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Hey All,

I hope you all had a good weekend. Let's jump into this week's update.

Writing Progress:
Inn Too Deep chapter 2 is live for patrons. I will start working on chapter 3 tonight and should be done with the short this week. I hope everyone is enjoying the story thus far. It definitely makes me want to spin this off as its own slice of life series, but I'll have to think on that. Once I am finished with this short, I'll be working on the first couple of chapters for Warhawk's Amnesty. My hope is to have at least 5 chapters up before Vella goes live which should be mid-to-late July.  I'll also be working on more scripts for A Romp Across Iðna, but more of that in a little bit.

Everyone has hopefully seen our second lewd art from Holy, featuring Riika. She's continuing down the line with Ella next followed by the rest of the cast. Chloe will have Alyndra's character sheet completed this month, so we should hopefully have two arts before the end of the month. That's not going to be the norm, just how the backlog is scheduled. I will present the next WIPs as I get them, however, going forward the plan is to release 1 NSFW art per month. That way we have a ton of art for the upcoming months. The bad news on the art side is that the cover of A Romp Across Iðna has been delayed from the artist. I am hopeful they will have it finished by the end of the week.

A Romp Across Iðna:
We had quite a bit of change last week. We had to do some recasts, redo some lines, and get some new music. Here is the updated cast as of today:

-Narrator: Rebecca Woods
-Your father and Sheriff Montigue: Boshidoblasta
-Freyna: LadyEliseVA
-Lady Raxa: EndymionVA
-Erami: VoiceLikeCandy
-Talia: JustTheQueenie - May change will know tomorrow
-Adalina: KB
-Audio Engineer: Boshidoblasta
-Written and Produced: Me

As we've made strides to completing the first episode, we've enhanced the experience further by adding more music, sound effects, and more. I've spent hours on the calls with the team this week, listening to samples, suggesting edits, and helping provide guidance where needed. While it is a huge time commitment, it's been a complete blast putting this project together with so many wonderful people. I may be biased, but I think you all will be very pleased. 

Episode 1 should be done in the next few days, and you will all get to experience it here first before it goes live in July. This will be a great opportunity to hear your thoughts, get your feedback, and hopefully get you pumped for the next episodes in the series. If this is received well among you all, then I plan on committing to doing at least one full season of 10-12 episodes. Just remember, if this thing takes off, I have outlines for at least two seasons, and can expand the story further. I have a lot of really cool ideas I'd love to do. Your feedback will be crucial, so please keep an eye out later this week. I am very optimistic about this project, but due to the high expense of it, I need to play everything smart. 

That's it for me this week. I hope you all have a wonderful week ahead!


Yitzhak Brill

I love the idea man! I really hope this pays off for you in some aspect. It's risky for sure, but it's some of the most creative stuff I've seen from the haremlit sphere lately. Even if this doesn't prove profitable, you've still created something special here and I'm grateful for what we're able to get!


I appreciate the kind words man. I'm super excited to show you all. Based on my experience with other podcasts and stuff, the potential is there. We've got all the plans in place to make this really successful but it will be up to the market to decide. I'm very hopeful. To your point, while I'd love it to be a breakout success, I'll be happy we created something really cool.