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Hey everyone. I hope you had a good weekend. For those that you may have seen, I posted in discord about not feeling all that great last week. Well... I found out why. After taking a second COVID test, it came back positive. I've been trying to rest to get better, but honestly the last week has just been miserable. I'm hoping to recover soon and get back on track, but for now, uploads may be a bit slow for a while. That won't slow any immediate releases, just Warhawk chapters for now, but I'll get to that next.

Writing Update:
I'm currently working on Warhawk 3 Chapter 3. The characters will be heading to Timura Outpost for a bit of shopping, r&r, and maybe a little trouble as well. More to come soon.

My focus for this week is Strength Unleashed: Startups, post edits, and launch. I should have the manuscript back no later than Thursday. Then I'll be working on some edits and then publishing. My hope is to have it out this weekend at the latest.

As you may have seen, the Dragons & Damsels Anthology released on KU. If you want to check that out, let me know how you like the story. Audio version will be releasing on Audible in the next few weeks.

I posted the next few months' pinups for the divine and higher tiers, so those are available. I'm really happy with how they turned out. We'll have another few coming in the next few weeks as well. Once she's finished with these, I'll probably give her a break for a bit before having her work on Strength Unleashed 2's cover.

I've still got a few other artworks pending, including the cg renders for Desert Jaeger/Queen's Jaeger, and a new artist I'm trying out. Will share those when I get them :)

If you did not read my post about the Warhawk audio update, please double check that. TL;DR, it's been delayed until April to give Rebecca time to re-record the series as a solo.

Strength Unleashed audio will start soon after I finish the manuscript. Andrew and Autumn are going to be awesome. I can't wait for them to get started.

One thing I want to call out, is that Warhawk 2 did not perform all that well, compared to Warhawk 1. That's mainly my fault for taking a year to write the sequel. I'm going head first into book 3, however, if book 3 does not bring more readers into the series, I may have to bump up the next series before concluding the series with book 4. Basically, I'd just need to build up a bit more stability in funds so that I can keep writing full time. We'll see how things plan out with Strength Unleashed's release, hopefully bringing more people into my books. But I just wanted to call that out right now as it's been something I have constantly been monitoring since the book's release.

Current docket:
Warhawk's Sacrifice (book 3)
Strength Unleashed: Rivals (book 2)
Warhawk's Odyssey (book 4) (May change to next series if Warhawk 3 does not sell well)
Strength Unleashed: Expansion (book 3)
Who knows???


That's it for me this week. I hope you all have a wonderful week ahead!


Yitzhak Brill

Sorry to hear you’ve caught the Rona, but here’s hoping you can start feeling better soon! I’ve been there, and can definitely empathize with you right now. Thanks for the update as always 🙂