of jasmine and lilac. They shared another kiss before being forced apart by Dorothy, shoving her way in between them.

“Hey! Stop stealing all the love!” the blue-eyed goofball shouted.

James pulled all three of them into his arms, kissed each of their foreheads, and said, “There’s plenty of my love to go around.”

Dorothy huffed. “It feels like you’re playing favorites.”

While she was technically correct, he wasn’t about to say that and ruin the moment. “That’s not true. I care about you all deeply.”

The three shared a long hug, holding onto each other. After a minute passed, James opened his arms and picked up his overturned chair. He sat back down and the ladies joined him at the table while they all finished their meals.

“You know, I was also thinking about cutting down my hours spent at sea.”

“What makes you want to do that?” Annabelle asked. “You love fishing.”

“Well, getting to spend more time with you all would be nice. It would allow me to focus more on the business side of things instead of worrying about managing the boats. I was thinking about promoting one of my guys to captain the Periphery. I am not getting any younger. I’ll be thirty-nine next year.”

“You’re still healthier than men half your age,” Mellicent said, her eyes glistening in the flames of the fireplace.

James chuckled and said, “Yes, that may be true. But the work is hard and hours are long. If I’m to keep up with you all, especially Dorothy, I’m going to need my strength.”

“If you’re feeling weary, just let me know,” Annabelle said, as she reached her hand, rubbing James’ thigh. “I’ll take good care of you.”

James lifted her hand and kissed the back of it. He caressed her fingers and leered into her dark brown eyes. He felt warmth from her. That she’d always been there to take care of him. The relief he felt, having people to come home to, people that cared for him, and he could rely on, put him over the moon. Everything was falling perfectly into place. He felt happy, but overwhelmed.

After finishing his meal, he downed the rest of his rum before standing from his seat. “I’m going to get some air and relieve myself. I’ll be back shortly.”

“I’ll work on the dessert,” Mellicent said, standing with Annabelle. “I believe celebration is in order.”

“What did you have in mind?”

“Apple pie, your favorite.”

“I can smell it already.”

James grabbed a candle and lit it in the fireplace. He placed it in a lantern as he walked outside. As he exited the rear door, Annabelle walked with him, carrying the few scraps leftover. She dumped them outside before returning in as James continued along his property line.

The grass hill his house sat on made for a beautiful sight across the ocean. The moon’s reflection and sparkling stars danced on top of the waves. It created a serene view he never tired of.

James continued down his hill. He walked across the short grass to the edge of the nearby forest that continued throughout his acreage. When he reached a tree, he hung the lantern on a tree branch and unbuttoned his trousers.

As he relieved himself, he gazed through the darkness. The candlelight danced on the branches and trees, casting an endless number of shadows. It wasn’t until his stream stopped he realized it.

It was too quiet. There were no sounds of birds or insects. But what was unsettling most was he couldn’t hear the ocean.

The hair raised on the back of his neck. It was the same feeling he got when he saw the woman at Gedneys. Everything felt wrong.

When he squinted, he saw the shadows move just beyond his light. There was something out there. Something watching him.

James hurriedly buttoned himself back up before grabbing his lantern. Not wishing to stay longer than he needed to, he turned and marched back up the hill. After several paces, he jerked at the sound of a distant twig.

“Who’s there?” James shouted, raising his lantern.

A dark silhouette pulled his attention to his right. Then jerked it to the left. He felt surrounded and alone.

James spun on his heel and sprinted up the hill. There was something behind him, something close. He could hear its footsteps in the grass. When he reached his back door, he could feel the force of air along his neck.

He shouted and spun, swinging the lantern as hard as he could. It failed to connect with anything. There was nothing there. The glass shattered as the light source hit the ground, smothering the candle.

The backdoor swung open as the Sheldon Sisters raced out of the house.

“James, are you okay?” Annabelle asked, placing her hand on his chest. “What happened?”

Am I going mad? James questioned. I know I felt something. The dark was something more. A void of nothingness. Could my mind just have been playing a trick on me?

James looked at each of the women. They all looked at him with concerned brows and compassionate eyes. He didn’t know what to tell them.

Until a few minutes ago, the evening was perfect. He didn’t want to ruin it by upsetting them with crazed notions. What if I tell them and they think of me as an idiot or coward? Any reasonable woman would leave me. We’re not betrothed. I will not say anything. There’s no way I could live in this house alone again.

“I stumbled on a rock and tripped,” James said, rubbing the back of his head.

“Are you hurt?” Annabelle asked, looking over him.

“I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.”

“Dorothy, go pick up the glass and toss it away from the house,” Mellicent said.

“No!” James said, a little too quickly. “Let’s just go inside and enjoy ourselves. We can get to it in the morning.”

The three women each glanced at each other long enough that James worried they could see through his ruse. But Mellicent eventually nodded, and the others followed suit. When they entered the house, the smell of freshly baked pie already filled the room.

James took his seat at the head of the table and uncorked the bottle of rum. He downed the remaining contents, doing his best to drink away any fear that he had left. With the contents drained, he slammed the bottle to the table.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Annabelle asked, pouring him a glass of water.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” James lied. His mind raced. Images flashed of the woman’s hollowed eyes burned into his mind every time he blinked. He squished his eyes closed, trying to get them to go away, only to be left with the dread of that pale face.

The dread of her knowing where he lived washed over him. He opened his eyes, realizing she could have visited. She questioned everyone else in Salem. James thought. Why wouldn’t she come here?

“Did anyone come by the house today?” he asked after taking a gulp of water.

“No, were you expecting someone?” Annabelle asked.

“No, it’s just—never mind.”

Annabelle reached across the table and rubbed the top of James’ knuckles. “You can tell us if there’s something bothering you, James. We’re not here to judge.”

James adjusted himself in his seat as he thought for a moment. He glanced at each woman. They all held comforting smiles. He let out a heavy breath, wondering if he was making this more complicated than need be.

“When I arrived at the shore today, the harbormaster stopped by,” James began. “He told me that someone new had arrived in town.”

“Oh?” Mellicent asked. “Do you know who it was?”

“No. But apparently she was looking for me?”

Mellicent froze. “She was looking for you?”


Each of the women glanced at each other before Mellicent continued with her inquiries. “Do you know who she is?”

“No, not at all. The harbormaster said he thought she was a native.”

“A native?”

“Yeah, he said she had slanted eyes.”

Mellicent dropped the knife in her hand. The metal rang as it hit the wooden floor. The atmosphere in the room changed. It grew intense as all the women stared at him wide eyed.

“What else did the harbormaster tell you?” she asked sternly.

“Do you know this person?”

“I’m… unsure. Please answer the question.”

The seriousness in her voice sounded more like a command than a request. He didn’t like it, but answered anyway. “He told me she was waiting for me at Gedney’s.”

“Did you meet with her?” Each question had a bit more disdain than the last. While Annabelle and Dorothy sat unnervingly motionless. Like hounds waiting for the sound to kill from their master.

“I… uh… didn’t. I had to walk by there to get home. So I peeked through the window.”

“What did she look like?”

“I couldn’t really get a good look at her. She was wearing a cloak. All I saw was she had pale skin. She was also heavily weighted in her chest.”

Mellicent put on a smile that James could tell was fake, picked up the knife, and set it back on the table. She resumed cutting the apples for the pie. The heaviness in the room slowly faded.

“Is that it?” James asked.

“That’s it,” Mellicent said, not looking up from her task.

“So you don’t know her?”

“It’s not ringing any bells. Could it be someone looking to do business with your fishing company?”

James furrowed his brow. He hadn’t thought that it could be someone tied to his business. But that didn’t explain the vanishing act she did, either. Nor the visions he saw of her. The visions that still stayed with him.

James swallowed hard. “No, I don’t think so.”

“Then perhaps it’s best to meet with her tomorrow,” Mellicent said before walking over toward him. She bent down and kissed him passionately.

He lived in the moment, allowing her to massage his tongue with her own. The tenseness in his shoulders waned. When she pulled away, he looked up into eyes and she gave him the smile that told him he had nothing to worry about. He smiled.

She looked down at their companions and whispered, “Dorothy, Annabelle, this pie is going to take a few hours. Why don’t you take James upstairs and help him relax?”

“Are you sure?” Annabelle asked.

“Oh yes,” Mellicent said with a reassuring smile. “I can feel a bit of tension still left in him. Why don’t you ease any worries still left in him?”

“Ugh… finally!” Dorothy said, jumping up from her chair and pulling James to his feet. “I’ve been waiting since we got home!”

“Just don’t wear him out too much. I want you to prepare him for me for his surprise.”

James’ was already hard by the lingering thought of being with her, but Dorothy’s voraciousness kept her focused on him. She pulled on his arms, racing through the living room and up the stairs. When they reached the top, she led him to the master bedroom and shoulder-checked the door.

She jerked him inside and spun him until the back of his knees were in front of the end of the bed. With a forceful jump, she lunged at him, sending him backward with a hard thud on the feather and down mattress. The underside wood creaked from the sudden weight, sending the pair into a giggling fit.

Dorothy didn’t give him a moment of respite. She plunged her tongue into his mouth. It whipped all around like she was searching for his lost dinner.

She wasn’t a great kisser, but James appreciated her intensity. He appreciated the desire she radiated for him. It made him feel wanted.

He jerked his head back at the sound of his tunic ripping from the front. When he looked down, she’d split it along his collar. Dorothy let out a nefarious giggle as she bit on the end of her nail.

“Oops,” she said before her eyes trailed down at her chest. “I got a little too excited.”

“Dorothy!” Annabelle scowled as she untied the back of her dress. “If I hem that, it’s going to look awful.”

“It’s all right, Annabelle,” James laughed. “I have other shirts.”

“See,” Dorothy chided. “It’s not a big deal.” The blonde-haired beauty draped her fingers down James’ chest. Her eyes widened as she drew little circles, slowly inching lower to his waist.

When she reached the top of his trousers, she looked down at him with hunger in her eyes. She thrust her face down on top of his chest, rolling her cheeks from side-to-side like a cat trying to show affection for its owner.

“Ugh… I just love your body. I just want to eat it.”

James shouted, “Ow!” as she took a playful bite on his nipple. She quickly followed up with a reassuring kiss of the sore spot, apologizing for her overzealousness. Each peck sparked his skin like she had electric lips, the intensity growing as she reached lower and lower.

With Dorothy occupied, James turned his head to Annabelle. With the backside untied, she shimmied her dress over her child-bearing hips until it dropped to the floor. James smiled as he gawked at her heavy breasts. They hung down to the upper part of her stomach, so full and soft.

Her pale skin revealed the greenish hue of her veins along the sides of her breasts, as if her creator pushed their size as far as her frame could take. She smiled when she caught his gaze and slightly swayed from side-to-side, watching his eyes follow their pink peaks.

Annabelle approached when James beckoned, curling a finger toward him. She stressed the sway of her hips, popping them like a belly dancer with each step. When she reached the edge of the bed, she climbed in next to him, cupping his head with her hand and shoving his face into her cleavage.

Even though her body looked cold, heat flooded his face like being covered with a warm towel. She giggled as he kissed in between her breasts, hungry to work his way down. His efforts were rewarded as she guided him into a plump mound.

It smothered his face, leaving no room for air. James didn’t mind though as he wallowed his face into the doughy surface. He worked his way from top to center, sucking lightly as he kissed.

When he reached her hardened nipple, a small moan escaped Annabelle’s lips. She pressed him into her harder while massaging the back of his head. He kissed and teased it to his heart’s content, following her quickened breath as a guide.

Every beat of her heart only furthered his desire to please her more. He wanted her to scream his name. And while they were far from that moment, he was determined to get her there. But Dorothy had other ideas.

James felt her stop when she reached the edge of his trousers. Three tugs on the front unhooked his buttons. He felt immediate relief as she gripped his hardened cock, freeing it from the restrictions of his pants. The cool air was only there for a moment before he felt the warmth of her breath.

The suction of her lips shocked him. It was powerful and unrelenting. Her hand gripped tightly around the middle, using it for leverage as she concentrated on the tip. She brushed the underside with her tongue with every breath she took. It was as if her life depended on it and his release was her cure.

James groaned into the thickness of Annabelle’s bosom as Dorothy took him into her mouth. His mind blanked and his heart raced. He needed to breathe and let Dorothy know just how good of a job she was doing.

“Bloody hell,” James said, falling back onto the crosshatched bedding. When he glanced down, he locked onto Dorothy’s vibrant blue eyes. She stared intently as she tongued the head of his rod.

It was a dominance play. One that James acquiesced since getting involved with the three women. He’d always been the pursuer. The one to take charge. But over the last six months, their constant chasing grew on him. He enjoyed being taken care of, and they were very, very good at it.

While Dorothy wasn’t the best kisser, she sucked the best dick. All her pent up energy, she devoted to worshiping his dick. She didn’t let any part of it go untouched by the kiss of her lips and the glide of her tongue. When it was good and lathered, she moved to her knees and raised her head above its tip.

She gave a gremlin-like grin before she plunged him into her throat. James gripped his bedding. The sensation overwhelmed him. The tightness, the heat, and the wetness put him into a sensory overload. He watched as the veins popped from her forehead and along the sides of her neck while she strained to reach the base of his thick member. When her tongue touched the upper side of his sack, she tickled it lightly, holding herself for what felt like an eternity.

The pressure was too intense. James’ legs moved on their old, sliding on the edge of the bed. Dorothy slid her feet underneath the back of his legs, pulling them back together in a surprise of strength.

“She’s good at that, isn’t she?” Annabelle whispered before suckling on the underside of his earlobe.

“Y-yes,” James groaned.

“She’s probably the best one out of the three of us at it.” When James turned and looked at her, Annabelle placed her hand over her mouth and giggled. “Don’t worry. I’m not trying to corner you into making me upset. I know it to be true.”

James couldn’t even answer. Waves of pleasure crashed over his groin like a tsunami as Dorothy picked up her pace. He watched her head bob up and down with newly found grace. Her spit coated his entire length, glistening in the shining moonlight that crept through the window.

Annabelle wasn’t there to be just a passenger either. She kissed her way down from his ear, to his jaw, to the side of his neck. She stayed there, lightly suckling his neck while her hand crept over his hips to the underside of his sack. Her soft hand massaged his balls lightly, following the same pattern of her tongue.

He didn’t last long.

“S-slow down,” James muttered. “Or I’m going to burst.”

Dorothy popped up, a strand of drool connecting her to him. Her mouth and neck shined with her excess spit. She stroked him with her hand as she asked, “You’re getting close?”

“Y-yeah,” James said, the sensitivity building in his core. “And your hand is not helping, either.”

“Well, I came here for your cum, and I want every last drop.”

Without wasting another second, Dorothy braced her hands on the sides of James’ hips and threw herself back at her task. She spit on his head before diving back into her motions. Her pace quickened, stronger and more powerful than before.

“Cum for her, James,” Annabelle whispered. “Give her what she wants.”

James’ head buzzed with bliss. It was too much for his body to handle. His whole body felt warm, ready to explode any second. Until it did.

Dorothy froze mid-glide as he poured into her mouth. She swallowed as much as she could handle. The excess spilled from the side of her lips and down his shaft. When she pulled away to take a breath, Annabelle crawled down to replace her. She cleaned the rest of him off until he was shiny and new.

“Hey,” James laughed as he jerked back. Shots of pleasure jolted through him as Annabelle’s lips brushed across the underside of his head, triggering his newfound sensitivity.

“Sensitive?” Annabelle asked, kissing along the sides.


“Well, you better get ready because we’re not done?”


Annabelle gave a wicked smile as she shook her head. James had figured this was going to happen. He wasn’t sure why, but ever since meeting his lovers, his refractory period was always quicker.

Since the very first night he’d slept with them, he always kept pace with them. It was like his body was addicted to their tastes and their smells. It was always willing for more. And outside of the initial sensitivity post orgasm, he felt no pain or strain. Sundays were never days of rest.

As Annabelle kissed her way lower, Dorothy stood from the bed. She fumbled with the back knots on her dress, loosening just barely enough for her to pull it over her head. With her hands behind her back, she twisted in place, presenting her small, lithe body. While her petite breasts were perky, her perfectly shaped apple bottom complimented them. The gap between her thighs revealed a small window; a perfect place for James’ hand.

Dorothy climbed back on the back and crawled on top of him. She hovered her soaking slit over his head as she looked down at him with fervor in her eyes. “I know you’ve got Mellicent’s apple pie baking, but maybe you’re hungry for peach pie?”

James nodded enthusiastically and said, “Always.”

She wiggled from side to side as she said, “Then dig in.”

James wasted no time digging into his new meal. He wrapped his arms around her thighs and kissed the exterior of my lower mound. Her small blonde fuzz tickled his nose as he tasted every inch.

Dorothy’s moans filled the room as she ran her fingers through James’ hair. She pulled him close, smothering in her heavy but sweet scent. With each call for pleasure, James dug in further.

While he loved receiving pleasure from his women, he equally loved pleasing them. It was half the fun of their escapades. The more excitement they got out of it, the more heightened his own lust built. And the winds were calling for full sails.

Dorothy gasped as James moved his tongue into her folds. He bathed in her juice, savoring the sweet, nectary taste of her peach. With every pass of his tongue, her breaths quickened.

He worked his way higher, rolling his tongue as he suckled her clit. When her thighs squeezed tight around his head, he smiled, knowing he was working well. He thought he was in complete control until he felt Annabelle mount his thighs.

He jerked away to release a shout of pleasure as the black-haired beauty lowered herself onto his shaft. She echoed a similar call as pressed him in with ease. His whole body shuddered when she enveloped him in her warmth. His cock pulsed with new excitement as it yearned for her body’s moves.

But as he wanted nothing more than just to bask in the feeling, Dorothy pulled his head back to her box as she pleaded, “Please, please, don’t stop.”

James wasn’t a quiter. He was up for a challenge, no matter how big or small. But maintaining his form while Annabelle rode him was a tall order.

Thankfully, Annabelle started slow. She twisted her hips, feeling herself as she allowed him to stretch her. James knew if he was quick enough, he would have enough time to relieve Dorothy before he popped. He just had to put his mind to it.

James dug back in, pressing his lips and tongue into Dorothy’s slit with the hunger of a homeless man. He teased her hole before working his way back to her pearl. There, he sucked it and used his tongue to draw small patterns over it. He repeated the process, leaving no spot on traced as he moved from the bottom to the top.

The motion worked. Dorothy’s gasps and groans matched Annabelle’s as both women leaned into their lusts. Their scents hung heavy in the air as both women’s breaths grew hotter.

James gasped when Annabelle thrusted for the first time. A pulse of zeal shot through his whole body as he reacted to her inner grip. It was unorthodox for someone her size and how much they’d made love. But every time was just like the first. Pure, unadulterated satisfaction.

But he wasn’t going to increase the speed. What was going to win him with Dorothy was consistency. So, he continued his same motions. He just hoped he could outlast her.

His assumption was rewarded. Dorothy sped on her own. She grabbed onto the top of James’ head and ground herself into his mouth. He let her and focused. She looked down at him with wide eyes and gaping mouth as she rode him to her completion.

A heavy smell filled his nose, and warmth covered his chin. Dorothy fell on top of him, unable to control her shaking legs. But an unexpected shove pushed her to the side.

Annabelle leaned forward and took her place. She dove for his mouth. The two lovers’ lips folded as their tongues danced.

Annabelle’s thrusts increased in speed. She pulled away for air, panting with each descent. Her breasts slapped against her stomach, giving James a shower with his excitement. He thought about seizing one with his mouth, but didn’t want to distract her from her fun.

The frequency of her moans increased with her speed, and Tommy knew he was getting close. Every time he entered her, the familiar tingling feeling built closer and closer. They both became absorbed in reaching their climax.

The deed was solidified when Annabelle leaned forward and whispered, “I want you to come with me. Empty everything you have inside of me.”

A primal urge filled James’ heart as he gripped onto her wide hips and pushed his heels into the bed. He took control from the bottom and thrusted as hard and as fast as he could. He was going to give what she asked and nothing less.

Annabelle yelped with the sudden change. She wrapped her legs around his lower back and held on. Each thrust eliciting another moan that got louder with every second. With a primal shout, both parties reached their precipice.

They collapsed on the bed as they laughed at each other. James shuttered as he felt himself slide out of her as she climbed higher just to steal another small kiss. She moved to his side, draping her finger across his chest as she looked up at him with her beautiful brown eyes.

He turned when he felt Dorothy move. She climbed onto his other arm, snuggling into his side. Both women pulled the covers over each other as he rode his blissful high. He wanted this to last forever.

The exhaustion finally crept up to him. He’d completely forgotten about the pie as he closed his eyes. The ending of the night was perfect.

But it was far from over.


hawkshe .

I'll be honest, I ended up skimming the sex scene. Going into it knowing that these women are going to betray him just made it so I couldn't really enjoy it and I didn't really feel like reading a sex scene with that perspective in place.