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Hey everyone! I hope you're having a good start to your New Year. If you're a bit hungover, rest up, drink lots of water, and enjoy a good breakfast. This year, my wife, friends, and cousin all spent it capturing dino's in Ark. We used to have a server where we all played together, but are only getting back to it for a bit because of my schedule. I don't need too many distractions haha.

Writing Update:
Warhawk 2 has been released. It was the most nervous I have been about a release since the first Aspect book. Warhawk 1 released over a year ago, and Aspect 4 released a year after Aspect 3. The thing I was counting on was Warhawk 1's success vs Aspect 4. To be frank, Aspect 4 tanked. So, I was worried about Warhawk 2 as well. The good news is that so far it's doing okay. If you haven't had a chance to leave a review, please consider doing so. Outside of the one star that came in right off the bat, the sales have been doing okay-ish. I'm still watching it daily. With book 3 releasing March/April timeframe, I'm hoping the series will still have legs. 2023 is about more productivity and consistency, so I don't think I'll have that same problem with any future releases from now on.

Untamed Power is going well. I'm looking at my outline and this one might be a long one. I'm at chapter 11 and we're sitting at fifty-five thousand words. That's half of Warhawk 1. By my estimate, I still have 14 chapters to go. My plan is to have it ready for Lauren (editor) by January 15th. For those of you that have read the Alpha chapters, how are you liking it so far?

PS: I will most likely change the title of Untamed Power. There's already another book with that title, so I'll be changing it to Unleashed Power: Startup or Unleashed Strength: Startup or something like that.

After speaking with Rebecca and William, it looks like we should be able to get Warhawk 2 recorded by the end of January. Then we'll have the submission process with Amazon, which takes about 10 days. So we're looking at a potential February release. 

For Untamed Power, Autumn and Andrew are good to go for the audiobook. I'll be sending them the manuscript once I get it back from the editor. That will probably be February sometime, then it will release the following month.

JClea is working on character sheets for Iris and Zara. I'm going to keep the public release of those for book 3. But I'll share them here once they are done. After that, she'll be working on monthly pinups for the next few months. Then the next cover and some character sheets for all the characters in Untamed Power.

Current docket:
Untamed Power: Startup (book 1)
Warhawk's Odyssey (book 3)
Untamed Power: Rivals (book 2)
Warhawk Book 4
Untamed Power: Expansion (book 3)
Supplying Supers (book 1) or Blackthorn (Book 1)


That's it from me. I hope you all have an enjoyable week ahead!


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