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Hey everyone!

I hope you all had a good weekend. Mine was not as fun as I would have hoped, thanks to doing two twelve-hour shifts over the weekend. However, I'll have a long weekend coming up this week thanks to some PTO and the July 4th weekend. Let's jump into this week's progress update.

Writing Progress:
The third and final (?) chapter of Inn Too Deep was released on Patreon today. I've sent the three chapter's to Lauren to get copyedited and then it will be sent off to Marcus Sloss who is coordinating the Dukes of Harem Anthology. It's always a good feeling of completing a piece of work, no matter how large or small. Feel free to give me your feedback on this short. Did you like it? Would you like to see more of Frederick and his companions? 

Next for me is to finalize Warhawk's Amnesty's plot outline this week and start writing some chapters. My hope is to knock out a couple of chapters this week since I have a long weekend ahead, and I want to get some chapters uploaded to Amazon Vella before the platform goes live mid/late July. I'll also be working on the next few scripts for A Romp but more of that in a bit. 

Holy has sent us the WIP for Ella. Thanks to her speed of finishing A Romp's main art, next month will come with two NSFW arts. Adalina's pinup, which is the same as the cover, and then Ella's lewd scene. We're also scheduled to get Alyndra's character sheet by the end of the month.

A Romp Across Iðna:
I'm not sure what it is about the Erami role, but I'm pretty sure it's cursed haha. We're having to do a last-minute recast because the quality was once again not at the level we expected. We're redoing our interview process and no longer holding auditions. Going forward, we're only reaching out to proven people in the industry, and having Bosh validate the audio before we exchange any payment. The good news is that we've already talked to several very well known NSFW VA's who are interested in the role and sent in auditions. We're waiting for one more which we should have by tomorrow. Bosh has already completed the rest of episode 2, so we're still on schedule for the July 8th release for episodes 1-3.

I am currently toying with the idea of releasing two episodes at the start, just to build up a bit more hype. This means that come July 8th we would only have one episode extra for Patreon, however, we would release another episode in July to keep up with the +2 episodes for Patreon that we would commit to. This means in August, you'd get episode 5 when episode 3 releases to the public. I haven't settled on the idea, but episode 1 is a bit of a slow start. It doesn't sell the action/adventure which starts in episode 2. Once we have episode 2 up, you'll have to let me know what you think about that idea, and if you haven't shared your opinion on episode 1, please do so!

That's it for me this week. I hope you all have a great week ahead. Oh, and quick reminder, we will be having our monthly Q&A this Friday July 2nd. Just like last time, I'll be creating a thread and will be answering questions from the community.


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