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Hey everyone. Here in a bit I'll be uploading the first two chapters of Supplying Supers. I need lots of feedback on these so please share here once you read them. I'll also be having Autumn Ivy do a solo read of both and uploading that as well for my audio fans. That will come once she has time to record.

1. Was the first chapter a good hook?
2. Do you like where things are headed?
3. Is there anything you'd like to see or have changed?
4. Do you want to keep reading?

Characters / POV:
1. What do you think of the main character, Alex, so far? Do you like the gray personality or would you want something different?
2. What do you think of Flux and Justice? Do they seem interesting or rehashed?
3. How do the ancillary characters feel?
4. What are your thoughts about Multiple POVs where Alex takes more of a strategic role while the contractors / harem members take a more active role? Or would you rather have the entire thing from Alex's POV?

1. Do you like the city setting so far?
2. Does this feel different than the Supers harem stories you have read?
3. Does the worldbuilding seem interesting so far?


Dr. Gigglesprout

Oh heck yes! Give me a bit to read them! Also, looking forward to the readings too!


Just finished reading the first two chapters! Really liked it so far. There were a few editing things, but I’m sure they will be fixed in the final versions. Love Flux! She is great! Justine also seems nice. The way she described the super world seemed really realistic and exactly the kinda thing that would happen in the real world. I also like Alex. The grey area he is working in is a real good perspective. Now that we have seen his shadier dealings, it would be interesting to see how many bright side dealings he has as well.


To answer some more of the questions: couldn’t stop reading the book after halfway through the first chapter and can’t wait until I can read more. Would prefer the book to be mostly from the MC perspective, but a few interludes from the harem perspective can really make it great if done right.


Also, this does feel different from other super harem books I have read so far. It’s from a different enough perspective to keep things fresh.


Hey Gage, thanks for the first impressions! Yeah, any editing issues will always get taken care of in the final version which is why I always mark my initial drafts as "Alpha". I'm glad the errors didn't take away from the enjoyment too much. Glad you enjoyed the characters. That's always critically important. Alex is going to be more on the bad guy scale than I have done in the past, which is why I want to make sure he's an enjoyable to read. From the POV perspective, what I'm toying with is having Alex be more of the strategy guy setting up deals and playing more of a political perspective while the contractors and harem members handle more of the boots on the ground. So the majority of the book would be told from Alex's perspective, but the harem members would be the more action sequence of them executing his plans. How would you feel about that? I'm glad it doesn't feel the same. I havent' had a chance to read all the superhero harem, so I want to make sure it feels different enough to not feel like a carbon copy of someone elses work. Flux's design I thought was unique, but then I found out there was a super exactly like her outside of her personality haha. So that's good to hear.


I think that kinda direction for the book could be good, and based on the other books of yours I have read/listened to, I’m sure you’d be able to pull off whichever way you decided to take it.