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I'm looking for audio proofers for my audiobooks.

What I'm looking for:
-Must have listened to all of my available books. (this is required for continuity issues)
-Active listener who can spot differences between an audiobook and written book. (This is active, can't be played in the background while you're doing laundry, unfortunately.)
-Fill out any errors in a google sheet which will be given to the VA's.
-Quick turnaround time: 1-2 days from when files are uploaded.

What you get:
- Get to listen to the audiobook before it's released on Audible.
- Free final audiobook key
- Plus a little bonus at the end of the year (just remind me lol)

If you feel like this is something you're interested in doing, please comment down below. I'm looking for 1-2 people. I have an immediate need for Warhawk 2 :)

*edit* closing this for now since I have a few people interested. I'll reopen if things don't work out or they're unavailable.


Dr. Gigglesprout

I would be more than happy to give it a try. I tend to catch errors in the books I listen to anyways, so I could definitely catch them in a rough draft.

James Stephens

Crap it’s closed! I was too late!!!! 😭😭😭