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Hey everyone! I hope you all are having a great start to your week. For me... let's just say my sleep schedule is absolutely f@#$%D. I don't know why, but from about 10pm - 2am is when I find myself the most productive for writing. Maybe it's because everything becomes quiet and there are so few distractions. Who knows. Anyway, let's get on to the updates!

Version 1.0 of Strength Unleashed: Startup (new title pending) is almost done. It's wild. This should be close to my longest release. I should have it finished by either today or tomorrow. Once it's finished, I'll do a round of edits before shifting all the chapters from Alpha to Beta. That copy will go out to beta readers for feedback and be available to all of you for consumption. With how quickly Lauren gets through it, we're looking at a mid to late February timeframe for the go live.

I'll be taking a quick break to recoup my mental capacity and work on Warhawk 3's outline. I'm hoping to have that finished by Sunday and then begin writing Warhawk 3 on Monday, Feb 6.

When Warhawk is finished, I'm not quite sure where I want to go. The muse is taking me to some very different places. Too many ideas are coming at me all at once and there's just not enough time. I want to do a cyberpunk story. I also have an idea for a hitman-esque story. Then there are the things already on my idea board. If only cloning were possible.

Jclea is hard at work on Zara's character sheet. That should be done any day now. Once she's done with that, I'll be commissioning the next set of pinups that will include Iris, Zara, and then the current and future harem member of Strength Unleashed.

I'm also having another cover sample being commissioned for Supers Supplier. However, I'm fairly confident I won't use it. I'll just be sharing it with you all for free, given it uses realistic people on it, and after discussing it with other authors, it would likely get thrown in erotica which is not ideal.

Warhawk 3's cover will feature Nalla. I'm sure all of you have already seen it. If you haven't, just keep scrolling the art tag or check out my deviantart. It's on there. However, I did commission Warhawk 4's cover as well. It will feature Iris. That should be done sometime late February. 

Rebecca and William are currently recording Warhawk 2. It should be done this week and then get submitted to Amazon. I'm really excited for it as many of you are. So we're looking at mid-Feb launch barring no delays. I'll share some samples once I get the files.

Autumn and Andrew and waiting for me to finish the script for Strength Unleashed. With it being finished this week and starting to record late Feb/early March, we're looking at a potential mid to late March release. I'm super excited to see what these two rockstars bring.

Current docket:
Strength Unleashed: Startup (book 1)
Warhawk's Odyssey (book 3)
Strength Unleashed: Rivals (book 2)
Warhawk Book 4
Strength Unleashed: Expansion (book 3)
Who knows???


That's it for me this week. I hope you all have a wonderful week ahead!


Yitzhak Brill

Thanks for the update! Excited to see where your Muse takes you next Keep on keeping on, but please be sure to rest/relax when you need to!