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Hey everyone! I hope you all had a good weekend. I wanted to share some updates as I head into the week.

Aspect 4:
I am currently waiting on editing to be completed by Lauren this week. Should be done by Friday. Beta's should also be done with their feedback this weekend as well. So I will be reviewing all the changes and suggestions, implementing them next week, and hopefully publishing by the end of the month. With those changes, I'll be publishing updated versions of books 1 and 2, putting them on the same editing standard of 3 and 4 plus the new covers. Ebook versions of 1-3 will go on sale with book 4's launch as well.

Warhawk 2:
The story is progressing well. I am at a point where I should be able to start uploading chapters this week. It won't be like Aspect 4 where I upload it all at once. They will trickle in since I'll have more time I can spend on editing since my deadline is a good way out. I'm hoping to have this wrapped up sometime in October, maybe sooner if I get some vacation time in September approved. 

Jclea is working on the second book recover. That should be the final cover from her for now. I'll be checking her schedule and looking to potentially do MGG's cover and some additional pinups. Holy is working on the cover for Queen's Jaeger, which will be coming, eventually. That's the one I have shared so far.

What's next?
Well, you all made it pretty clear what's coming next; Monster Girl Gym (title pending) will be coming after Warhawk 2. Depending on how well Warhawk 2 does is going to determine if Warhawk 3 will follow that one or I'll be moving onto Queen's Jaeger. Both of those titles have been at the edge of my brain for a while now, so I'm excited to dig into those next. 

On a personal note, I've spent a lot of time thinking about writing full time. That two weeks I spent in July made me realize how productive I am when I am only focusing on writing. My wife and I discussed it this week, and I got her support in giving this a shot. However, this isn't going to be something any time soon. We're likely going to have to downsize considerably and move somewhere where the cost of living is cheaper. However, the plan is to try to get it done in the next two years. I'm excited but also very nervous about this possibility. Hopefully, with your continued support, I can make this happen.

That's it for me this week. I hope you all have a good week ahead!



It’s great to see that you are feeling good about the future and are comfortable to contemplate a larger career.


I'm lucky I have tons of support around me. Appreciate you all pushing me to be better.

Yitzhak Brill

Really excited for your future here my man, I'm hoping things turn out well enough to make that option feasible for you both! Thanks for the update :)