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Hey all! I hope you had a good weekend. Here are some updates from me!

Writing Progress:
This has been really, really slow. Outside of the initial prologue, I think I've only put in a few hundred words. Not because I didn't want to, I just haven't had the time. The holidays are always the busiest time for my primary job, and this year has been the busiest it's ever been. Usually after cyber week things start to slow down, but unfortunately, they haven't. I think that's just the move to a more digital world over the last few years with everything going on. I thought I was going to get some decent writing time this past weekend, but I forgot I had my weekend shift with two twelve-hour days. Needless to say I am pretty tired this morning haha. Since I am coming up on my vacation starting this weekend, you should start seeing a lot more productivity from me then. 

I've been working a lot with the cover artists to get paperbacks done for the various series. After the first one went so well I thought the rest would come easy. Unfortunately, it's been a lot of back and forth so these are taking a bit longer as well. I think they are 99% there so hopefully these are available this week. Fingers crossed!

Warhawk's Amnesty Audiobook:
If you didn't see in the discord, WA's audiobook hit some snags. There was a PC that crashed and Rebecca & Will were worried they lost half the audiobook. After getting a new PC, they confirmed they were able to recover the files. They are currently rebuilding everything and making sure it's all good. I've listened through chapter 11 and there are some corrections to be made but I am hoping we can still get it out before the end of the year. 

For those of you that did not see the announcement, I've got a store open. You can buy prints if you'd like. Signed stuff will also be an option in the near future once the rest of the paperbacks are available. Here is the link: https://store.ajaxlygan.com

I've posted a wip cover of Inn Too Deep to test a new artist. I'm going to save that for a bit and add it to the queue. Yora's reference sheet is almost done. I think the artist only has one more part to add to it. It's different from the others, a bit more artist flavor. Hopefully, you all like it. AnSider is working on the sectorum reference sheet. Holy is working on the reference sheet for Nalla. I just posted a bunch of WIPs so check them out!

Current Long Term Queue (Always subject to change):
Aspect Book 4 (Feb '22) -> Warhawks Amnesty Book 2 (June '22) -> Blackthorn (Oct '22) -> Warhawk's Amnesty Book 3 (Jan '23) -> Inn Too Deep (Full Novel) (May '23)

That's it for me this week. I hope you all have a great week ahead!



Im super excited for some more space opera! Inn too deep will be interesting as well.


Yeah, I am pretty excited about the next WA book. It should be a fun adventure. I have some pretty fun ideas.