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Wow it's June already. The days really seem to blur together. It's time for another Q&A.

This time I have questions for you all. Feel free to choose any or all:

Who is your favorite character and why?

What kind of character have you not seen that you'd like to see?

What genre of harem book would you like to see me write in the future?

What's your favorite kind of main character?



Oh thats a hard one. I like a bunch of characters for a whole lot of different reasons. If I had a gun to my head and was forced to pick one, anyone, doesn't matter who then id probably chose Dredd from the Judge Dredd series. Characters i like to see more often? Characters with more notable and life changing scars. Being lost limbs or burn scars etc. I belive scars and tattoos can be great tools to use to tell a small story and build character. Genre? Honestly don't know. I guess a philosophical one would be kinda funny. Each person binging a reposition of an ideology but to the extreme for comedic sense. I don't really know for that one lol Fav kind of main character. Depends on the story. But in general I like when a characters actions are beliveble. Like if I'm reading, watching, and or playing no matter what they do If I can belive thats the action they would do. Thats all I got


Favorite character would probably either be Emet Selch from FF14 (an over the top antagonist that has very human motivations even though he is anything but) or Auri from the Kingkiller Chronicles (a precious little magic school dropout that sees the world different from most people). (If we are talking about characters we would like to see in your books that we haven't seen) Maybe a person with physical characteristics that overtly hinder their natural abilities that got them a place in the group (i.e. a flier who is blind and doesn't have a sonar ability). Would like to see a post apocalyptic harem where people actually die. I get that most harem stories have a power fantasy aspect, but give me a story with stakes and relatable characters over an op mc anyday. Lastly, would like to see an MC (more of them in general) that knows they aren't the one with all the answers. In most stories, once the mc becomes semi-compitent, everyone just goes with what they say. Every leader should listen to their advisors. It's why they are there.