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This will go live once I have the second cover finished. 




Damn that looks good


When I got E-mails of Aspect 4. I was like, "Oh shit. Can't even consider this until I start book one." I prefer listening to my books over reading them because I am a super slow reader and it is just easier for me to really lose myself in the content if I listen to it. Plus I spend 11 to 14 hours a day driving a Semi Truck between Utah and Missouri so... It is also the only way for me really consume my literature. I like the cover of Aspect 1 that I see on Audible and I have it bookmarked to purchase and download. So I plan to jump on this ASAP and try and get a better understanding as to why new cover art is necessary. Your new art looks awesome too. I just don't know the why and reason.


Hey David, totally understand that man. My preference is to listen to audiobooks too. The reason for the cover change is so that the art matches across all of the volumes. There are stylistic differences between all of them so I am having the artist that is doing book 4, redo the covers for 1,2, and 3.


Although it is difficult for me to compare the thumbnail I currently see on Audible to this image but I see very little change. My guess is in the faces? They are softer in expression? The thumbnail that I can't enlarge right now gives the impression of a harder, ridgid, intimidating and welcoming expression. The foxy lady in white fur also seems to have more detail in her expression. The head exaggerated the width more so than the new cover. But other than that, I don't really see the style difference.