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Hey folks! I hope you're all having a good weekend. I just wanted to give you all an update on how things are going :)

Writing Update:
I'm working on finishing the short for the next anthology. This should be done either tonight or tomorrow. Once that's finished, I'll begin working on Untamed Power: Startup. I'm super excited to get this one started. I have a really good feeling about it with how things are coming together both from my side and plans for audio.

Warhawk 2 is still in editing. I have received some very good beta feedback. Once I get the edits back, there shouldn't be much time needed in the way of changing the story. Just a few bits of dialogue removed and added, and we should be good to go. My initial plan was to hold off publishing until after January, but I think everyone has waited long enough for the sequel. So, I'm hoping we'll have it out before Christmas. Once it's published, I'm sending it over to Rebecca and William to begin recording the audio. 

As you all have seen, The Divine Terminus launched on Friday. I'm excited to have the full series now complete on audio. It's wild to think that I've been working on that series for two whole years and it's finally come to the end. I'd love to revisit that world someday. 

The auditions for Untamed Strength have been going really well. There's still a few days until the deadline is complete. I don't think we'll get any more auditions, but I'll need to wait until the set deadline before extending any offers.

Jclea is working on the Untamed Power cover. I'll show that next once it's done. On the docket after that, I have 2 character sheets for Warhawk's Ultimatum, and then a year's worth of pinups. 

That's it for me. I hope you all have an awesome week ahead!


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