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Saturday June 10th, 2025 Fayetteville, North Carolina, Amerika


OSDB Hero Rank: O - unranked but registered with SOC

OSDB Threat Rating: N/A - Not enough public data

Flux leaned her head against the SUV’s glass window as she leisurely gazed outside the speeding vehicle. Overhead road lamps flickered as they prepared for the night’s impending arrival. The distant city’s towers cast the surrounding suburbs in shadow as the sun reached the horizon. The precession of honks and road raging shouts rang through the air. She found it all too similar, which is why she already missed Mazuma city.

Flux leaned up and glanced about the cabin, hoping for some sort of entertainment she knew wasn’t there. Hispanic pop music whispered through the vehicle’s speakers while Daniel sang softly. His hands gripped tightly around the steering wheel, prepared for anything should the need arise.

Plastic bags filled with empty snack wrappers and protein bars hung from clips on the back of the seats. A cooler filled with water and sodas rested between their feet. Spare blankets and pillows lay on top of it.

Her eyes finally settled on the woman she shared her space with. Velocity, the infamous assassin and temporary coworker for the next few days. She lay asleep, nestled in one of the spare bedding their chauffeur had brought. The small rise of her chest and deep breaths showed her deep slumber. She looked peaceful to Flux, unaware of the monster sitting beside her.

Flux leaned back and crossed her arms as she stared at Velocity. Who does she think she is, inviting Mr. Webb to dinner like that? He’s a busy man. He doesn’t have all the time in the world to spend wining and dining with every woman. Although… I wonder what she wants to talk to him about. It sounded personal. Maybe it’s just a ruse to get him alone? No! She can’t be into him as well, can she? She can’t have him!

Flux lowered her head and frowned. I… understand it, though. Every woman should dream of just being in his presence. He’s so smart, cunning, and capable. He’s amazing. Ugh… I miss him already. Maybe I should call him? Just hearing his voice would make me so happy. No! I can’t. I should only use the phone for updates or emergencies. He’d probably get upset if I called him just to talk. He’s too busy.

Flux slid her head to the door as she thought about their recent snafu in the bathroom. I can’t believe I made him upset. He seemed so peaceful during the massage. It’s just when I tried that other thing, he didn’t like it. But that’s what everyone told me to do! The research I did prior showed that humans really enjoy it. Maybe it’s only a human and a human thing? But he’s special. Maybe he’s not like other humans? Ugh… I feel terrible. That’s why I volunteered to help Velocity. I need to do everything I can to get back in his graces.

When she heard Velocity stir, Flux looked up a glared. Why did he suggest dinner in the first place? Maybe because he was just being nice? Is he interested in her? No, surely not. As disgusting it is to think about, at least Justice makes sense. She’s the most powerful supe on the planet. He probably has some grand plan to use her in a future job.

Flux sat up and leaned forward, twisting her lips. But what if he is attracted to her? She and Justice both have blonde hair. Does he like that? His other flings didn’t have blonde hair. I chose black because Yokai had black hair. Besides me, she’s been the most constant woman he’s kept around, much to my chagrin. I hate her the most. She always looks at me like she’s superior to me. But she does that with everyone except Mr. Webb. At least Velocity will work with me. She acts like we’re equals.

Flux leaned her arm over the back seat and continued her assessment. Maybe it’s her body? It’s more muscular than my shape. That’s something I could easily change. Maybe her makeup? I do like the black around her eyes. It reminds me of the burning rocks back home.

Flux’s eyes widened. No! It’s nothing physical! If that was the case, then he could just ask me to change shape. I can be whatever he wants. It’s what she does for Mr. Webb! He said it himself. She’s always reliable and trustworthy. She’s been working with us for the last three years. And she’s proven herself to him. Maybe that’s all he needs? Maybe that’s what’s in common with all of us?

“Are you just going to stare at me the entire drive down, or do you have something to say?” Velocity asked, cracking one eye open.

Flux jerked back in a not-so-subtle manner to hide that she was gawking. “I wasn’t staring.”

“You most definitely were,” Velocity said, sitting up and stretching. “You’ve been eyeing me ever since we left Mr. Webb’s hotel. When we picked up the gear, your eyes didn’t leave me, either. It was like you thought I was going to rob the place.”

When Flux didn’t respond, Velocity continued. “And since we’ve been locked up in this SUV, I’ve felt your eyes on me. So… is there a problem?”

Flux leaned back against the door to put some space between them. While her posture wasn’t threatening, the leer she gave flared Flux’s instinct of an impending attack.

“Only if you do,” Flux said, turning her shoulders to lunge across the cabin.

“Then what’s with the staring? I didn’t kill anyone you care about, did I? This isn’t some elaborate scheme to get me alone with you so you can try to take me out, is it? If so, props to you and Mr. Webb.”

“What? No. Mr. Webb never lies.”

“This whole thing doesn’t really feel real.”

“What do you mean?”

“It seems far-fetched that we’re doing all of this to save an orca. I didn’t believe this was the actual mission until Mr. Webb said it was for Tetro.”

“That is the mission. Mr. Webb wouldn’t waste your time like that.”

“Part of me knows that, but the other part of me doesn’t trust anyone.”

“You can trust Mr. Webb. He never lies.”

Velocity smirked. “Yes… you keep saying that. But surely you’re joking.”

“No,” Flux said sternly. “He never lies.”

“That’s impossible. Everyone lies.”

“As long as I’ve known him, he’s never once told a lie.”

“So if I asked him a deeply personal question, would he tell me the truth?”

“If he chose to. Otherwise, he wouldn’t answer. He might also give you some truth but not the entirety of it.”

“Huh… good to know.”

While Flux questioned whether she revealed something she wasn’t supposed to, Velocity reached inside the cooler and pulled out two bottled waters. She extended one to Flux, who hesitated before accepting it. While the assassin downed the contents of hers, Flux put it behind her back and absorbed the entire contents through her skin.

“Ah… that hit the spot,” Velocity said, smashing the bottle down and sliding it into a plastic bag. She rummaged through the snack bag and pulled out some trail mix, popping handfuls as she looked out the window. “Do you know where we are?”

“No,” Flux said. “It all looks the same to me.”

Velocity leaned over and whispered. “What’s the driver’s name again?”

“Daniel,” Flux whispered back.

Velocity leaned forward and shouted up front. “Hey Daniel?”

The chauffeur turned off the music and looked up through the rear-view mirror. “Yes, ma’am?”

“No need to call me, ma’am. Velocity is fine. Where are we?”

“Sorry, ma—I mean Velocity. We’re passing Fayetteville, North Carolina.”

“So we’re what? Halfway there?”

“A little bit more than that. I’d say we have another ten to eleven hours to go.”

“Got it. Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.”

Velocity fell back in her seat and popped another handful of food in her mouth as she looked out the window. As if sensing Flux’s persistent gaze, she looked over at her. The purple eyed bodyguard quickly darted her eyes away before glancing back.

“So…” Velocity said, looking her up and down. “We’ve got a few more hours left.”

“We do,” Flux said, shifting in her seat.

“I’m assuming since you work closely with Mr. Webb, you know a lot about me.”

“I do.”

“Well, I don’t know much about you outside the fact you work with Mr. Webb, and you’re around every time I’ve met with him. Seems a little off balance to me. So, what’s your deal?”

Flux tilted her head. “My deal?”

“Yeah, tell me about yourself. We’ve got a long way to go, and I’d like to know who I’m going to be working with.”

Flux stared off into space as she thought for a moment. “I don’t know what to say. What do you want to know?”

“Anything really… I’m just trying to pass the time. It’s obvious you and Mr. Webb have some history together. How did you two meet?”

Flux looked up in the air and tapped on her chin. How do I explain this without breaking the rules? “We met somewhere far from here. He was scared and alone, hiding in a cave The first thing I remember was finding him and I felt this… connection to him. Like he was a part of me and I him. He was shivering. I covered him as best I could to warm him.”

Velocity perked up and pulled a foot underneath her bottom. “Wow… that was… not what I was expecting. So he was somewhere far from here and he was cold… was this in the arctic somewhere? What was he running from? Supers or something? Were you in the cave or did you find him in passing? Oh, were you camping in the wilderness or something?”

Flux let out a nervous laugh and shook her head. “Let’s talk about something else.”

Velocity cocked her brow. “Okay… then, how long have you been working for him?”


“Well, I know that… I’ve been working with him for years at this point, too.”

“A long time.”

“Like more than a decade?”

“Oh, yeah.”

“Wait… how old are you?”

Flux brought her hand to lips as her mind blanked. Wait… what was the answer to this question? Was it twenty-eight or twenty-seven? Oh no, she’s looking at me funny. I should just choose. “Oh… uh… twenty-eight!”

“Why did it take you so long to answer?”

“Because I forgot.”

“You forgot how old you are?”

Flux let out a nervous laugh. Oh no, she doesn’t believe me. What should I do? Think of something quick. “Yeah… I have a bad memory sometimes.”

“Look, if you’re ashamed of your age… I get it. Some women are overprotective about it. If it makes you feel any better, I’m twenty-nine. I’ll be thirty in December.”

“It’s not that,” Flux said, letting out a forced sigh. “It’s just… complicated.”

“Well, if you don’t want to talk… I’m not going to force you.”

“No… I don’t mind talking. There are just some things I can’t talk about.”

Velocity snorted and frowned. “Okay… then… what do you do for fun?”

“I like to watch movies and I love swimming.”

“Is that how you stay so fit?”

“Oh… no, this is just my default form.”

“Ah… good genetics, then. That must be nice. If I didn’t eat well and exercise so much, I’d blow up like a balloon.”

“Oh, I can do that too!”

The two shared a laugh before Velocity continued prodding. “Since I’ve learned you’re a supe, you know I’ve been wondering what your powers are.”

“I can’t remember what Mr. Webb dubbed the technical term. However, my entire body is fluid. I can increase and decrease the density of said fluid to shrink or increase my size. I also have an advanced form of mimicry, so as long as I’ve seen something and it isn’t too big or too small, I can shapeshift into a replica. The only problem I have is getting details right that I haven’t seen, like a freckle or scar on their body, but that can be resolved by touching them. Um… what else… Oh! Because of my unique biology, I’m technically bulletproof and have an enhanced sense of taste.”

“So you could shapeshift into anyone you’ve seen or touched?” Velocity asked. “What does touching have to do with it?”

“It’s kind of hard to explain. But I send this pulse through your entire body at a cellular level, which then bounces back to me, and I can get a better idea of your body composition that way.”

“Like a ship sending sonar?”

“Kind of, but internally.”

“Could you do me?” Velocity asked, extending her hand.

“Easily.” Flux reached out and grazed the assassin’s finger. She shifted her skin to a paler white. Her hair changed from black to blonde, taking a mind of its own as it twisted into Velocity’s signature braid. She kept the suit she was wearing, but morphed her physiology to match the assassin’s more fit and muscular build.

Velocity’s jaw dropped as she leaned forward, examining her near perfect clone. “Damn… I’m hot,” she said, letting out a short laugh. “Office skirts aren’t really my thing, but maybe it should be. It really accentuates my legs.”

“You really should,” Flux said. “So many guys are into it. It makes the negotiations a lot easier when they’re distracted.”

“Noted,” Velocity said, leaning back with a sly smile. “How long can you hold the shape?”

“As long as I want,” Flux said, shrugging before reverting to her default look. “But this visage is the main one I keep.”

“And you were saying you’re also bulletproof?”

“Yeah, since I can adjust my density, I can make myself as liquid as I need to. So a bullet could either just pass through me like it was shooting through a thin piece of paper or shooting into a thick piece of steel. Normally, I lessen the front and thicken the back so it will be absorbed and I can dispose of it. But I have to be ready for it.”

“Does it hurt?”

“Not at all. If anything, it kind of tickles.”

“What about blades? Like if I swung a long sword to cut your arm when you weren’t expecting it?”

“Oh, it would definitely cut it off.”

“And that wouldn’t hurt, either?”

“Not at all. My slime would slither back to me. I’d reabsorb it and reform my arm.”

“That’s… impressive. So, does anything hurt you?”

“Extreme temperatures or elemental attacks definitely hurt. Mr. Webb says I don’t feel pain like a normal person does, but when I do, it’s… crippling.”

“How so?”

Flux lowered her head and rubbed her hands together. “Like… I can’t move, and all I can do is scream.”

“Sounds awful.”

Flux looked up and nodded. “It is. I’ve learned to try to avoid those kinds of engagements, but when Mr. Webb’s life is on the line, I’ll do anything to protect him.”

“Said like a good soldier,” Velocity said with a slight smile.

While Flux beamed back, she looked over at Velocity with a new outlook. She seems nice. Maybe she isn’t so bad? Maybe… she could tell me where I went wrong.

Flux bit her lower lip. “Um… Can I ask you something?”

“What else are we going to do? We have half a day to go. So ask away.”

There was only one thing really on Flux’s mind. It was a problem she wanted to solve, but didn’t know how. It had been eating at her since the time she’d left the bathroom with Gunner. She looked up Velocity up and down and grinned from ear-to-ear.

“Why are you smiling like that?” the blonde-haired assassin asked, scooting backward.

Flux scooted forward and waved her over. Velocity hesitated before inching closer. When she was a foot away, Flux leaned in and whispered. “How good are you with relationship stuff?”

“What do you mean?”

“You know…”

“Like dating? Sex?”

“All of it.”

Velocity frowned and shrugged. “I mean, to be honest, I’m probably not the best person to ask. I haven’t really had a strong relationship. I’ve had flings… but my line of work doesn’t really allow me for anything more than that.”

“Well, that’s farther than me, so maybe you can still help.”

“Are you having some guy trouble or something?”

Flux nodded. “There’s this guy that I really like. I was trying to get him to like me, and the whole situation just turned horrible.”

“Hold on,” Velocity said, scooting closer. “Let’s start from the beginning. So, is this some guy you just met?”

Flux shook her head. “No, I’ve known him for a long time.”

“So, you’re friends?”


“Okay… so you’ve been friends a long time, and what happened? Did you ask him out or something?”

“Well, no… I was giving him a massage, and I did this thing that he totally was not happy about it.”

“What thing?”

“Well… I was kissing all over his body and then I tried kissing his—”

“His what? His dick?” When Flux nodded, Velocity covered her mouth, failing to suppress her laugh. “Well… yeah, no wonder he got upset.”

“But that’s what all my research online told me!”

“Um… research?”

“Yeah. I was trying to figure out how to get him to like me. Everyone online was telling me that’s what I should do.”

“Oh… Flux… you sweet deadly flower. You should never take unsolicited advice from random people on the internet.”

“So, I shouldn’t have tried to suck his dick?”

“Not immediately, anyway. You said you’ve been friends with this guy for a long time. He was probably just taken aback by the unexpected advance. Did he say anything to you when it happened?”

“Yeah… he said it would change the dynamic of our relationship, and that I should think about if this is what I really want.”

“Well, that’s good. It doesn’t sound like he’s upset and opposed to the idea. He just wants you to seriously consider this. Entering a relationship with him would definitely change things. You wouldn’t be friends anymore.”

“We wouldn’t?” Flux asked, blinking rapidly.

“No,” Velocity said, shaking her head. “You’d be lovers.”

“How is that any different?”

Velocity cocked her brow. “Wait, you’ve never been in a relationship before, have you?”


Velocity shook her head and pointed her hands at Flux’s body. “How? Why? You’re clearly beautiful. And you’ve got a good job. You’re the full package. The guys must be throwing themselves at you.”

Flux blushed. “Oh… um… thank you. I… uh… don’t know? I guess I haven’t really been interested until recently. And only with him.”

“So did your parents never have—” Velocity curled both index and middle fingers “—the talk with you?”

“I don’t know what that is. But I’ve never had parents.”

Velocity froze, and her voice softened. “I’m sorry… I—I didn’t know.”

“It’s okay,” Flux said, smiling. “There’s no reason to be.”

“Any brothers or sisters?”

“No. Mr. Webb is the only family I’ve ever had.”

Velocity leaned back, slapping her hand on her thigh. “That’s why you’re so protective of him, then. He is your family.”

“Yeah, he’s the most important thing to me. He’s my best friend.”

Velocity let out a short laugh and picked at her hands. “That’s kind of how my sister and I are. She’s the only family I have left, and I…” Velocity trailed off for a moment before looking up and smiling. “Sorry… I didn’t mean to turn the conversation sour.”

“You didn’t.”

Velocity cleared her throat and continued. “So… back to you. Before I share any advice… I understand you’ve never had a relationship, but outside of what you told me earlier, have you done anything else?”

“What do you mean?”

“Like have you made out with a guy or had sex?”


“Okay, so it sounds like you jumped a few steps with what you were doing before… likely from the… research you were watching. So, I’m just going to share what little wisdom I have from my experience.”

“I’m ready,” Flux said, nodding slightly.

“Men are idiots.”

Flux gasped. “They are?”

“Oh yes. Specifically, when it comes to relationship signals. You need to be clear of your intentions from the start. Now… it sounds like the guy you’re interested in is okay with the idea, but you two just need to hash things out. You need to confirm that this is ultimately what you want, and he wants this, too.”

“But how do I figure all this out?”

“Well, are you in love with him?”

“I think so?”

“You think?” Velocity asked, chuckling. “You really need to be sure about this.”

“Well, I just don’t know what it’s supposed to feel like.”

“What? Love?”

“Yeah… everything isn’t clear. Like no one knows.”

“That’s because love is a feeling that’s unique to each person. But what you want is someone who makes you feel special. They make you feel things that no one else can. Do they do that?”

“Oh yes… sometimes when I’m around him, I can feel myself bubbling inside. I’m filled with happiness and I want to be attached to him all the time. Like I’d wish there was a way where we could always be connected. Like he would wear me like a suit or just let me wrap myself around him and he’d carry me around with him all the time.”

“One of those phrases was kinda creepy, but in a cute way,” Velocity said, laughing. “But yeah… I think you’re definitely in love.”

“When we talk through everything, what do I do then?”

“I bet things are going to get hot and heavy. Declarations of love always turn into something physical.”

“Like sex?”

“If you want it to go that far, it can,” Velocity said, letting out a short laugh.

“I definitely want to. It looks like a lot of fun.”

“It can be one of the best things there is. Especially when you and your partner are in love. It sounds like you have an idea of how things are supposed to happen, yeah?”

“Oh yeah, I’ve done a lot of research.”

“That’s… good. Just don’t expect things to turn out like a porno for your first time. Make sure you take things slow. It might be painful.”

“It hurts?”

“For some girls, yeah… but in a good way. It’s kind of hard to explain. You might want to make sure to have some lube on hand in case you’re too tight.”

“Oh… I won’t have a problem with that,” Flux said with a toothy smile.

“That might be too much sharing, but I appreciate the honesty.” The two giggled before Velocity continued. “We’ve been speaking about this prince charming the whole time, but you haven’t really told me much about him. So… what’s he like? Is he handsome?”

“He’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Wow… okay… that’s quite the declaration… Now I’m really interested. What does he look like?”

“He’s tall. He’s got dark brown hair, a short, dark brown beard, and brown eyes. His body is hard like marble, but not in an overly bulky way.”

“So he’s got the tall, dark, and handsome thing going for him. That’s good. Does he have a good job?”

“Oh yeah, he runs his own business.

“Is he well off?”

“Yeah, he has a lot of money.”

Velocity gave a sly smile and tapped her cheek. “Hmmm… tall, dark and handsome, runs his own business, and is well off… The person you described sounds awfully familiar. Like a mutual acquaintance of ours.”

Flux’s eyes widened when she’d realized she’d overshared. Oh no! She’s going to know it’s Mr. Webb! Do something! Play it off!

Flux let out another forced laugh, twisting the droop of slime from the end of her hair. “Oh really? I’m not sure who you’re referring to, but I don’t think you’d know him.”

“What’s his name?” Velocity asked.

Flux panicked and her eyes darted all around her. The two names of the spent beef jerky and popcorn bags were sufficient. “Uh… Jack Orville.”

“That’s… certainly a name,” Velocity said with a slight chuckle. “But it’s good that you’ve found someone. I’m happy for you. It sounds like you picked yourself a winner.”

“I hope so. I just hope he’s okay with it. He’s my best friend.”

“I thought you said, Mr. Webb was your best friend.”

Flux let out an obnoxious hackle and said, “I have two best friends.”

After the pair shared their own enjoyment in the awkwardness, Velocity furrowed her brow and swiped her finger across Flux’s arm. “Hey, can I ask you something? It might be a bit of a hard question.”


“You said you’ve both been friends for such a long time, and everything sounded like it was going well. Why are you wanting to enter into a relationship with him?”

Without a moment’s hesitation, Flux rambled. “Because I’m the only one who truly knows him. I’m the one that he deserves to be with. I know everything about him: his likes, his dislikes, his favorite suit, his favorite snack. All the other women he’s been with are nothing compared to me. Only I can give him everything he needs and wants.”

Velocity leaned back, and her jaw dropped. “Wow… that was… a lot. And not in a good way.”

“What do you mean?”

“You sound… reallypossessive.”

“I am. He’s everything to me. I’d kill anyone who would ever hurt him.”

“Yeah… I get that… kind of. But even coming from a woman who puts people into the ground for a living… that’s not a good look.”

Flux shook her head. “I don’t understand.”

“Let me ask you something… is your friend single?”

“Um… I don’t know.”

“If you don’t know, then there probably is someone.”

“Well… I’ve seen him show interest in a few different people.”

Velocity perked up. “Oh?”

“Yeah. There’s also this woman, who I absolutely despise. She and him have had an off and on relationship for almost as long as I have known him. They do this thing where they will go a long time away from each other, and then hook up when they see each other, and then she leaves. I don’t know why he tolerates her.”

“It kind of sounds like a long-distance relationship. They’re not married or anything, are they?”


“Well, that’s good, but it hints at what I was getting at. Men like your friend, powerful men, have multiple partners nowadays. Same thing with women. Once the supe lifestyle became commonplace, monogamous relationships were a thing of the past. Harem became the standard. It became a status symbol. Then once the politicians around the world started legalizing multiple partner marriages, it blew up.”


“So… your friend might not want someone so possessive. If he’s got other partners or is going to have other partners, he’s going to want someone who can get along with others. Is that something you think you could do?”

Flux sat back in her chair as she thought about it. She wanted Gunner only for her. She also didn’t understand why he would need anyone else but her. However, she really only wanted him to be happy, and she’d do anything to make it so.

“I—I think so,” Flux said. “I would do anything for him. All he’d need to do is wish it.”

“Well, don’t feel like you have to sacrifice your own happiness for his.”

“But what if I ask him just to be with me and he says no?”

“Then they aren’t the one for you,” Velocity said, shrugging.

Flux shook her head. “No. He is. He is my everything. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself without him.”

“I’m not trying to scare you. It’s just the way the world works, and something you should think about before your conversation with him.”

“What about you?”

“What about me?”

“If the guy you liked already had other women, would you still go through with it?”

Velocity rubbed her chin as she thought for a moment. “Probably. I mean, I carry my own baggage and let’s be real… It’s the size of a dump truck.”

Flux joined Velocity in her self-deprecating laughter before the assassin continued. “So the guy is already making a lot of concessions bringing me along. But… if he truly loved me and I loved him, I don’t see why not. My job keeps me busy so I wouldn’t be around all the time. Having someone else there with him would help ease that burden for him. But what wouldn’t work is if I came home and I didn’t feel his love. If I was just another number to him or something like that… then I’d rather just be alone.”

“I… I don’t know if I could be alone,” Flux said, lowering her head.

“Eh… it’s not so bad. There’s no one telling you what to do. It’s just you against the world.”

“Don’t you get lonely?”

Velocity opened her mouth, only to close it. She gave a sorrowful grin and nodded. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t. I used to have my sister with me, which helped. But now… now it’s just me.”

“Your sister, she’s—”

Velocity held up her hand and cut Flux off. “That’s something Idon’t want to talk about.”

“That’s fair. Well, I appreciate you talking with me through everything. I feel like I learned a lot.”

“You’re welcome,” Velocity said, extending her arm. “It’s good finally getting to know you.”

After the pair shared a handshake and somber smiles, they retracted to their sides of the SUV. Flux lost herself in thought. She replayed the same conversation, of her and Gunner becoming a couple over a hundred different ways. The mental gymnastics weighed heavily on her mind, and before she realized it, she was fast asleep.



that... went surprisingly well...? and lol “You sound… really possessive.” :D