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Hey everyone! I hope you are all doing well. Sorry that it's been a minute from me on providing updates. There are some rumors floating around among other authors and people supposedly leaving the genre. I've had a few people reach out to me and check in to make sure everything is okay (which I greatly appreciate!)

TL;DR - Things have been pushed back temporarily while I take care of some life stuff.

Long version:
Back in February, I was promoted at my work. This was obviously great for me and my career, but I vastly underestimated the additional time commitment. Instead of managing a team of engineers, I am now managing an entire department that supports our largest customers. It's been a struggle to have enough mental capacity at the end of the day to sit down and write. Writing pulls from my creative side but still takes a lot of mental fortitude away from me. Since I started this new position, it's just been a struggle to keep that up, so I have been limited to writing on the weekends.

Then in late February, my wife and I decided to sell our home. This has just taken time away from me, given that we have a lot of shit haha. We've been packing, throwing things away, and donating everything we can. Luckily our house sold quickly, but now we are trying to find something that we want. The market is vicious right now and things are selling same day, so it's been hard to find something new that we want. If we find something, we pretty much have to drop everything and go see it or it could be gone.

So that's where I am at right now. The above two things are taking a lot of my time right now. Once we've completed the move, I'll be able to focus a bit more and dedicate some time to writing. I'll likely take some vacation time and use that time to unpack and write. 

I also finished the updated outline for Aspect 4 (not sure if I told you all that already) and have been working on that one as well. So hopefully, I'll have two quick releases in late spring/early summer with Aspect 4 and Warhawk 2. 

I appreciate all of your continued support!


Yitzhak Brill

Glad to hear you’re doing okay (if a bit busy)! Keep on keeping on my man, we’ll still be here when you’re back to writing more regularly 🙂


I mean honestly we got a release within the last 6 months, most authors only crank one out one a year at best, tale care of ur stuff man don't worry about it