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Sunday June 11th, 2025 Miami, Florida Amerika


OSDB Hero Rank: O - unranked but registered with SOC

OSDB Threat Rating: N/A - Not enough public data

Flux felt like she’d traveled back in time to fifty years ago with the way the hotel room was furnished. Two twin mattresses took up most of the floor plan, with only a side hall connecting the bedroom to the bathroom. Pink and brown floral-patterned comforters covered them.

The topcoat on the nightstands were worn down from the crystal ashtrays and constant use. A tube television sat on top of a wide dresser to provide the visitors with limited entertainment. The walls were wallpapered with a light tan texture that reminded Flux of corduroy pants.

She didn’t mind it. They’d picked this location because it was away from any prying eyes and had no security cameras. She knew they weren’t going to be staying long, so there was no need for unnecessary expense. It was a means to an end.

As Flux sat at the top of a bed, Daniel’s snore pulled her attention. The driver was asleep on top of the comforter, wearing the same Navy Blue suit since yesterday. He’d been in and out since they’d arrived, a consequence of him driving all the way through. She wasn’t concerned. Daniel had proven himself multiple times since the start of his employment. When it was time to move, she knew a small nudge would be all that he would need.

The sound of a door whine and washing water proceeded Velocity exiting the bathroom as she wiped her hands on her pants. She was wearing an all-black ensemble with a thin ballistic vest and black leather boots. A leg holster held her Leopard and two spare magazines. Her long blonde hair was folded into a bun underneath the top of a balaclava that wasn’t pulled down. Like a warrior marked for battle, she’d drawn her signature black eyeshadow around both eyes and across the bridge of her nose.

After exiting the bathroom, she walked across the room and stood near the small table that sat in front of the curtain that shielded the front window. Velocity pulled the drape to the side and peeked around the corner. The heavy sigh that followed expressed her disappointment.

“They’re late,” the assassin said, sitting in one of the metal chairs around the table. “They were supposed to be here over half an hour ago.”

Flux leaned forward and glanced at the red digital alarm clock that sat on the side table. It read 9:00pm. She was right. They’d planned for an hour pre-op meeting and then thirty minutes for traffic if they needed it. But there was no way that was going to happen now.

“They’ll be here,” Flux said, calmly. “Knowing James and Franco, they probably stopped to get everyone food.”

“They should have planned better, then. I don’t like being late. We still have to do one final briefing with everyone together.”

“Neither do I. However, with both of us working together, we’ll be able to secure the facility with plenty of time to spare.”

Velocity smiled slightly. “Feeling confident?”

“It has nothing to do with confidence,” Flux said deadpanned. “Mr. Webb has assembled the best team of experts, including you. We will get this done according to his wishes. If there are issues, we’ll adapt accordingly, but we will get this done. One way or another.”

Velocity let out a heavy breath. “You’re right… Thanks for that. It’s just been a few years since I’ve been on a joint mission. Most of my work has been solo. I just… I find it hard to rely on others.”

“That was one of the biggest difficulties when I started working for Mr. Webb. I wanted to do everything for him. But over time the company grew too big. It was an impossible task. Everyone he’s wanted to bring it, I’ve never trusted.”

“Even me?”

“Even you, Daniel, James and Franco… However, he’s always been an excellent judge of character. He can see people for who they truly are. That allows him to determine his level of trust. Whether that’s trust they’ll get the mission done, or his complete trust, like someone he can confide in.”

“Does he have a lot of friends?”

“There are two kinds. The ones he considers friends, but they are more like acquaintances he uses for connections. Then there are his genuine friends. I don’t think he has any. Outside of maybe me… and maybe one other.”

“Sounds familiar…” Velocity mumbled to herself.

A knock at the door interrupted Daniel’s snores as all three of them jumped to their feet. With her sidearm already in her hand, Velocity glanced at her companions, only moving when Flux nodded. She slowly approached the window and peaked behind the shut curtain. After letting out her held breath, she holstered her weapon.

“It’s them,” Velocity said before unlocking the deadbolt and door chain.

When she opened the door, James stood holding a half meatball sub in one hand and a bag of food in the other. His wide body took up most of the door frame, with Franco easily taking up the rest. Five other individuals stood in a line carrying their own food, waiting patiently for the two in front to enter.

“Get inside,” Flux commanded. “You’re late.”

“Blame the round one behind me,” James said, waddling inside.

“Don’t blame me,” Franco shouted, throwing up his hands. “Everyone had to eat. You know how my blood sugar gets.”

“And I told you we should have packed more snacks. But no, you said only one cooler would be fine when we clearly needed two.”

“What about the passengers? It was only polite that we shared.”

“And the subs? We just had to stop at the opposite side of town because you’d heard they had the best meatball subs.”

“You’re holding one right now! You said we had time!”

“That’s enough,” Flux said, swiping her hand through the air. “We’re on a tight schedule. You two should have planned better.”

“Sorry, boss,” both men said in unison.

When Velocity shut the door, it became clear the tiny motel room was too small for the group. James and Franco sat on the edge of the beds, straining the springs as they pushed themselves up further. Doctor Callahan and the rest of her crew spread evenly in what little walkway remained between the beds and the dressers. Daniel shuffled to the corner of the room next to Velocity and Flux.

The slime super grabbed the small circular table and placed it in the middle of everyone. As the newly arrived munched on their late dinner, Flux opened a circular tube and unrolled a 3D satellite view of Ocean World. After placing several water bottles and an unused ashtray on the corners, she addressed her team.

“I’m going to go over the plan briefly since we’re short on time. But before we do that, we should do introductions.”

Flux extended her hand to each of the individuals as she performed her roll call. “I’m Flux. I’ll be overseeing and leading this operation for our benefactors. This is Velocity. She and I compose Team A, the infiltration team. The two on the bed are James and Franco. They are our transportation team, Team B. Doctor Callahan, I’ll let you introduce you and your team.”

The aged professor took a step forward and cleared her throat. “I am Doctor Callahan. The dark-haired man to my right is Dr. Muhammed. And the green-eyed woman to my left is Dr. Jones. Both, including myself, are doctors in marine biology. The two youngsters with us are Ricky and Abigail.”

“Super excited to be part of this,” Ricky said, bright-eyed and bushy tailed. “This is long overdue justice for Millie.”

“Do not become overzealous, Mr. Mathews,” Dr. Callahan said with a stern look. “This is serious. While what we are doing is the right thing, there is no question of the legality of the situation. Stay focused and pay attention. That goes for all of you.”

“Yes, Professor,” the student said, lowering his head.

While Flux appreciated the professor stepping in and displaying her authority over her team, Flux eyed them both with deadly intent. Mr. Webb had conveyed to her privately that Dr. Callahan was likely bringing green recruits on this mission. She recalled wanting to raise the concern that they were rushing into this hastily, but she never wanted to question her superior’s authority.

She already knew the reason for it. He wanted to solidify his position within the Paragon Alliance. Having two members of the strongest superhero group in Amerika was advantageous of any planning or jobs he’d have in the future. However, this put more pressure on her to perform. And no one would get in her way to see it done. Even if that meant killing everyone in this room and doing everything herself, she would find a way. For now, she put her trust in them.

“You all will be part of the rescue team, Team C,” Flux continued, tapping her finger on the map as she spoke. “Now, the order of operations is as follows. Velocity and I will go in first. We will take care of security, preparing the site for your arrival, and completing our secondary objective. Once we give the all clear, Team’s B and C will arrive in the semi. You’ll come through the utility gate entrance. Then, Team B and C will unload the transportation crate and prepare Millie for transport. Once she’s loaded back onto the semi and secured, we’ll all travel to Miami International Airport, where we will load Millie onto an AN-124 that will be waiting for us.”

She looked over at the two men sitting on the beds. “James, Franco, you have all the paperwork, correct?”

“Yes, ma’am,” James said, holding up his half-eaten sandwich. “Everything is inside the truck.”

“Good, because without those documents there will be no way we’re getting through the separate security gate and private terminal. Once she’s loaded on the plane, Team’s A and C will all be flying to Anchorage International Airport where we will meet with our contacts with World Whale and Dolphin Rescue. Team B will return to Mazuma City for a debrief. Now, are there any questions?”

Professor Callahan took a step forward with crossed arms as she spoke. “What’s the secondary objective? Mr. Webb said nothing about a secondary objective.”

“That’s not your concern,” Flux said bluntly. “Your team is to oversee the health and transportation of Millie. That’s all.”

“It is my concern if it puts my team’s lives in unnecessary danger.”

Flux scowled. “No. You forfeited any additional say in your involvement when you agreed to the job, Dr. Callahan. This information is restricted to myself and Velocity only. End of story.”

Dr. Muhammed stepped behind the professor and whispered in her ear loud enough for Flux to hear. “I don’t like this, Leah.”

“Don’t worry, I’m handling it,” Dr. Callahan said. The professor brought her hand underneath her chin as her eyes darted back and forth. Mr. Webb had informed Flux of the leverage he had over Dr. Callahan. And while the thought of slaughtering her and her team crossed her mind, should they not fall in line, Flux wasn’t confident in being able to care for a several ton whale. The idea of failing and disappointing Mr. Webb swayed her decision as she reminded the professor that she didn’t have a choice.

“Do not forget, Professor Callahan,” Flux began. “This job isn’t just riding on the safety of Millie, but also the safety of your entire team. Remember why you’re here.”

“What’s she talking about, Leah?” Dr. Jones asked.

A bead of sweat fell from Dr. Callahan’s forehead as she ignored her companion’s concerns. “Fine. But once this is over and Millie is safe, we’re done. Mr. Webb better honor our arrangement.”

A smug smile formed on Flux’s lips. “No need to worry. Mr. Webb always honors his commitments.”

She turned and reached for a metal briefcase that was sitting next to the wooden dresser. After lifting it up and setting it on the table, she clicked the two clasps on the front and opened it. Housed in foam cutouts lay ten communication devices next to a small black box.

They were little more than a plastic shroud mounted to an earbud. The exterior shroud formed over the wearer’s ear and held the bud in place so as not to get lost should things get too intense. Flux picked one up, held the power button and waited until it flashed green.

After modifying her ear to form a perfect fit, Flux reached into the case and raised the black box. She flipped on a switch which illuminated the front lights red, yellow, and green. They flashed several times before the first illuminated light stayed a solid green.

One by one, Flux handed an earbud out to each of the team as she spoke. “These are your communication devices. They are on a private satellite system that’s encrypted. So you do not need to worry about being careful of what you say. They have two communication settings, push to talk and always on. For this mission, you all will be set to push-to-talk. Once Velocity and I arrive onsite, we will be always on. To speak, just hold your finger up to your ear and lightly press the exterior. You’ll hear a small beep and everything after will be transmitted.”

Flux waited as everyone slid their communication devices over their ears. Once everyone was ready, they performed a roll call to ensure that they could all hear and speak. However, once they reached James and Franco, the two men struggled. Flux wasn’t sure if it was their abnormally thick fingers or they just didn’t understand the instructions. However, after manually moving their fingers to their ears and repeating the instructions, they confirmed everything worked.

“Last chance before we depart,” Flux said. “Are there any other questions about roles and responsibilities?”

“What about him?” Dr. Callahan asked, nodding toward Daniel.

“Daniel is Velocity and I’s driver,” Flux said. “He’ll be taking the two of us to Ocean World and then to the airport when we’re finished. You can consider him part of our team and a bit of Team B.”

“Good to know.”

Flux took one more look around the room. Daniel and Velocity stood tall and at attention. James and Franco looked too relaxed as they both leaned back on the beds with their hands behind their heads, having finished their sandwiches.

However, the air on the other side of the room was thick with unease and fear, and Flux could smell it. While Dr. Callahan stood unwavering, Dr. Muhammad and Dr. Jones both held stern expressions. But it was the subtle shimmer in their eyes that revealed their concern. The youngest pair’s fear smelled different. It was full of anxiousness and excitement.

For a moment, Flux wondered if Mr. Webb had made a mistake in choosing this crew, only to refuse the notion. No! He doesn’t make mistakes. He gave me the best crew available. It’s up to me to make this work. We’ll make this work. We have to.

“If there are no more questions, then we’re done here,” Flux said, closing the suitcase. “Team’s B and C, head back to the semi and wait for our signal.”

A small congregation line formed as the recent arrivals exited the room.

After Daniel closed the door, Velocity pointed over her shoulder as she addressed Flux. “Is that really who we’re working with?”

“What do you mean?” Flux asked, closing the suitcase and rolling up the plans.

“I get the older three, but those two kids with them? They don’t look old enough to drink.”

Flux dropped her hands and looked up. “By their age, you’d already killed how many people?”

Velocity’s jaw dropped. She closed and opened her mouth a few times before she finally settled. “Fair point. But I also had years of training. Ricky and Abigail looked fresh off the school bus. You’re not at all concerned?”

“No. I trust in Mr. Webb to give us the best team. I trust them to do their jobs, just like I trust you to do yours. And if they don’t, then I’llhandle it.”

“What does that mean?”

Flux handed Daniel the case while she looked Velocity dead in her eyes. “Hopefully, we won’t have to find out. Now you two ready the van while I clean the room.”

Velocity clenched her jaw and nodded. “Roger that.”

After Daniel and Velocity left the room, Flux melted into a bulbous puddle. She slithered her body over every surface, ensuring to clean everything that one of her companions might have touched. And while everything that her slime touched, she could also taste, Flux was thankful that when she reached the bathroom, she could ignore that sense.

After locking the door to the hotel room, she dropped off the key at the front desk before walking back out into the parking lot. She found Daniel sitting in the driver’s seat of the white utility van they’d rented when they arrived in Miami. Using a fake id and paying in cash made Flux’s mimicry ability easy to leave no trace behind. For all the company knew, this was being rented by Susanna Schwarzkopf, a forty-eight-year-old widow from Detroit, Michigan.

Flux opened the sliding door and climbed inside the back. The utility van had no seats in the rear, which left plenty of space for the radio, their crate of explosives, and Velocity’s weapon case. Once the door shut, Daniel didn’t wait for her command. The vehicle drove out of the parking lot and onto the nearby road.

“Quick comm check now that we’re mobile,” Velocity said, wrapping an additional utility belt around her waist. “Team’s B and C sound off.”

“We can hear you loud and clear,” James said over the radio.

“As can we,” Dr. Callahan added.

“Good. Keep the communication to a minimum. Use it when necessary.”

“You mean no playing Bublé over this thing?” Franco asked.

Velocity smiled and shook her head as several laughs echoed in their ears. She slid a gun case in between her and Flux. With two snaps, she opened the box, revealing a heavily modified SA-58 with three full magazines.

“Do you think you’re going to need that?” Flux asked, nodding toward the weapon.

Velocity picked it up to perform a quick visual inspection before loading a magazine. After chambering a round, she put it back down in the case and closed it. With a firm tug, she pulled down her balaclava and smiled through the thin fabric. “No. But I feel safer knowing if shit hits the fan, I’ve got access to a bit more firepower nearby.”

“It’s better to be prepared, but if all goes well, no one will know what happened until we’re already in the air,” Flux said.

“Right. You’re heading straight for the security office. Once it’s secured, I’ll take care of the exterior security and make my way around the facility. I’ll need you guiding me every step of the way.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be your eyes,” Flux said, shifting into her purple slime form and coating her skin with dozens of lidless eyes.

Velocity jumped back into the side wall. “Shit, that’s fucking creepy.”

Flux giggled as she grew several tentacle arms and waved them over her head like a scary Halloween costume. “Oooooooo,”

Velocity let out a whistling breath as she regained her balance. “You’re like a damn horror show. You could scare someone to death with that.”

“I may have… once or twice.”

“I fucking believe it.”

After the pair shared a hearty laugh, the remaining car ride fell silent. The closer they got to their destination; the more determination filled Flux. She recited each step of the plan in her head and watched it play out like pieces on a chessboard.

The squeal of the vehicle’s brakes preceded Daniel saying, “We’re here.”

Velocity and Flux moved behind the front seats to look outside the window. Several hundred feet from them stood a giant Ocean World sign of an orca jumping over the words. The lights were off and one letter had been busted, revealing the thin tube lights on the inside. Beyond it sat an empty parking lot protected by a security gate and guard shack that was lit.

“Looks like it’s stationed, just like we expected,” Velocity said.

“Yeah, just nine more to find,” Flux added.

“Are you ready?”

Flux formed a head out of her slime and smiled wildly. “Yeah, let’s get to work.”



>“Don’t worry, I’ll be your eyes,” Velocity said, shifting into her purple slime form and coating her skin with dozens of eyelidless eyes. mixed up Flux and Velocity here and the next few sentences