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Hey everyone! I hope you all are having a good start to your week. I meant to get this out yesterday, but ended up getting sucked into some other things. But nevertheless, it's here, so let's chat about things.

Writing Update:
Everything is going well. I feel like I'm hitting a good groove in Supplying Supers book 1, now dubbed Supplying Supers: Origins. I finished the starting arc so now things are going to get really interesting as we lean more into the murders, coverups, and Gunner recruiting his team. Let me know how you feel about it so far if you've read it. My plan is to keep chippin' away at it until the whole thing is done. I'm shooting for early July to have the Alpha and Beta done. However, it might be a bit longer, as I'm realizing just how long that first part of the book is. Maybe this one will be my new longest book. We'll see!

Depending on how well Supplying Supers does, I may alternate between it and Warhawk until Warhawk is done done. I was originally planning on doing Warhawk 3-4 back to back but if Supers does well, I need to keep on the momentum. 

If you read my post about my plans to change to go fade-to-black then I have an update. I'm not going to do that. I've been monitoring the situation closely and so far no kind of hammers are coming down, yet. So I'm going to act like I have been and just see what happens. If things get messy or we get more information, then I'll pivot again like I was planning to.

However, everything else is going to stay the same. I will be working on an alt pen name later this year. I'm also going to be posting stories BETA version of my stories on royal road and scribble hub once they are finished, then taking them down and publishing the final edited versions to KU. I'm hoping that will help garner some more interest in my work, bringing me more fans to Patreon, much like A Romp did. As you can probably tell, I want to build my Patreon because that means I am less reliant on Amazon. If something happens in the future, ill be in a much better position to figure things out.

The queen's jaeger cover is finally done. I really like what Tigr did with that one. I'll probably be reaching out to her in the future for more work. She was super easy to work with and did a phenomenal job.

There might be some additional dossiers coming before Supers is out. At least one more or maybe three? We'll see. I'll share those here before anywhere else, like usual.

Rebecca is hard at work recording Warhawk 2. She's expected to have it finished by the end of the month. If that happens, then we're looking at an early July release. She's also agreed to do the rest of Warhawk and Supplying Supers, so with the 2 books in that series still needing to be done and all of supers, we should be good for a minute :)

Current docket:
Supplying Supers: Origins (Book 1) - In Progress - 40%
Warhawk's Sacrifice (book 3) - In progress - 60%
Supplying Supers book 2
Warhawk's Odyssey (book 4 and end of series)
Supplying Supers book 3
Blackthorn book 1
Blackthorn book 2
The Queen's Jaeger (writing for fun in between things) - 0% (reset)

That's it for me this week. I hope you all have a good week ahead!


Dr. Gigglesprout

Alright! Sounds like things are going to be exciting in the next few months! I am really looking forward to supplying supers!


Thanks for the update!