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Hey everyone! Feel free to post any lingering questions down below for this month's Q&A!



I always prep. If I am writing a new series, I spend about a month world building, creating character sheets, and getting resources for inspiration. Then I write an outline for the story. Make sure I have all the twists, turns, and plotlines in there. Only when I feel like I have a sufficient base to build from do I start writing.


feel free to ignore this if youve answered this but where or how do you get the inspiration for your stories, characters, your worlds?


This is a really complex question with not an easy answer. I mean the inspiration comes from everywhere: media I absorb, people I interact with, just life in general. However, most series starts with a simple concept idea based off of something i love. Warhawk, for example, was me wanting to write sci fi instead of fantasy. I wanted to try something different. I am a huge mass effect, star wars, and firefly fan so all of those played into it. I wrote Seb as a mechanic because I didn't want him to be uber powerful with space powers like Tempest was in the Aspect. I wanted to challenge myself.


However, I will say before I start a series I spend at least 3-4 weeks building everything. All of the factions, religions, characters, etc are written out before I start telling the story. Then I create a thorough outline of the story, what I want to get across, the tropes or arcs I want to hit. Only AFTER all of that is done do I start writing. Things tend to change as I write and come up with new ideas, but it's pretty close to what I have originally. Then beta feedback and editor feedback will tweak things even further.