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While Tommy was getting comfortable with his best friend’s overt affection, he figured they’d idled a bit too long on the patio.

“Are you going to show me your new place?”

“Oh…uh… yeah!” Alanah said, brushing the hair from her face. She wrapped her arm around his shoulder and led him inside, shutting the door behind them. The room opened up to a foyer with a stairwell leading up the side wall. Alanah turned to the side, pointing into the next room where eight people were sitting on two couches and a pair of bean bags watching in front of a movie. They all shouted when the main character said the trigger word and took a shot.

“This is the living room. Everyone say hi to Tommy!” The group turned and waved before going back to their show, shouting that they missed a shot. Alanah leaned into a whisper. “The two dwarf twins with the burly mustaches and tied back hair are our neighbors Axel and Lars. The rest of them are their friends but I don’t really know them.”

Tommy squinted his eyes and whispered back. “You’re fine with randoms coming into your house?”

“Oh, it’s not like that. Axel and Lars were having their own party and we invited them over.. This whole street is kind of like its own miniature community. Everyone is super chill.”

Alanah walked across the hall to the open room that had several office desks with computers and a nearby bookshelf. “This is our study. It’s supposed to be a dining room, but we turned the family room into that. Usually during the week, one of us is in here for work, a meeting, or school.”

As they continued further back down the foyer, Alanah stopped at the end baluster and pointed up the stairs. “All the bedrooms are upstairs along with the two full bathrooms. But even though there are four bedrooms, only three are in use since Eddie and Jacqueline sleep in the same room. Jacqueline does use the fourth’s closet space though.”

“So you have three roommates?”

“Yeah, it’s me, Eddie, Jacqueline, and Eleanor. Eddie and Jacqueline you may or may not remember from our high school days. They were sophomores when we were seniors. Eddie is a musician and Jacqueline is a stage actress.They’re both a lot of fun and very free spirited.  Eleanor is someone I think you’d get along really well. She’s a former gymnast turned kickboxer, and is into a bunch of things you are into: video games, loud screaming music, and watching contact sports.”

“Oh that’s cool. Is she going to be here tonight?”

Alanah shrugged. “Yes and no? I’m sure she’ll probably drop down from her room to grab a plate, but she’s not really a party person. I’d say she’s kind of a recluse, but she is just very headstrong and only does what she wants to do. She’s definitely a quiet type and doesn’t often say much, but she’s very straightforward. You’ll always know where you stand with her. Either she’ll like you or she won’t.”

“Well, if I meet her, I’ll try to put my best foot forward.”

As Alanah turned, she led him further down the hallway. They passed a small bathroom before continuing entering a spot between the kitchen and the rebranded dining room. The dining room had a long wooden table large enough to seat ten. The surrounding wooden chairs looked like thrones given the thick construction of their legs. A single sliding patio door led outside.

The kitchen was an open concept with rows of dark brown cabinets along two walls. The granite countertops were an aged brown but still in good condition. Aluminum trays full of food hovered above lit flames. The smell of the cooking food made Tommy’s mouth water.

A short oni stood behind the counter. He was as tall as he was wide, built short and stout. He had red skin, two horns, and was wearing a Delilah’s apron and backwards cap. When Tommy and Alanah entered the room, his face brightened and he stood straight.

“Hey Alanah,” the man said, his voice higher pitched than Tommy expected. “Can I get you something?”

“No, I’m fine David,” Alanah said before turning to Tommy. “Are you hungry?”

“Actually I’m starved,” Tommy said. “This all smells so good.” When Tommy reached for one of the sitting plates, a pair of tongs smacked his hand. He scowled as he looked up at the caterer.

“No touching,” David said, holding up his tongs. “If you want something, you ask for it. Lady Alanah is paying for catering and that is what’s being provided.”

Lady Alanah? Tommy thought. Who is this guy?

Tommy rubbed the red spot on his hand before pointing at each of the stations. “I guess I’ll have a little bit of everything.”

“There’s twelve trays here. You’ll need to be a bit more precise.”

“David, stop being silly,” Alanah said. “Just give him one from each tray.”

“Of course,” David said, lowering his head.

Did he just bow? Tommy wondered. This dude is really fucking weird.

Alanah pulled away and walked down the hall. “I’ll be right back. Going to head to the restroom.”

“Okay,” Tommy said before looking back at the server. Once Alanah left, the oni’s eyes squinted, staring at Tommy. His gaze did not budge as he scooped the smallest portions onto the plate. Once finished, he expertly retrieved two pieces of plastic utensils and stabbed them into the monstrosity.

“Here,” David said, extending the plate.

Tommy hesitantly looked at it, expecting the man to drop it when he reached for it, but eventually grabbed it from David’s hand. “Is there a problem?”

David glared at him emotionless. “I haven’t the slightest idea what you mean.”

“You’ve been eyeballing me like I kicked your dog ever since I walked in here.”

“I wouldn’t stoop so low as to quarrel with you, sir.”

Tommy raised his finger. “See that right there. What you just said implies you’ve got a problem with me.”

David smirked. “I can’t fathom what your simple mind is insinuating. I am here as a representative of Deliliah’s to serve as Lady Alanah’s caterer for the eve. Now, if you have any questions or concerns, I am more than happy to hearken.”

Tommy rolled his tongue over his teeth as he eyed the red-eyed man. He wasn’t quite sure what his problem was, but he had an idea. When David spoke, he elevated Alanah as if she was some kind of goddess or queen. Tommy wasn’t going to allow him to get under his skin, but his insistent disrespect he’d shown him already couldn’t go unchecked. He just needed to test his theory.

Tommy took a bite of his mashed potatoes and smiled. “So, how long have you worked at Delilah’s?”

David cocked his brow. “Six months. Why?”

“Huh,” Tommy said, slightly turning away. When David pressed him, he knew he had him.

“What do you imply?”

Tommy turned around and shook his head. “Oh nothing… it’s just I was speaking with Alanah earlier this week about all the people they’ve hired recently and she never once mentioned your name.”

David’s face turned a shade redder as he stumbled over his words. “I-it’s probably because… because she was only thinking of the seasonal hires. Yes, that must be why.”

“No, I remember us specifically talking about who all was all working there. She must have just forgotten.”

“That’s impossible. Lady Alanah would never forget about me. We commune every day she works.”

Tommy shrugged. “Sorry, I don’t know what to tell you, man.”

The oni took in a deep breath and his lower eye twitched. He looked like steam was about to pour out from his ears. But just before he could tell Tommy off, Alanah walked in carrying the bottle of bourbon. David’s demeanor scorn shifted into a forced smile.

“Do you want to head outside?” she asked, looking down at Tommy.

The gold medalist grew a wide smile. He approached Alanah’s side that was visible to the twin horned caterer and wrapped his arm around her before looking up. “Lead the way.”

As Alanah wrapped her arm around Tommy’s shoulder, he glanced back at David. His face was visibly purple, confirming what Tommy had assumed; he was enamored with Alanah. While Tommy had no current intention of being more than just friends with Alanah, he felt satisfied of the subtle return slap his words and actions caused the man who had slighted him earlier.

The back patio door opened into a backyard.  The backyard was covered by a six foot tall wood privacy fence that lined the entire property line. Inside was a sixteen by thirty-two foot pool with light’s that extended its entire length. It was surrounded by a concrete foundation where several cyan colored lounge chairs lay. What little grass remained acted as a border separating the fence from the foundation.

Four individuals were split into two separate pairs. The first couple looked to be in their mid-thirties by Tommy’s guess. They both laid on one of the many lounge chairs, sipping cocktails and talking.

The male was human with greenish brown eyes with dark brown hair. The tan lines along his arms and under his ocean blue swim trunks showed the sign of a common uniform on his white skin. He looked healthy and fit with defined arms and legs.

The woman lying next to him, Tommy assumed, was either a dogkin or even a werewolf, given her furry pointed ears and long fluffy tail. She had brown eyes and deep brown hair with white accents that matched her fur. Her solid black bikini did little to hide her well toned body and teardrop shaped breasts that were perfectly balanced with her figure.

The second pair was intertwined in the pool. The male was either a satyr or some kind of goatkin by the long twisted horns on his head. He had brown eyes and brown dreadlocks that matched his chinstrap. His body was thin and lean.

The woman that was draped around his shoulders was elven based on her human-like appearance but sharp pointed ears. She was built like a supermodel with long, blonde hair and blue eyes. Her perfectly skin sparkled down her long legs and lithe body. The bright pink bikini fully covered her small small breasts but left plenty of her perfectly round bottom for view.

As Alanah and Tommy exited onto the back patio, the elven woman in the pool gasped and jumped from her partner, wading her way to the pool’s edge. “Is this him?”

“Hey everybody, come over!” Alanah shouted. “I want you to meet Tommy.”

Tommy’s eyes went wide, and he quickly tried to swallow the bite of food he’d just taken. While the two couple’s approached, he stuck his fork into the mound of food and sat it on a nearby plastic table.

Alanah wrapped her arm around him and presented him to the group. “Everyone, this is Tommy,” she said before first pointing to the lounge chair couple. “Tommy, this is Kristie and Ryan. They’re our other neighbors.”

“We live in that house there,” Kristine said, pointing to the brick house that stood nearby.

The athlete extended his hand to both of them. “It’s nice to meet you both.”

“And… these two wild ones are Eddie and Jacqueline,” Alanah said pointing to the satyr and elf. “They’re the roommates I spoke of earlier.”

When Eddie spoke, Tommy wasn’t surprised by his relaxed and carefree tone. “Hey man, it’s great to finally meet you. Alanah has told us so much about you.”

“Oh really? Hopefully only good things.” Tommy said.

“Oh yeah, man. She yakked about you all the time. I feel like we’ve known each other for years.”

“I did not talk about him all the time!” Alanah said, stomping her foot.

“Alanah, honey,” Jacqueline said, approaching her. “This is coming from a friend who loves you very much. It would be a rare day if you didn’t go at least a week without talking about Tommy. So much so we created a drinking game of it.”

“You didn’t,” Tommy said.

“Oh we did,” Jackqueline said wide eyed. “But she did undersell you on your looks. Your body looks like it was sculpted from pure marble.”

“Yeah babe, I was thinking the same thing,” Eddie said, eyeing him up and down. “I mean look at those forearms. They’re the size of my legs almost. I bet if you’d learned to play guitar you could play some hella fast riffs.”

Tommy awkwardly laughed. “Well, thank you for the wonderful compliments. It’s just from years of hard work in the gym.”

“Man, I don’t even remember the last time I went to the gym. I should probably look into that.”

Jacqueline rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. “You would probably only last a day before you’re back out here smoking violet haze and playing your guitar.”

“You’re probably right. But you’d be right there next to me listening to me sing.”

“I never said I wouldn’t,” Jacqueline said, wrapping her arms around Eddie’s neck. “You know I love listening to your voice.”

As if no one else was watching, Eddie looked into her eyes and sang her a few lyrics of a song Tommy didn’t recognize. The words seem to have an effect as Jacqueline nearly lunged for his lips. The two went at each other like this was the last day they’d be on the planet.

“I do agree having a gym nearby would be pretty awesome,” Kristie said, attempting to ignore the two love birds. “I think the closest one around here is a town or two over.”

“Montgomery, I think has one,” Ryan said, scratching his chin. “But even that’s half a half hour drive.”

“Really?” Tommy asked. “With all the development I just assumed one would pop up.”

Alanah swiped Tommy across the shoulder. “That’s what you should do with your dad’s shop. Turn it into a gym!”

The sudden realization hit Tommy like a truck. He wasn’t sure why he hadn’t thought about it before. It was perfect. He loved everything a gym offered: a sense of pride in accomplishment, visible representation of your achievements, and a strong community working towards a common goal.

“Holy shit, Alanah, I think you’re right.” Tommy said wide eyed and smiling. “We could focus on powerlifting and strongman style workouts. Offer personal training. Do month to month memberships with none of those stupid contracts. I could see this actually being a thing.”

“Yay! I’m so excited that you’re excited.”

“I mean if you’re serious about opening a gym, we’d definitely sign up,” Kristie said.

“Yeah we would,” Ryan said. “And if you need any kind of help figuring out packaging, orders, or deliveries I can always help you there.”

“Oh, do you work for the post office or something?”

“Not quite. I’m a delivery driver for United Postal Delivery.”

“Oh nice. Yeah, I’ll definitely let you know if I need anything. I’d probably have to order a bunch of equipment so there would be a lot of deliveries.”

“Would you be shipping a bunch?”

“I don’t think so? But I’m not really sure. Maybe if we started selling merch or something.”

“You’d probably want to set up a business account just in case then. It will give you better rates on shipping.”

“Enough business talk,” Eddie said, who no longer had his tongue down his lover’s throat. He handed everyone a red plastic cup that was filled with a clear liquid. “This is a housewarming party. It’s time we started acting like it. Now who’s fucking with me?”

Everyone cheered and raised their containers before drinking the shot. The liquid was lemon flavored. It was cold and smooth going down, but as soon as it hit Tommy’s stomach it felt like he’d swallowed a match. But unlike the typical expectation of a relaxing warmth, he felt like a combustion engine went off inside him with the sudden jolt of energy.

“What the hell was that?” Jacqueline asked, coughing.

“Just a little homebrewed hootch I brought back from my uncle’s out east.”

“Well if this is what we’re drinking, I’m definitely going to need to keep eating,” Tommy said chuckling.

Eddie let out a bestial howl which triggered a response from Kristie who punched him in the shoulder once she stopped. “Dammit Eddie, you asshole.”

“Sorry man,” Eddie said laughing. “I just had to let the beast inside of me out. You know how it is.”

“The idea is not to let the beast out if I can help it. I’d rather stay in control tonight.”

The satyr turned and hit a button on a nearby stereo, blasting rock music through the backyard. He picked up Jacqueline, ignoring her cries to let her go, and jumped into the pool. Kristie and Ryan both looked at each other and shrugged before setting their drinks down. The werewolf picked the man up, and they both let out a howl as they jumped in the pool together.

Tommy let out a heartfelt laugh. He turned to retrieve his food from the nearby table and froze when he felt Alanah’s arms wrap around him. When he looked over his shoulder, Alanah wore a mischievous grin.

“What are you doing?” Tommy asked slowly, straightening.

“Oh nothing,” she said slightly tugging him backward while biting her bottom lip.

“Alanah I haven’t eaten yet.”

“I know. We’re just going for a little swim first.”

“Alanah I still have my phone, keys, and wallet on me. Don’t you dare.”

“You’ve got about half a second before we hit the water. You better move fast.”

When Tommy saw that she wasn’t kidding, he kicked off his sandals and pulled off his shorts in one swift motion. The powerful cowkin howled as she picked him up and jumped backward into the pool. He closed his eyes and braced for the impact.

When he hit the water, it took him a second to orient himself. After his feet touched the bottom, he kicked up and surfaced the water. He took off his wet tank top and tossed it to the pool’s edge. Once he heard the large splash and Alanah’s familiar laugh, Tommy turned and his jaw dropped.

Standing there glistening in the moonlight were Alanah’s two exposed breasts. Her plump nipples stood freely, surrounded by small circles whose pink color matched her lips. Small beads of water fell down her milky mounds and across the curves of her hardened abs.

“What’s that look for,” Alanah asked, shoving Tommy’s shoulder. “Worried I was going to hurt you?”

Tommy turned his head but not his eyes as he pointed at Alanah’s chest. “No… your bra…”

Eddie and Jacqueline whistled and clapped when they noticed the show.

Unashamedly Alanah laughed it off, covered herself, and turned around. “Sorry for the wardrobe malfunction! Tommy, do me a solid and help me find it?”

“Can do,” Tommy said, trying not to laugh. He waded through the short side of the pool until he spotted the forest green bikini top floating near the drain. After retrieving it from the opening, he floated next to Alanah and handed it to her.

He watched her tie the top part around her neck but then fumble with the bottom strap. He wasn’t sure if it was because she was already buzzed, or she wanted him to do it for her. Either way she looked back and pouted her lip.

“Tommy, can you help me tie the back? Please.” the twin-horned strongwoman asked.

The athlete sighed and did as she asked. He tied a square knot in hopes that it would hold better than the simple knot she used. When he finished, he tapped her on the back. “You’re good to go.”

Alanah turned and ensured everything was secured. When she was satisfied she looked up at him and gave a wicked smile. Unprovoked, she jumped on top of him and pushed him under the water.

Tommy opened his eyes to the warm subtle sting of the chlorine. Alanah grabbed his wrists and pulled him to her. He rotated his wrists around hers allowing him to break her grip. He swam back to gain some distance before popping up out of the water.

Alanah stood at the edge of the pool, taking another shot from the alcohol before wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. “What are you doing all the way over there? You scared?”

“Scared of you? Please… I’ll fold you into a pretzel.”

“With those skinny arms of yours? You couldn’t fold the dough at the shop.”

Tommy laughed through gritted teeth. “Oh so this is how you want to play this?”

Alanah waved him over. “Yeah, show me what you got, little man. Show me what all those medals were for.”

Tommy waded to the opposite of the short side of the pool and raised his arms, but before they could begin a shout from the spectators halted their advances.

“Time out!” Eddie shouted, pointing his hands together. “If we’re going to do this, we’re going to do it right. Cornermen to your positions!”

Ryan and Kristie split to the corners of the pool. They both took their roles instride, shaking out the arms and rubbing the shoulders of their fighters while whispering words of encouragement. After conversing with Jacqueline for a few minutes, Eddie made his way in between them before clearing his throat and putting on his best announcer voice.

“Ladies and gentlemen!” he began, holding an empty glass bottle to his mouth. “We’re gathered here today to witness the latest in sports entertainment. A competition so brutal and profound, it’s banned in sixteen countries around the world. But not here in bumfuck Caha where the laws don’t matter. This will be a bout of three events, testing the pure skill and athleticism of our challengers. My lovely assistant Jacqueline Croteau shall be the instrument for the evening.”

The elven woman climbed out of the pool. Everyone lauded as Jacqueline blew kisses and waved like a showgirl. When she finished posing, Eddie continued on.

“The first event will be a test of leg power,” he said, slapping the side of his legs. “Each competitor shall lift the weight overhead and squat for as many times as possible. The second event will be the test of strength. Both shall clasp hands and attempt to overpower the other. The third and final event will be the elf-javelin toss. From one end of the pool, you will throw the elven beauty as far into the deep end as possible. The furthest distance wins.”

“I thought this was just going to be a wrasstlin’ match,” Alanah said, throwing her hands in the air.

“I am the event coordinator,” Eddie said, putting his hand to his chest. “You shall abide by my rules. Now to spice things up, each round starts with a bet of shots. However, whatever you bet, you will have to drink in addition to your competitor’s bet should you lose. So think strategically!”

“How many can we bet per round?” Alanah asked before taking another drink from her bottle.

Eddie twisted her lips and looked up into the air. “We’ll go with three.”

“Oh fuck this could go south real fast,” Tommy said laughing. “I’ll need something to drink.”

“Don’t worry I’ve got you both covered.”

Jacqueline walked over to the nearby table. She pulled out several mason jars from a chilled cooler and placed them on the pool's edge. After unscrewing the stop, she set two cups to the side and poured a shot in each.

“Now on to our fighters,” Eddie said, extending his arm. “On my left I have the tower of terror herself. At close to two times my height and weighing in a weight I dare not guess unless I want to be the next competitor.”

“Smart man,” Alanah shouted.

“With a record of two hundred and fifteen and zero. Alanah The Skullcrusher McKay.

While Tommy and Ryan booed, Jacqueline and Kristie cheered. Alanah raised her arms and flexed, giving everyone the show of her powerful form. When she got back into position she smiled and swiped her thumb across her neck.

Before Eddie began he splashed over to Tommy and whispered in his ear. “What’s your stats and last name?”

“Six foot two, two ten, and my last name is Russel.”

Eddie gave him a thumbs up before rushing back to the middle of the pool. “And the challenger to the right who needs no introductions. The six foot two, two hundred and ten pound goliath who sports thirty gold medals for shit I don’t know about. The titan killer himself, Tommy Twinkle Toes Russel!”

Tommy let out a short laugh and placed his hands on his hips. “Twinkle toes, really? I thought we were friends, Eddie.”

“Sorry man,” Eddie said, shrugging. “She’s the roommate. I’ve got to give her the edge. You leave after this. I’ve gotta live with her.”

“That’s fair.”

“All right fighters to the center,” Eddie said, waving Alanah and Tommy toward him. The two combatants pressed their chests together and playfully growled at each other while Eddie spoke. “Now I want a good, clean fight, you two. If you cheat, just don’t get caught. Now take a shot and head back to your corners.”

Tommy felt like he was breathing fire after the second shot. But after a few seconds the sensation subsided. He walked back over to his corner and stood next to Ryan as they watched Alanah kick off the first event.

Once the both of them were back on their sides, Eddie pointed to Alanah first. “Ma’am what is your wager for this round.”

“Three,” Alanah said with a smug smile.

“Oh, so that’s how we’re going to play this?” Tommy asked. “We could have gone easy on each other and only bet a shot each for the entire thing.”

“I’m not playing to lose, and you’re most definitely going down.”

“All right, but just remember you made this bed.”

Eddie turned to Tommy. “And you sir, your wager?”

“Three for me too.”

“Three bets each! We’re going to have a wild show tonight.” Eddie turned and bowed to his significant other. “Now, if you wouldn’t mind, my lovely assistant, please position yourself above our first competitor.”

In one swift motion, Jacqueline expertly laid across Alanah’s hands with perfect balance and the strongwoman began her squats. At first she made them look effortless, but eventually Tommy could see her weakness. This was his event. He knew she wouldn’t have an issue with the squat’s themselves. It was going to be at the shoulders where he knew she’d fail. Once Alanah hit fifty, Jacqueline screamed when the cowkin threw her.

Tommy played it cool and waited for Jacqueline to get out of the pool. He felt a bit awkward, knowing one of his hands was going between her legs. But when the blonde-haired goddess got into position, he decided if it didn’t bother her, it wasn’t going to bother him.

Based on his guess, Jacqueline was close to a hundred pounds soaking wet. An easy weight for him to lift. Tommy had perfect form. He locked his shoulders in place and squatted, ass to ground. Once he reached fifty one, he smiled at Alanah before setting his elven weight on her feet in the pool.

“And that’s it folks,” Eddie said. “The score is one for Tommy and zero for Alanah. Madam.”

Jacqueline poured Alanah her shots before Alanah stuck out her tongue and chugged the cup's contents. Her whole body shook after she set the cup down. For a second, Tommy was worried they would be pushing things too far. But when Alanah playfully bared her teeth at him, he knew it was okay to continue.

“All right contenders, next up is the test of strength competition,” Eddie shouted before turning to Alanah first. What are your bets?”

“Three,” Alanah said before letting out a belch.

“One,” Tommy said.

“Aw little boy is scared the big cowgirl is going to crush him?” Alanah said, speaking in a baby voice.

“Like you said, I’m playing this to win. If I lose this round, it means I’m only taking four shots instead of six. If I win you’re still taking shots.”

“Sounds like loser talk to me.”

“All right contenders, please make your way to the middle,” Eddie said. Tommy and Alanah sloshed through the waist high water until they stood in front of each other. They reached their hands out and interlocked their fingers. Even through Alanah’s grip, Tommy knew he wasn’t going to win this one, but he wasn’t going to go down without a fight.

“Contenders ready?” Eddie asked, looking at both of them. “Go!”

The area around both of them splashed as the two tried to outmaneuver the other one. Both of them grunted and laughed through strained smiles while the muscles in both pairs of their arms twitched. Tommy was proud of the time he managed to last, but he knew from the get go, this was going to be a losing battle. But he wasn’t punching below the belt to try to win.

“Fuck you’re strong,” Tommy grunted.

“I told you, you were going to lose,” Alanah snapped back through a wicked smile.

“If you let me win. I’ll stay in Harrisburg and open the gym.”

For a brief moment, Tommy thought he’d got her and  managed to bend her wrists back. However, fire raged in Alanah’s jade-like eyes and she quickly reclaimed the positioning she’d lost.

“You’re. an. asshole for trying to use that trick on me.”

Tommy let out a nervous laugh. “I had to try something.”

“I’m going to rip your arms off!”

When Tommy’s knees were almost touching the bottom of the pool, he knew it was over. He relented by shifting his weight away from her, allowing Alanah to fall toward him. When they splashed in the water. Tommy smiled as he looked at her furrowed brow.

Recalling something they’d done as kids, he chose that moment to tap his forehead to hers and say headbutt underwater. The offering had the desired effect he was looking for when Alanah smiled and helped pull him up from the water. The spectators chanted Alanah’s name as she reveled in her victory.

Tommy made his way to the edge of the pool and downed the shots Jacqueline had prepared for him. He shook his head in disgust as his body grew warm and alert. The surge of energy helped him focus. He knew he couldn’t handle another loss like that with the little food he’d had, otherwise, he was going to be having a rough night.

Everyone got out of the pool, and the two contestants lined up along the far edge. Tommy watched Alanah get out of the pool. He noticed that she was starting to slow down and wondered if the night’s drinking was beginning to take its toll.

He wasn’t sure if she’d started drinking before he got there, but she’d already downed half of the bottle he gave her plus the shots from Eddie’s hootch. And Tommy didn’t want to know what proof was in the shots he was taking. He also didn’t have confidence in Jacqueline pouring an exact shot.

“This is the last event and the one that will crown the victor,” Eddie shouted before turning to the contestants. Alanah your bet please.”

“Going for three again,” she said.

“And Tommy?”

“Three for me.”

Eddie rubbed his hands together. “It looks like we’re going to have a battle of the century guys and gals.”

“Now, I’m thinking this wasn’t such a good idea,” Jacqueline said, when Alanah picked her up. “If either one of you tosses me incorrectly and I so much as get a scratch on me I’ll—”

Jacqueline's words shifted to a high pitch scream as Alanah tossed her. Her form was sloppy, and she nearly fell back into the pool. Even still, she managed to throw her almost halfway. After Jacqueline swam back to the front, she walked over and positioned her next to Tommy.

When he reached to pick her up, she leaned her head next to Tommy’s ear and whispered. “Don’t mind your fingers.” She gave him a wink before extending her arms above her head.

While he had an idea of what she was implying, Tommy tried to push the thought out of his mind. He needed to focus on this throw. If he failed, he was going to be in a world of hurt. If he succeeded he won. And Tommy hated losing.

With determination in his eye, Tommy picked up Jacqueline, extended his arms, and took a step back. He took a half step forward and threw the elven woman as hard as he could. Jacqueline yelled as she soared through the air. When Eddie started moving farther down the pool, Tommy knew he’d won. The javelin made a splash a head further than where she’d landed from Alanah’s throw.

“He did it!” Eddie shouted. “Tommy is the victor!”

The guys celebrated Tommy’s victory with high fives and chest bumps. They chanted his name as he flexed and posed in front of his rival. Alanah even joined in after giving him the finger. When Jacqueline returned and poured Alanah her required dosage, Tommy could see the dread on her face.

“You don’t have to drink that if you don’t want to,” Tommy said.

Alanah’s lip curled before she downed the contents, crushed the cup, and threw it to the side. “I’m ain’t no sore loser. I pay my debts.”

“Fair enough.”

Alanah smirked and extended her hand. “It was a good fight though. Good job.”

Tommy reached out and gripped her hand and immediately regretted it when she squeezed and pulled. The two fell into the water and crashed. He could hear her muted laughter underneath the water. Deterred that she be punished, Tommy swam over to her and pinched and grabbed her body. The two playfully wrestled until they needed to come up for air.

After the contest, they turned off the music and the pairs split into individual pods. Tommy and Alanah shared the cold food that remained on his plate before wading in the shallower end of the pool. As Tommy roamed, walking like a crab, Alanah floated behind him with her arms around his neck like a cape in the wind. They kept the words quiet as not to disturb the other couples.

“Hey can I ask you something?” Tommy asked, looking over her shoulder.

“Yeah, what's up?” Alanah asked.

“Are Eddie and Jacqueline like swingers or something?”

Alanah giggled. “Why?”

“She just whispered something to me in front of Eddie that surprised me.”

“I told you they were free spirits. They’ve been known to bring others into their relationship. But it’s more of a fun physical thing than intimate. They’re both very much in love.”

“Did they ever ask you?” Alanah tapped Tommy in the back of the head and the two shared a laugh. “Hey, it’s a perfectly valid question after what you just told me.”

“They did, but it was when we all first met. I told them no and that was that.”

“How come?”

“Because even though I enjoy both of their company, neither of them are really my type.”

“Oh yeah?” Tommy asked, looking back and cocking his brow. “What’s your type?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know.”

“I would. I’m your best friend. That should be your best wingman too, shouldn’t it? If I’m scouting guys for you I should know what to look out for.”

“Hmm. I don’t know.”

“Well, start with what he looks like.”

“Um, tall preferably, but he doesn’t have to be as tall as me since I know that’s asking a lot. I just don’t want to date someone who comes up to my waist.”

“So no shorties.”

“Yeah. I do like facial hair on a guy.”

“No baby face.”

“No thank you. And definitely someone strong and fit so they can keep up with me.”

“No stick boys, got it.”

“I think those are really the only requirements from a physical aspect. Other than that I’d want him to be smart, funny, and kind.”

“Damn is this what us guys are going up against. Talk about unrealistic expectations.” Alanah gasped and pushed Tommy away as he burst out in laughter. When he went after her, she kept her arms crossed and head turned away from him.

“Come on, you know I was just giving you shit,” he said, trying to get underneath her arms.

“You’re a jerk,” Alanah said, trying not to smile.

“I know I’m sorry. Those were all reasonable qualifications. I’ll make sure to keep an eye out for Mr. Right.”

Alanah glared at him from the side until she wrapped her arms back around his neck. Only this time they were staring face to face. “What about you?”

Tommy leaned back and pulled them across the water as they spoke. “I like a lot of girls. They could be big, small, brown eyes, red eyes, brown hair, white hair. It doesn’t matter much. They don’t have to be as physically fit as you or I but as long as they take care of themselves is all that matters. The important thing I am finding now is that we connect on some sort of level.”

“Like what?”

“Like what we did today. Just spending time together and enjoying each other’s company. I’ve never had that in a relationship. It’s always been physical.”

“What like fuck buddies?”

“That and one night stands. Which don’t get me wrong. I’m as horny as the next guy and physical chemistry is equally important. It’s just that I want more than just that. You know?”

“Some of it, yeah… but I haven’t really had a strong physical relationship.”

Tommy stopped backpedaling and frowned. “Wait… you’re not—”

Alanah rolled her eyes. “No, I'm not a virgin. It’s just that the few boyfriends I’ve had in the past were terrible all around creeps. They were also horrible at sex.”

“Damn… sorry to hear that.”

“It’s okay. I’ve just become pickier. I know what I’m worth, and I’m willing to wait until the right person comes along who truly appreciates me.”

“Damn right,” Tommy said with a wide grin. “Any man would be lucky to have you.”

Alanah smiled and pulled herself in closer, resting her head on Tommy’s shoulder as they waded almost on top of each other.

“You’re welcome. Actually speaking of relationships. I wanted to ask you something.”

Tommy felt Alanah’s grip around him tighten and when she responded her tone was several pitches higher. “Mmhmm?”

“How did we become best friends and become as inseparable as we were? I mean looking back, we didn’t have a lot in common. A lot of my hobbies weren’t your hobbies, yet we were always spending time together.”

Alanah’s grip around him lightened but she didn’t remove her head. “I mean… you’re not wrong. But while the hobbies might have been definable, I always thought of us as our hobby in a way?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean spending time with your best friend, no matter what you’re doing is always going to be a good time. In the summers we would go to the beach, and in winter we would build snow forts at your house. Days after school we would hang out at Delilah's listening to music and dancing. In high school, we would go hiking and camping at our favorite spot.”

Tommy’s face lit up. “Oh shit, I forgot about our favorite spot. We’ll need to go there sometime.”

“We should.”

“Yeah, and I guess you’re right about all that. That’s how the perfect relationship should feel… effortless.”

Alanah’s arms tightened around Tommy’s neck and she raised her head to face him. She braced her hand behind the back of his head when he reached the sidewall of the pool. Her body straightened and pinned him against the wall. She licked her lips as glanced from his mouth, back up to his eyes.

“Tommy, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you,” Alanah said with heated breath.

“Yeah?” Tommy asked, his heart jumping from his chest.

“I think I’m going to throw up.”


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