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Hey all, it's time for another Q&A. Feel free to post any questions you have down below. Just a reminder, it can be anything about the books, story, characters, writing process, gaming, personal (within reason), whatever.

My questions for you all this month are probably pretty obvious: For those of you that have read the Alpha chapters of Untamed Power, how are you liking it so far? Do you have any favorite characters? Anything that's potentially hinted at that you might want to see more of?


Dr. Gigglesprout

Not going to lie, Zix coming back was a huge surprise. You got me with that one! I am excited about the new series' that you are working on too! What was your inspiration for a Monster Girl MMA style series?


Out of all the stories I have written, this has the most me in it. I have owned multiple businesses in the past, and this is one that I wanted to do when I was in college but just never got around to. I was big into bodybuilding and practiced various martial arts throughout my life. So I'm pulling from a lot of my life in this story. There are some scenarios in here that have happened to me personally or are heavily influenced by my life.

Dr. Gigglesprout

That is awesome! It seems very similar to the Fight Town series by Hondo Jinx in that regard. I look forward to learning more about the story!

Yitzhak Brill

Definitely like what I’ve read from Untamed Power so far, though I’m holding off on reading any more until I can read it all in one sitting! 😄 It’s a fun premise, with an interesting alt world setting, solid writing, and heartwarming characters. It feels fresh and I’m already hooked on it! Honestly, it’s good stuff and it’s nice seeing how much you’ve grown as a writer as I read each chapter.