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Hey everyone!

I hope you all had a good weekend. It was a bit too short for me, but it was nice nonetheless. It's been a while since I have done one of these, but it's a new month, so I figured it was about time.

Writing Update:
Writing should pick back up this week. I am feeling a lot better and am in a good head space. Aspect book 4 is my primary focus, and I unfortunately missed the deadline of finishing in January given everything that was going on. So my plan is to try to finish this one off by the end of February. However, I want to let you all know I do have some more life stuff that might get in the way. We're currently planning on selling our home, so we will be prepping for that. I am hoping I can use the weekends to get everything done that's needed. Once we do actually sell, it might be a bit more chaotic, but I'll keep you all updated.

The sepix sheet has gone up today. I'm probably going to have AnSider focus on the orlindrians or morvula next. Holy is working on Syn's character sheet which will be the last character sheet for Warhawk's Amnesty. There will be future character sheets coming out as the series develops. J is working on the Aspect book 4 cover and it's expected to be completed in the next few weeks. Once she is done with that, she will be working on 8 pinups of the Aspect for this year's NSFW monthly art :)

Upcoming Works:
As I've taken some time off, I've decided that I want to focus on more fun stories. Warhawk was a blast to write and I want to continue with a lot of that fun that inspired as part of that story telling. As such, I am going to put Blackthorn on the back burner for now and bring up Inn Too Deep ahead of it. So here is the current project list:
-Aspect 4 (now)
-Warhawk book 2
-Inn Too Deep

That's it for me this week. I hope you all have a great week ahead!



Glad to hear! Thanks for the update, looking forward to your work.


I just finished Warhawk, it was great I can't wait to hear the next adventure. Take care, and keep up the great work.