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Hey all! I hope you had a good weekend. Just wanted to share a few updates on how things are going.

Last week was a bit of a wash when it came to progress. We're going into our busiest time of the year at work, and things are starting to spill over. I am currently looking for a new job to give me some better work/life balance so I can devote more hours to writing before I make the switch to full time. I am hoping to pick back up on the edits/writing this week.

Rebecca woods has started recording Aspect 4. I got to listen to the prologue and send some feedback to her. She'll continue sending me chapters over the next week or two, then edits, then we'll send it up to Amazon. I'll be sharing snippets like I always do and will have some keys to give away once the book goes live. I'll do another sign-up sheet like last time.

Thank you all who voted on the two MGG covers. It looks like the majority enjoyed the anime-esque style of novel for this which makes a lot of sense. It was more dynamic. 

Jary is working on a backlog of things I have commissioned her. On the docket are: two new pinups (bonus for the year), two new character sheets, and a new cover for the Queen's Jaeger.

So right now it's just carving out more time to focus on the Warhawk 2 and keep chipping away at it. I hope you all have a good week ahead!


Mation Amalga

It's that end of fiscal year panic. September is always an annoying month.

Yitzhak Brill

Totally feel that, September is the busiest time at my job too. Excited to hear about what you have planned when things slow down!