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Hey all,

I wanted to get everyone's thoughts here because I could use some fan input. As you've likely noticed, the Aspect 4 chapters just haven't been coming through like I have liked. Part of that is life stuff, but the majority of that is because every time I start working on it I am struggling to go back to that world. 

When I jumped from Aspect to Warhawk, it felt natural. Moving back, however, feels awkward and frustrating. It might be a sign that focusing on one series at a time is more ideal for me. Or writing in sci-fi and modern settings might be better for me. However, it's getting to the point where I have been unhappy with the story thus far and have restarted three times now based on my outline and chapters. And again, I am unhappy with what I have written.

So here is my conundrum: Do I keep mushing through with Aspect book 4? Or do I pivot back to Warhawk book 2 and start there? Either way, I'd like to finish something by March. Right now I am thinking about just stopping Aspect for now and coming back to it when I am done with Warhawk. 

Sorry for all the frustration all. 


Ryan Jones

Do what ever you need to do sir, I know that your stories are worth it. So go with your heart and entertain us :)


Warhawk has taken my interest I think as a reader that's where my focus is between the 2.