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Hey folks! Warhawk 2 seems to have gotten hit by a one star without any feedback early on. If you've had a chance to read the story I would appreciate you leaving a review. These early smacks can kill a book's momentum early on. Thanks!



Review is done... guess we're just waiting for it to publish...


Yeah I've seen some come through. Usually they take a few hours. Hope you enjoyed it :)


Immensely... still nor sure about Zara his impressions of her don't match her actual actions and characterization also super stoked about the development of his relationship to the sister... did I fully catch trends toward a couple movie franchises in there?


Glad to hear it. Yup, time will tell what happens between Zara and Seb. Yeah, I snuck in 3? different easter egg quotes in there as a nod toward some of my favorites.


Just checked and it looks like there are about 10 reviews up now with only the one bad one. I’m personally waiting for the audiobook.


yeah, I feel like a lot of my fans are waiting for the audiobook. Once I have an answer back from Rebecca and William, I'll let you guys know on the status.