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Hey everyone. I just wanted to let you all know that I'll be doing a cover swap with Strength Unleashed probably next week sometime.

Needless to say the book is not trending well, although it continues to review well. Talking with other authors who've read the book, they all say the story isn't the problem, but it's likely the cover is too far outside the acceptable norms of the genre.

I knew I was going to be taking a risk having more muscular women on the cover, but I felt it just made sense for the story . Lesson learned I guess.

I'm having Macarious, who has done my Warhawk covers, do a recover for me. Once he's done, I'll be uploading that in preparation of the audiobook release . If I can't get the rank down and the sales up, I'm probably going to have to move on from this one.

Once I get the new cover up, I would appreciate you all sharing it where you can: subreddits, facebook groups, etc. I'll share the new cover with you all once I have it in hand.

Thanks for continuing to be awesome fans.



I haven't bought it yet, but certainly would at some point as I really enjoy your books. I have to agree, however, that if I didn't know how good your books are I might have been put off by the cover. For whatever reason I just found the two women on the cover a little creepy looking and not (to me, as it's all subjective!) particularly attractive.


Good to know! It certainly is always good to hear varying opinions. This helps me know I'm on the right direction that it is the cover that's causing the issue.

Yitzhak Brill

So sorry about that, that’s not fun news to hear! Yeah, I feel like the release was borked a bit with Zon delaying things, but you might be right about the cover too. I think it looks great, but I guess it might not fit the general trends of the sub genre. I personally loved the book (it might actually be my favorite of yours so far), and would love to see it continue. Here’s hoping it can gain the traction it deserves! I really want this to be a success, for your sake as well as for the story itself.


Thanks man. Yeah, the whole thing has been weird, honestly. Could be zon, could be the cover. I'm just going to try everything to boost it again. I think with Autumn and Andrew's performance on the audiobook, we have a chance to save it.