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I hope you all are having a good Friday! Let me know if there are any burning questions!

I've spent most of this week working on the short. I'm hoping to have it finished by Sunday so I can start on MGG next week.


Ryan Jones

How have you been?


Overall really good. I've obviously been focused on writing everyday with small day breaks here and there. But my goals remained unchanged. There is definitely some uncertainty on how things will go over the next year. The market is getting crowded. And I'm unsure how well Warhawk 2 will do, but I'm still maintaining a positive outlook on the year ahead. Once I get Untamed Power written, I'll have a better idea of how things are going to go and how long releases are going to take. My hope is I can solidify the Ajax brand over the next year which will help ease any anxieties I may have. I have 12 months ahead to make this work. Fingers crossed haha


Ever thought about making erotica for women and or gay people?


Nope, I'm a firm believer in write what you know or enjoy. Only thing I could imagine jumping into is couple's romance. I actually have a story idea for that.