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Hey everyone! I hope you all had a pleasant weekend. It was a busy one for me. We had the launch for A Romp Across Iðna on Friday and then it was my wife and I's anniversary weekend. Not too much this week to cover but want to keep you all updated on the progress.

Writing Progress:
I spent most of last week preparing advertising and getting everything ready for A Romp's launch. I'm hoping to make some progress on Warhawk's Amnesty this week. I need to get back into my groove so I can start pumping out chapters for that series. With the bulk of A Romp's production out of the way, I can start focusing more of my time on this one.

Holy sent me the sketch for Saigra's art this week which I'll share soon. Just a reminder that her lewd art is scheduled for August. Chloe is busy working on the backgrounds for the standalone art pieces for Alyndra. They should be finished this week and when they are, I'll share those with you all. After those are completed, she'll be sending me the sketch for Kasta's character sheet.

Warhawk's Amnesty:
My plan is to focus on Warhawk this week. I'd like to get a couple of chapters done, time permitting, so I can get them over the Lauren. The plan is to release the finished and edited versions to the public for free on RR, Reddit, and AO3. Patreon will get access to finished self-edited and RAW versions at least three chapters ahead, minimum. I won't be holding them back or anything like that, so if I make some good progress and get even further, well hopefully that's just an incentive for people to continue to check out Patreon. I'd imagine I will slow down when I am prepping a new episode of A Romp, but we'll see how things shake up.

A Romp Across Iðna
This week we launched episode 1 to the public and episode 2 to Patreon. Episode 3 will be coming to divine and up members in the next week or so. Next month will see the public release of episode 2, and everything will trickle down further. So far the reception has been very positive, and I am thrilled at what we have put together. I am in discussions with other VA's about roles coming up this season, and will hopefully have more to share with you on that in the upcoming weeks. If you haven't already done so, please share this series if you feel comfortable doing so. The more eyes we get on it, the more fans we build, the better shot we have a shot at continuing this long term. 

That's it for me this week. I hope you all have a wonderful week ahead.



Congratulations for your anniversary :) and good to know about the positive reception. Looking forward to the first chapter of Warhawk's Amnesty!