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All Alpha chapters are live. If you haven't started reading yet, I would recommend holding off until Monday. This weekend I'll be going through rewrites and self edits, uploading chapter by chapter. By Monday, all beta chapters will be uploading and I'll be sending the beta version out to beta readers. The book came in at just under 120k so it's a thicc boi. I hope you all enjoy Seb's continuation.

FYI on the series long-term plans - depending on how this novel does, I will either need to pause Warhawk for a bit or I can have another book in 10 weeks. I'm pretty concerned that it's been a year since the last one, so if sales are crap, I'll have to put book 3 on the back burner for a bit until I can earn so additional dollars on some new series before revisiting it. Unfortunately, those are the hard decisions i have to make now that I'm a full-time author man.


Yitzhak Brill

Sounds like a plan, author man. Thanks for the update!