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After the sudden passing of your father, you embark on an adventure to search for answers around your father's death and discover the mysteries of an amulet you found locked away in a hidden compartment of his chest. The night before you depart, you finalize the remaining paperwork of the sale of your estate and say goodbye to your childhood friend, Freyna. This is the start of your adventure.

Episode 1 cast:

Narrated by: Rebecca Woods

Father and Sheriff Montigue performed by: BoshidoBlasta

Freyna performed by: LadyEliseVA

Audio production by: BoshidoBlasta

Written and produced by: Ajax Lygan




A volume adjustments would still be nice on the internal player. Its a bit irritating at first that you cant hear the MC but it gets better and depending on the answers from the other party i can get a good general direction for what he said. But there is room for interpretation and i don't know how close you want us to guess correct. So its gonna be hard for you to create unambiguous answers. Freynas "goodbye" was pretty nice. The sounds contribute a lot to the general feeling of the action that takes place. Its more than usually used in audiobooks but i like it. LadyEliseVA and BoshidoBlasta did a great job! No complains here. And Rebecca Woods was incredible as always! By the way she was the best choice possible for The Aspect! =)


Hugo! Thank you very much for the feedback. I agree on the volume adjustment. When these are public there will be one. I'll have to figure out if there is a way I can post these using something other than Patreon's internal player. Interpretation is fine, it's "your story" so I personally think that's a good thing for the audio rather than you hearing someone speak your words. Good to know about the SFX, this is good feedback. I'll make sure to let Bosh, Elise, and Rebecca know you enjoyed their performances. Again, really appreciate the feedback and hope you continue to enjoy the series!