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Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a good start to your week. I'm waking up this morning to pings at work after a long ass night of writing, so I'm waking a bit on the grumpy side. But my wife took the dog in for an appointment this morning, so that means she's bringing coffee on the way back. I've some pretty big news to share this week, so hold on to your butts.

Writing update:
Things are progressing well. I had a slight delay in September due to a pipe bursting in our home. We had to tear out the brand new carpet and pad we just put in our master bedroom. When it rains, it pours, I guess. But after getting all that fixed by a remediation company, I was able to get back on track of everything. Right now I am still planning to have Warhawk 2's alpha being finished by the first week of November. I have to have it in the editor's hand by November 7th. Lauren will take her typical four weeks for editing and then get it back to me. So we're looking like an early December release. I will upload a flurry of chapters this upcoming Sunday.

Art Update:
I cancelled a commission I had with a new artist because they were several weeks behind. They were at least professional enough to refund me my initial deposit. I'll be sourcing some more artists to try to get some upcoming covers out. In the mean time, Jclea will be working on character sheets for two of the "new" characters in Warhawk 2. Those will be coming out over the next few weeks. I'm also considering turning Monster girl gym into something like a light novel with some interior art. So, let me know if that's something you'd like to see.

Audio update:
Rebecca's recording of Aspect 4 has been delayed a few weeks. There was construction that happened near her studio, and if you know anything about audio recording, it's that ambient noise can be a killer. I'm supposed to start receiving files in the next week or so. Unfortunately, that means we're looking more like a November/December release instead of an October one. However, I'll share some snippets once I get them to hopefully make the wait a bit more bearable. I was thinking we could start doing listening parties in the discord if you guys would be into that? Let me know in the comments.

Life Update:
So here's the big news. After speaking with my CPA, getting my wife's support, and number crunching everything, I've confirmed the viability of jumping head first into full time authoring with a year long runway. And as of last Friday I have turned in my resignation at my job. However, this may or may not be an immediate change. The "suggestion" I have made to my company is to allow me to finish out my role through December, and pay me a severance after the first of the year. I'm honestly not sure how they'll respond. They could say "Fuck you Ajax, pack your bags and gtfo!" In which case, that's totally fine. That just means I can jump into things a little quicker.

So what does this mean?
This means more production. My plan is to ramp things up ten fold. The mental burden of my current job will no longer shackle me. At the start, I'll need to ramp things up to the point where the Ajax Lygan name is a staple in the genre. I'm shooting for a new book every 4-6 weeks. This seems doable if I am writing 5-6 days a week for 10 hours a day. It's just a shift in mindset, but one that I can easily accomplish. However, the last thing I want to do is suffer in quality for production. So this will be a balancing act and I will need all of you fine folks' input. If you see things wane, give me a shout. Looking at the greats like Bruce S, David B, and Ceb, I don't think this is going to be a problem. But you guys are my top fans, so be open and honest with me about how things are going.

Right now, I am getting affairs in order to make all of this happen. I've already signed a contract to put my editor on retainer for all of next year. This means I won't have to wait on her and will give me additional flexibility if I want to take more time with a book. However, I still need to work on similar agreements with various artists, typographists, and narrators. On the last part, I will be sourcing some new narrators. For those of you who are fans from "A Romp." I'm looking to pull the male voice actor, and a few of the female voice actors from that side of the house to bring with me into the fold. They would be my "B" team for Rebecca and whatever male narrator she choices. She's got a lot of work from podium so unfortunately, she won't be able to prioritize this kind of volume. I'll be starting this B team on the monster girl gym book. So you'll get a sample from them in the upcoming months. I'll be hosting auditions, so I'll get everyone's input on your favorites

How does this change my goals for 2023?
With just about everything I do, I am shooting big. So this is what I am aiming for:
-8-10 releases with no compromises on quality. If anything, it should increase given it becoming my focus.
-An orange tag - Basically an Amazon number 1 seller in a particular category
-1000 reviews on a single novel with at least a 4.5 star rating.
-A book that reaches top 500 in the store (Warhawk hit ~950)
-Do at least one con appearance. Either gen con or dragon con.

Woo, that was a lot, but I hope you all are as excited as I am. Let me know what your thoughts are on all the news. And as always, I hope you all have a wonderful week ahead!



There is a lot to digest from all that. The first thing that comes to my mind is requesting severance pay. Like, I have done my fair share (and am still doing my fair share) of work force stuff. Not once have I ever considered severance as even a thing. It just sounds ballsy as fuck. Like honestly? If I were a major company, why would I pay out extra for an employee that is quitting? Wait... One sec. Severance would suggest that you are "retiring" right? Like, it's a package your company gifts upon doing x amount of years of faithful service and here is this to aid you in your final 20 years of life. That in itself raises another potential dialogue. "Well haven't you filled your 401k? It isn't our problem if you haven't been doing that." I am now presuming that a severance is something only available if the company themselves are big enough to have an account dedicated to strictly retirement as a potential perk. One that would require being qualified for? How long have you worked for your company? I'd imagine that is the primary thing that is considered before awarding you this. I don't know. Sorry for getting hung up on it. I will let it be. As for the other stuff in production or plans for production. Super stoked to get more episodes of A Romp. With that said. All content that you publish? I am only going to purchase the audio "aspect" of what you make available as a final product. Which is an awesome segue into Monster Girl Gym. Making it something that will have art amongst the text is a great idea and I totally support it. And I am in no position to make demands but hopefully that same art will be made available for us audiophiles. Lastly, in college, during my failed attempt at a master's degree. I took a course in sound engineering for movies and video games. I totally get why construction would put a chink in the recording process. So if Aspect 4 is pushed back another month? Might I suggest aiming for November 18th? That's my birthday and I will be turning 40. I am merely suggesting but of course I wouldn't want quality to be sacrificed. It would be a swell Christmas present too. Anyway, I am excited all the same. Sounds as if you are getting the chance to choose a journey on your terms rather than simply going on one out of circumstance and I wish you only the best.


Lots of good questions/thoughts so I will do my best to answer. When you reach a certain level of employment at a top software company, the perks/offers are a bit different. A lot of times these companies will offer you severance as a way to terminate your employment so there is no opportunity for lawsuits. For example, if I have someone who is on a poor performance plan, they are offered to just take the severance and leave or they are offered to stay and try to work through it. It's just how big companies work to remove any liability. My company has made a lot of changes I don't agree with that is preventing myself and my team to do our jobs. I am highly valued in my position. So I have a bit of an upper hand in negotiation because we are also in our most critical point of the year. They need me, I don't necessarily need them. So they can agree to my terms and I can stay, or they can say no thanks and I can leave. It never hurts to ask the question. Is it ballsy? Maybe. But the worst they can do is say no. I am leaving either way and it would be on good terms. I'm not retiring. I am putting in my resignation and they would be terminating me at a set date. It's basically an agreement to step away and they would be giving me a package for my years of employment. X number of weeks for X number of years that would be paid out in a lump sum on the date I would leave. So January 1 they would pay me for the next X number of weeks plus I would keep my benefits for 6 months. A win/win so why not ask? 401k has nothing to do with this outside of just being part of my overall compensation & benefits. And yes I have been filling it ;) Yup, as stated this more common place for big companies when you are in a highly needed position like myself. Again, I dont know what they will say. Is it unorthodox? Yes. But I am in a good position where they need me now, more than any other time of the year. I am an excellent performer. And offering severance is something the company already does. So hence my ask. All the art offered in the ebook for MGG or any other novel would of course be available to you all. That's why I have my deviantart page. I upload all the art I commission that is not partreon exclusive to be posted there. Unfortunately, I cannot commit to any specific date for Aspect 4's release because there are just too many variables. I don't know when Rebecca will be done, how many errors ill find she has to redo, or how long amazon will take to publish it. But I will do my best to try to get it to you all sooner rather than later. I know it's a bit soon, but happy early birthday :) Yup that's exactly it. It's going to be a fun journey. Thank you for being a part of it.


Extremely excited for you, well excited for all of us also. Awesome news.